Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Eyes

The Eyeborg

This is just crazy, to say the least. Filmmaker Rob Spence, who lost his right eye in a shooting accident as a teenager has found a new way to bridge the gap between man and machine, and in an eerie way. He calls it the eyeborg and it is, simply put, a tiny digital camcorder embedded in his false eyeball. Spence found that people are much less receptive to speak freely and plainly with an actual camera in their faces (big surprise). That said, he founded the Eyeborg Project to make more movies using his eye-cam. The camera transmits directly to a computer, though it isn't directly connected to his brain, which would be incredible. Spence claims the mission of his eye, and the subsequent documentary are to raise awareness of constant surveillance in society and to get people talking unselfconsciously. I can't say that I disagree with his plan, but it's gonna be a bit creepy for people to see themselves on candid camera, when they thought they were just talking to a guy with a false eye. Guess it's a catch-22 either way. Check the video...

Tattooed Eyes??

If you're of faint heart, please move to the next post NOW. Then again, if you're into heavy body modification, this might be the post for you. Whatever the case, lifetime inmates in prison have begun tattooing the whites of their eyes as a 'final frontier' of body modification. The inmates will be getting disciplinary action for their tattoos, but at that point, who really cares? I'll tell you one thing: you wouldn't find any of that at OZ...