Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Readers


Soooo, this is actually the first time I've written a letter to you, the people who read Dear Whoever. I didn't do anything to celebrate the blog's 2-year anniversary, so I suppose it's high time I did something different. It's actually kind of difficult to word this without sounding corny, no matter how refreshing it is. Whatever the case, here goes nothing:

Thank you for continuing to rock with Dear Whoever. It's been over two years since I started this blog as themailmancame.blogspot.com, with an angry diatribe berating my alma mater for all of the random trivialities that irked me at the time. I wasn't sure why I decided to write about it (online, albeit), but I'm glad I did. Dear Whoever has given me a consistent outlet to broadcast all those random ruminations about and reactions to life that one might not get. I started this out with the intention of becoming an elevated sneaker and music blog, but it's elevated to more of a quasi-personal series of open letters and random writing dealing with music, politics, social issues and general buffoonery. That it's not 'your typical music/fashion/whatever blog' is one of the things that keeps me writing and looking for content to write about. As I've gone on in school, yes, it's been hard to write multiple times a day like I did in the beginning, but somehow I end up coming back, which I'm thankful for.

I suppose this letter was more mushy/retrospective than I intended. But one can't help but get all nostalgic when they look back and see a history and a progression of the writing they've done over two years. That you, the readers, have seen this journey through with me is a feat in and of itself. That said, please please please continue to support Dear Whoever. Comment the posts so we can discuss. 'Like' it on Facebook, tweet it, e-mail it, RSS feed it. Do whatever you want to spread the word. I tweeted today that I don't write Dear Whoever because people are supposed to like it. I write it because I like to write. That you guys read it anyway is a blessing. I really hope my writing has sparked something in those hungry dome pieces of yours, because it's done that for me. And I'm sure I've got more letters and other cool stuff cooking up in mine, with a lot of surprises to come. Thanks again for keeping your mailboxes open...

P.S.: If you're a sports fan, make sure you check out some basketball articles I've been penning for Argue All Day, a Marcus Troy sports blog...