Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: France

Greetings From: Paris, France


Greetings from Paris, France, people, where IKEA decided to make rush hour a little bit more comfortable. As a part of a new marketing campaign, the Swedish home furnishings brand placed couches, chairs and other housewares against a homey backdrop in a Parisian subway station. Not that I'm against doing some good for the commuter population, but something like this would NEVER work in America, much less in NYC or Philly. Before most people could even see the couches, those things would either be covered in urine, graffiti or some other nastiness. If not that, then they would have been stolen or apprehended by some homeless person. Kudos to the French for being good citizens, but I definitely wish the same thing could go down across the pond...


