Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: New Jersey

Greetings From: Edgewater, N.J.

Who knew black people weren't allowed in here??

via the Associated Press:
Police in northern New Jersey say a 14-year-old girl grabbed a supermarket microphone and announced, "All blacks leave the store."
The case is nearly identical to what happened on two occasions at a southern New Jersey Walmart.
Edgewater police say the new case is being investigated as a possible "copycat" situation. They say they were called after the girl made the announcement over the Whole Foods Market's public-address system Saturday afternoon.

Greetings from some random town in New Jersey, where Whole Foods is quickly becoming the place where people let their racial tension out. Though I really thought that store carried a different crowd, it's obvious that Edgewater has crossed the cultural Mason-Dixon line. After one 16 year old boy did the same, another 14 year old girl decided to politely ask the African-Americans in the store to leave. Is that really how we feel nowadays? If it was up to me, I'd make that little girl stand in front of the store and get stared at menacingly by every black person in the store. For most sheltered, ignorant, racist people, that's punishment enough, though her parents probably had a little more to say...