Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Sprint

HTC EVO 4G for Sprint

Big #shoutout to Engadget for the video and flicks...

I am the ultimate Sprint representer. Been with them since I've had a cell phone, and will probably die a Sprint user. The one knock on them up until recently was their less-than-shitty phone selection. Where other carriers had the newest devices first, Sprint usually had to wait, or get saddled with a worse version of them. Now, that's not the case, with Sprint being the first US carrier to roll out with 4G service, and a 4G phone. The HTC EVO 4G is being billed as a legitimate iPhone killer, having the ability to talk and access data simultaneously, like the iPhone. In case you're wondering what 4G means, just think of it as being on a computer's internet, on a really really fast phone. That means you can stream HD videos, as well as access wireless hotspots. The phone itself has an 8-megapixel camera, a front-facing 1.3-megapixel camera, and an HDMI port (in case you want to play XBOX 360 on it, for God's sake). Honestly, this might very well be the most advanced phone to hit our shores. Unfortunately, this bad boy doesn't drop until the summer, so that gives you iPhone stans a chance to switch to Sprint...





The Mailing List: October 2009 (#5 )

5. The HTC Hero

I think I've found my new phone!!!

Hey, I'll admit it. I'm on Sprint, everybody's favorite wireless carrier to make fun of. For the longest it was our reception and customer service that got crap. But since Sprint stepped into 3G (and have been developing 4G), it's the phones that have needed an upgrade. We got the Palm Pre in June, we got the new Blackberry in August, and now we have the new G-Phone. Enter the HTC Hero. It's a touch-screen phone that uses Google's Android OS and uses a new user interface called Sense UI. Forget Blackberries and iPhones. Sprint users, we have a G-Phone. Rejoice. Check out a hands-on demo of the Hero, which comes out on October 11th...