Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The 'Skin Gun'

Jumping. Jehosephat. When we talk about 'the Future', THIS is what we are referring to: using knowledge that we've had for decades and using it to contribute to the betterment of medicine. This National Geographic video shows the 'Skin Gun', a practically brand new invention that uses healthy stem cells grafted from a healthy part of a patient's skin to 'spray paint' over damaged or burned skin. The result is a healing process that is almost less than a week elapsed. Inventions like this are exciting because they show the extent of our handle on technology, but disappoint me because this kind of innovation has definitely been around for a while. The whole 'stem cell debate' has been drawn out too long at the expense of scientific discovery and medial breakthroughs. Now that the regulations on stem cell research have loosened up a bit, I'm anxious to see where all this research goes. If we get anything comparable to the 'skin gun', then 'the Future' should be a lot brighter.