Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: Housewares

Lost in Sofa by Daisuke Motogi Architecture


Have you ever lost something in the sofa? Take a second and think about all of the things you've lost to the couch. Now, have you lost something in the sofa on purpose? Few people can really answer positively to the second one, much less think of a time when losing something in a couch has been convenient... Until now. The good folks at Denzeen put me on to a new design of a couch that literally eats everything. The design features a bunch of upholstered cubes that can fit things into the grooves. Honestly, I wouldn't mind an entire living room of furniture like this, though this particular prototype is a one of one. Check out some more pictures...




LED Coffee Table


This is either some kid's fantasy, or came straight out of an episode of Cribs. Customized Designs manufactures this coffee table which encases a 32-inch screen, and can be connected to any video input. The company also can build in underlights, as well as a netbook PC into the console with a bunch of pre-made background. Don't worry about scratches and water damage, because the glass is 1/4 inch think. All in all, a table like this would turn any living room into your favorite room, though at $1499, it's not a recession-buy. Check the video...

Yantouch Jellyfish LED Lamp


There are certain objects or products that just induce amazement, wonder, or hallucinations depending on who you ask. The Yantouch Jellyfish LED Lamp induces the former for me. It features a touchscreen that can go through the entire color spectrum, as well as adjusting the brightness to both extremes. Also, the lamp can do little light shows, either pre-programmed, or your own creation. Like I said before, this may induce hallucination based on who's using it, but for most of us it'll be another DOPE conversation starter. Check a video of the lamp in action...