Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Scarface

Scarface x 3rd Grade

In the back of your head, you can't help but think there's something seriously wrong with the events transpiring in the above video. Yet at the same time, there's something really, really clever about this 3rd grade production of Scarface. The cocaine is replaced with popcorn, the 'fucks' with 'fudges' and the real guns with NERF guns. I feel like a play of this sort is an interpolation of every Disney movie, Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network show, or cartoon character that had double meaning for the adults watching. Where the jokes would go over the kid's head, the adult would be laughing hysterical at a dirty quip. I suppose if the parents are cool with their kids re-enacting a violent, drugged-out cult classic, then so am I. Not to mention, the acting is pretty good for an elementary school play. The makeup, moustaches and Miami Vice-esque suits seal the deal for this production. Hopefully Shottas or Belly is up next, and I can see my favorite quotables being skewed for virgin ears...