Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Cool Stuff

Singing Telegram: The Notorious B.I.G. - Ten Crack Commandments

What's up people? Today's Singing Telegram is a bit different from the usual. It's not an actual song, but a poetry reading of a song. As normal as it sounds, the reading is done by Adrien Brody, who, up until this point was unbeknownst to me as a Biggie fan. At the Academy of American Poets, Brody recites the late Christopher Wallace's '10 Crack Commandments', citing Biggie as one of 'the most influential poets of his generation'. I can't disagree with him, though I do question whether he did this out of genuine respect, or to see the shocked faces in the crowd. I'll tend to believe the latter, especially as '10 Crack Commandments' is one of my favorite songs, and a pretty good instruction manual when dealing in any type of business. I've taken the liberty of explicating each of Biggie's edicts in much more general terms. It might be better served than spitting them free-form in front of poetry buffs. Listen along, so you get the full effect of these powerful rules.

The Notorious B.I.G. - Ten Crack Commandments

The Ten Crack Commandments:

1. Don't let anyone know what kind of or how much money you possess. There are, at every turn, jealous crooks waiting to steal it from you, whether in courts or on corners. Broadcasting your ends also makes it easier to track and audit them. You don't want the IRS barking up your tree.

2. Keep your plans and movements to yourself. No one likes to have their grand schemes interrupted by gunfire, much less another opportunist running away with your ideas. Additionally, telling more people gives way to the plan losing its general profitability. Too many heads on the bottle makes everyone go thirsty.

3. Don't trust anyone. Anyone has the propensity to double-cross you in the chase for material wealth. Make sure the people you keep around you are trustworthy and strong-minded, so as not to compromise your operation.

4. Avoid shrinkage. Whether it's bean pies, sneakers, stocks or rocks, don't allow your business to be cut into by your vices. Business and pleasure aren't two things that should live together, especially if your business is pleasure.

5. Don't do business where you lay your head. It's a sticky situation waiting to happen if your customers or enemies see you taking showers, watching the game, and selling your wares out of the same location. Not to mention, in the event that your domus is public knowledge, you'll see a spike in how many people you have hanging around. Keep a low profile in person, and habitat.

6. Don't do credit. Cash transactions were the creation of needing a medium for when bartering just didn't do the trick. It's a quick standard that always gets the job done. Credit does nothing but complicate things, especially when it's time to collect.

7. Mixing family and business is almost never a good look. The Godfather trilogy, songs with Beyonce and Solange... the list goes on. If it must be done, keep the circle as small as possible. Think Will Smith and his clan.

8. Don't ever keep your product on you. Police, government regulators, and greedy acquaintances will always find a reason to shake you down. You'd rather not give them any reason for suspicion.

9. Stay away from police. The funny thing about the boys in blue is that they are never around when they need to be, and always around when you want them gone. Don't entertain their witty banter or war stories, much less engage them in an argument. Not only will it arouse the suspicion of your competitors, you're more likely to be implicated if you slip-up.

10. Consignment is a hard thing to juggle. If you're not well-seasoned in your business, buying without the means to pay it back is essentially systematic debt. Rather than bite off more than you can chew and risk losing it all, remember this: slow and steady wins the race. Build your empire, until you are the one people are coming to for ends.

DOUGH Donuts

Props: Emilio Sparks

I pride myself on being a fat kid at heart. In fact, if you follow me on Twitter (@EvWasLike) you know my almost addiction-like love for all things bacon. My other food weakness is definitely donuts, though, Krispy Kreme to be exact. Yet, they might have some competition on the horizon with DOUGH Donuts in Brooklyn cooking up hand-made confectionary sins fresh every day. In the above video, the head chef Fany Gerson describes the process for making their siganture Dulce de Leche donut topped with almonds, among other original donuts. If you have a love of foodgasms, then I highly suggest a stop here. Gerson works on her recipes for months, with even more testing, so you know they're good money. Honestly, watching this is making my stomach want to secede from the rest of my body. I'm about to go find me some grub. You guys enjoy the video...

'Virgin Oceanic' Mission


Whoever said money can't buy you an unlimited canvas to paint your wildest dreams was clearly out of their cotton-picking, cubicle-working mind. Richard Branson does that every single time he comes public with another one of his outlandish expeditions, projects and expeditions, boldly going where no civilian is technically allowed. On this episode of 'You're Mad You're Not as Rich as Me' Branson has unveiled his pet project of the deep seas, the Virgin Oceanic project.

Branson's company has built two custom underwater crafts: a one-man submarine, and a catamaran that will serve as the docking station for the sub. The submarine apparently has the capability to dive to the deepest parts of the world's five oceans, and through the Virgin Oceanic mission, will attempt to do so. It will not only be the first initiative to try a one-manned expedition, but also completely privately-funded. I suppose Branson got tired of base-jumping and would rather duel with the threat of 13 million pounds of water pressure bearing down on him. Despite his random thrill-seeking, this a pretty cool initiative. The video and other data collected will be ahead of their time. Makes you wonder why Branson isn't hob-knobbing with governments a little more. Check out a video trailer of the two watercrafts, both setting sail later this year...

Respekk: Virgin Oceanic

Kinetic Architecture

This is quite possibly one of the coolest things I've seen in a while. Seriously. The good people over at Yanko Design introduced the Kinetower, a new build for skyscrapers that utilizes sunlight to transform a building from a traditional straight-up structure to something of a flower. The Kinetower uses a material that is rigid as high grade steel when taut, but flexible when loose. The result is a building that can open itself up to sunlight and wind, meaning a much more energy-sustainable structure. Rather than using man-made electricity, solar and wind energy can be utilized for a building that essentially powers itself. The applications for this design are endless, and with a premium being placed on 'green', I wouldn't be surprised to see the Kinetower in the works somewhere soon. Hopefully the US will get its head on straight and order a bunch of these. Check out some more renderings of the Kinetower after the jump...






Crisis in Egypt

Source:http://www.onlineclasses.netEgyptian Revolution
Click on the graphic to

What's this? Another infographic? Yes indeed, friends. More infographics than you can shake a leg at today. Excuse the ridiculous size of this one (HTML and I are sworn enemies today), but pay close attention to what it's dealing with. The political crisis in Egypt has taken the world by storm by juxtaposing the political and economic ideologies of the West with the religious cultural shift going on in Middle Eastern countries as of late. The above infographic is not only a timeline of the conflict in Egypt, but also an analysis of Mubarak's tenure as the President of Egypt. While this graphic cannot display every minute detail of the crisis, it's helpful to get a generalized view of the situation. Lord knows this is the most objective information that most Americans will ever get on the situation...

The Political Reach of Sarah Palin

Source: Online CollegesOnline Colleges - Sarah Palin

One of the best things to come out of this 'social media era' is the rise of celebrities born of this era. One such 'celebrity' (clearly I'm using the term loosely) is the probable Republican candidate for the 2012 Presidential Election, Sarah Palin. Now, we won't get into how much I loathe that woman, or hope she would fall into an Alaska-sized ravine of broken glass and AIDS needles. That would be profane and distasteful. Instead, we're going to take an objective look at the political reach of Ms. Palin, how she's gotten that reach, and who is included in that reach. The above infographic gives a history of Palin's life, who she's endorsed politically, and even her most used words. I can admit, I didn't even know some of these things about her. If you need some fodder for your budding Sarah Palin hatred complex, look no further...

Real Life Mario Kart

I've been waiting for this since my Nintendo 64 broke in 2001. Mario Kart is an all-time great game and a personal favorite of mine simply because of how addicting and how extensive of a game it is. Videographer Freddie Wong decided to take his video game addiction a step further and make a real-life version of Mario Kart, complete with those pesky turtle shells, the stars, speed arrows and that annoying ghost that would take forever to put you back on the track after you were knocked off. Thanks to some good video editing and CGI, it's actually a pretty nice video. Now if only we could get the same thing going for Sonic the Hedgehog... *dream clouds appear*

The 'Skin Gun'

Jumping. Jehosephat. When we talk about 'the Future', THIS is what we are referring to: using knowledge that we've had for decades and using it to contribute to the betterment of medicine. This National Geographic video shows the 'Skin Gun', a practically brand new invention that uses healthy stem cells grafted from a healthy part of a patient's skin to 'spray paint' over damaged or burned skin. The result is a healing process that is almost less than a week elapsed. Inventions like this are exciting because they show the extent of our handle on technology, but disappoint me because this kind of innovation has definitely been around for a while. The whole 'stem cell debate' has been drawn out too long at the expense of scientific discovery and medial breakthroughs. Now that the regulations on stem cell research have loosened up a bit, I'm anxious to see where all this research goes. If we get anything comparable to the 'skin gun', then 'the Future' should be a lot brighter.

Solar Death Ray

Forget DARPA and their supposed 'futuristic weapons'. They take decades to do everything, unlike this 19-year-old teen from Indiana who made his own very own death ray for $90, using nothing more than a traditional satellite, 5800 little square mirrors and the power of the Sun! *cue Birdman theme music* When its one-centimeter heat spot is focused correctly, the 'death ray' sets fire to anything in its sights, which is impressive for some kid in his backyard. At the end of the day, it's a nice way to mess with your neighbors. Definitely time to scheme on one of these for the summer...

Video Games vs. Real Life


The line between the real and fantastical is something that I ponder on the daily. If not because I love video games, then because our world is oftentimes too rooted in what is real and what isn't. Thus, I always wonder what would happen if the portal between the video game world and ours was somehow opened in a Space Jam-esque phenomena. That is the inspiration for designer & illustrator, Aled Lewis' project Video Games vs. Real Life. Lewis takes some classic video game characters from early video game-dom (sp?) and juxtaposes them with where they would probably end up if given a shot at real life. See if you can name any of the characters after the jump...









3 Minutes

The day that light sabers become a standard in combat, is the day I will be first in line waiting to unleash the Dark Side of the Force on an unwitting adversary. Such is the premise of this short movie, 3 Minutes. I won't divulge exactly what goes on in the 3 minutes, aside from it is action-packed and involves the use of light sabers in an industrial park. The Ross Ching-directed short film was shot using a Canon 5D Mark II and the Canon 7D, which explains the crazy picture quality for a non-professional movie. Honestly, talk won't suffice for this bad boy. Check it out and decide whether you can handle 3 minutes...

The Transforming Motorcycle

Yes, yes people!! The 'Future' is coming, complete with laser vision, dehydrated food and transforming vehicles!! Okay... So the first two are nowhere near fruition, but the last one is shown in the above video. The Uno Transformer made its debut at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show, and features the capacity to transform from a triple-wheeled unicycle to a sleek two-wheeled motorcycle. The Uno uses a gyroscope to balance itself and does its transformation while accelerating for maximum stability and speed for its small frame. It's completely electric-powered, meaning you won't have to break your bank, and lets out zero-emissions, meaning it's 'green' by default. The only thing that the Uno's design sacrifices is horsepower, clocking in at a top speed of 35 MPH. You won't blow by the Ducatti's and Kawasaki's, but you'll definitely look cool doing it. Check out the BPG Uno III in action.


I know I'm not the only frequent NYC Subway rider who wonders exactly what the tracks, tunnels and rails look like outside of the train. These guys, street historian Steven Duncan and videographer Andrew Wonder, got to see just that in their expedition in the belly of the beast known as the Subway. Armed with a Canon 5d Mark II camera, an LED flashlight and a ridiculous knowledge of the inner workings of a rapid transit system, Duncan visits numerous train stations (abandoned and functioning), and runs amok in the tunnels, all while dodging trains, transit workers and cops, and the deadly third rail. Duncan sees everything from decade-old graffiti to a bunch of tunnel-dwelling citizens, some of whom had lived in the Subway tunnels since the 80s.

The most interesting part of the documentary is Duncan talking about some of the penalties for getting caught trespassing, and seeing him maneuver around the Subway tracks and restricted areas, even while people are in plain view. He even shows the viewer New York City's first sewer at Canal Street on the trip, going in a manhole. My question is, how in the world does one become an urban historian, or know about some of these places, without having nearly died a few times? I'm guessing he's done this before, as Duncan alludes to being in Paris and getting caught trying to climb the Cathedral at Notre Dame. Although, this really piques my interest, it's a bit too crazy for me, especially when you think about the smell. Either way, Duncan's journey is visually stunning for those of us curious about the workings of the city's underworld. Too bad he didn't catch any of the sewer dwelling alligators... or the mole people. I'd actually pay to see those...

PS: All you Brooklyn people are going to love the end.

Robot Waiters

I never thought I'd see the day... Well actually, yes I did. Prophesying an 'I, Robot'-esque scenario aside, this is pretty cool. At Dalu Robot Restaurant, a hot pot joint in China, you'll never have to tip your waiter or worry about him spitting in your food. The restaurant owner also doubles as the proprietor of a robotics firm, so he decided to mix the two. The robot waiters drive around the restaurant on tracks and use radar and magnets to maneuver. I'm not going to lie. It's a bit creepy at first, and isn't as comprehensive, as you still have to take the food off the trays. Still, it's a fun change for those of us looking for some tech in their eating experience...

Word Lens

For all of you iPhone-using jet-setters, here's another reason that I'm slightly jealous that I don't have one. This new free app called Word Lens, in laymen's terms, is a visual translator. The Word Lens uses a technology called augmented reality to visually transpose translated text onto the iPhone screen. Things like this make me believe that we're not too far from virtual reality being a feasible thing. In fact, it's better off being seen than told. Check out the video, and be happy if you've got an iPhone... for once.

Merry Kicksmas

Okay, so it's not even Black Friday, but we all know that in this consumerized (I love making words up) age, the Holidays come earlier every year, even if they fall on the same day. That said, it's time for the cornucopia of commercials, deals, fliers and other regalia that remind us to go shopping and screw our credit scores even more. Even with the ills of the holiday season, there are some memorable spots showing up. This particular one is by the good people at Foot Locker. The Christmas season brings a host of new sneaker releases for our feet mouths to water at. We might not always be able to come up with the means to purchase them, so resorting to other methods is always a fresh thing. The 'Reindeer Hostage Plan' is something that I damn sure wish I'd thought of, especially when I got a look at Santa's face at the end. Check out the commercial and start hatching your own plots for Christmas domination...

John's Phone (The Anti-Smartphone)


When was the last time you used your phone for nothing more than calling someone? My guess is never, especially considering I can't remember the last time I haven't been doing a bajillion and one things at the same time on my phone. Mobile phones have become somewhat of a brain-sucker over the past 10 years, turning people into zombies for 4-inch screens, texting and apps. What would happen if we just reverted back to the simple concept of a telephone on a mobile phone?

Well the good people over at Dutch design firm John Doe are doing just that, releasing a device called John's Phone, which is a mobile phone with... just a phone. No texting, no apps, no games, no cool sounds. Just a phone. If you're wondering where all of the contacts go, then simply flip John's Phone around to reveal a handy, dandy NOTEBOOK. There's also a slide-out keyboard pen to write addresses, phone numbers and notes in said notebook. In terms of a display, the only visible one is a slim band at the top of the phone designating whether the phone is on or not, the batter life and who is calling you. Finally, John's Phone uses SIM cards, so you can interchange between carriers. All in all, for the minimalist, this is probably a savior. If you're like the rest of us, then John's Phone will be nothing more than a nice gift or conversation starter. At the same time, it's fun to think about what life would be like without these data-rich bricks we carry around with us. Check out a video of John's Phone in action...

Lost in Sofa by Daisuke Motogi Architecture


Have you ever lost something in the sofa? Take a second and think about all of the things you've lost to the couch. Now, have you lost something in the sofa on purpose? Few people can really answer positively to the second one, much less think of a time when losing something in a couch has been convenient... Until now. The good folks at Denzeen put me on to a new design of a couch that literally eats everything. The design features a bunch of upholstered cubes that can fit things into the grooves. Honestly, I wouldn't mind an entire living room of furniture like this, though this particular prototype is a one of one. Check out some more pictures...




araabMUZIK Promo Visuals

Musical talent has so many different avenues that what can be considered talent by most is nothing more than a party trick for others. I'm hoping that no one will think the latter after watching araabMUZIK's promotional videos. The man has been producing beats for Cam'ron, Dip Set and the rest of their affiliates for the past few years, so he's no stranger to a little bit of fame. At the same time, I've yet to see a man use a synthesizer as masterfully as he does. Whereas most people think in words or numbers, it's almost as if araabMUZIK thinks in music. Take a look at how much of a blur his hands are over the boards. I really hope araabMUZIK gets a chance to showcase his talents on a wider scale with more artists, but with performances like these, it's hard to see him being a secret for much longer...

Hip-Hop's Basketball Team

Basketball and hip-hop culture are damn near brothers cousins... Well, they're just related, very closely. Since the late 1980's hip-hop lore has laced the hardwood through players, teams, the gear that those entities wore and the music going along with them all. Movies like White Men Can't Jump, Above the Rim, Hoop Dreams, He Got Game (and sadly Like Mike) feature hip-hop music and culture centered around hoops. Rappers and ball-players have notable friendships and romantic relationships (RIP Trina and Kenyon Martin). Ballers like Shaq, Allen Iverson and sadly Kobe Bryant ventured into hip-hop, attempting to capitalize on their fame in the opposite arena. But what about rappers who try their hand at basketball? Dear Whoever now examines those (literally) crossover artists, putting together a team of the best rappers ternt ballers, and who would make the cut on hip-hop's basketball team. Who did I miss? Would your squad be able to go up against mine?

Honorable Mentions:
Mike Jones
Slim Thug
Lil' Flip

Cam'Ron & Ma$e

We all know Cam and Ma$e from their days rapping together as a part of the Harlem collective 'Children of the Corn'. Little do most people know that Killa Cam and Murda Ma$e didn't meet through rap, but because they were childhood buddies that played basketball together in high school. In this clip, you see Cam putting on a show for a high school championship game, with Ma$e making a cameo. If I had to start a team, Cam would have to be the point guard and main playmaker with the way he gets into the lane and finishes...

The Game and Snoop Dogg

California, and most notably, Los Angeles are a hot bed for rap and basketball talent. Brandon Jennings and Jrue Holiday aren't the only ones making knees buckle, though. Uncle Snoop and his nephew the Game both draw crowds whenever the step onto the hardwood (pause). The Cali duo do some damage against one another in this charity tournament. Snoop wows the crowd with some well placed handles, while the Game takes athleticism into his game, doing some high-flying layups and put backs. Sure, Snoop is older than basketball and Game brings little else to the table, but every squad needs role-players...


Al-Quaeda Jada is already hoops-famous in my book for his forays into basketball stardom with Allen Iverson in the early 2000s (two of my favorite basketball commercials here and here). But who knew the Yonkers representative could ball like this? And at an actual tournament to boot? Jada makes some quick fans here, balling out of control with Nate Robinson on his team. How does A-HCHAAAAAAHHH!! *Jadakiss voice* sound as a team battle cry?

Joell Ortiz

Joell Ortiz is a heavyweight on the mic. That's no secret. Being a heavyweight on the court doesn't always make for good basketball though. Joell disproves that notion in this video, putting the shakes on a few unlucky cats who thought it would be hilarious to see the Brooklyn MC take on the roundball. Joell shows he knows how to pull off the pick-and-roll seamlessly, driving to the net and LeBron-ing some hooper straight into a chorus of OOOOOOOHHHHHH's. Any man that can control his weight in motion like that can definitely be on Dear Whoever's squad.

Chris Brown

Okay, so Chris Breezy isn't a rapper. He's as likely to get killed in a verse than he is in domestic abuse court (is it too early to make jokes about that?). That doesn't mean that the R&B swooner can't hold his own up against some of And 1's best. And that he does, crossing up one of the streetballers for a nice layup... Only to get the ball stripped when he tries to pull off a next level move. That's okay for Chris, though. He gets the nod on Dear Whoever's team simply for making Bow Wow rethink his then-aspirations to play basketball professionally. The below video is an ironic microcosm of how play can mirror work perfectly. RIP to Bow Wow... and his layup.