Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Rupert Murdoch

Dear Rupert Murdoch

If this picture doesn't sum it up, I don't know what does...

via Vanity Fair:
Rupert Murdoch is going to battle against the Internet, bent on making readers actually pay for online newspaper journalism–beginning with his London Sunday Times. History suggests he won’t back down; the experts suggest he’s crazy. Is he also ignoring his industry’s biggest problem?

We have a new tag on Dear Whoever. It's called 'the Man'. Everything I tag with this is talking about the prototypical rich white man behind every social, political, and economic injustice in today's world. Our first feature on 'the Man' concerns none other than you, Mr. Murdoch. You're the chairman and CEO of News Corporation, probably the biggest news conglomerate in the world. And now you're mad because people don't use any of your services anymore. FOX News has pretty much been exposed as a fraud and as ridiculously biased and the Daily News has less readers than a Tellytubbies blog. In fact, the only reason that you're not posted up at the soup kitchen is because Twentieth-Century Fox has been putting out blockbuster movies. And 75% of them are either remakes or superhero movies. But that's neither here nor there.

So you FINALLY realized that most people don't read physical newspapers anymore? It's about time. It's only been 30 years since newspapers went online (dead serious; check the source). You should feel a little stupid considering how much time and effort your company spends on research and development (we all know they spied on us on Myspace). Now you want to charge people to get onto ALL of your websites? You sound like the Internet Nazi. What good is ordering us to pay for your content, if we can get it pretty much anywhere elsewhere? So we won't have Myspace; no one worth their weight is still on that. Plus, any piece of news you have, I GUARANTEE the Times or the Economist has. Rupert, trust me, monetizing your stuff is the last thing you want to do. It'll ensure you that your service will not fly. You see what happened to music sales. The Record labels' pockets have been looking thinner since Napster got bagged. are If I know 'the Man' (and I do), then you don't want to be the next person to feel the recession...