Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: TV Shows

Game of Thrones

It's been a while since the term 'get medieval on that ass' has been usable without drawing stares, weird retorts or general confusion. This April, though, I'm going to break that one out, just because HBO is trying to do the same with its new series, 'Game of Thrones'. The show revolves around the fictional (or stylized?) region of Westeros, where the summers can last decades and the winters can last a lifetime, and the struggle of numerous noble families to acquire the Iron Throne. It's early, but I can definitely tell that HBO has another hit on their hands. The scenery looks just as dark, rustic and bubonic plague-infested as it can given out paltry knowledge of medieval society. Then again, who's looking for that with all of the sex and violence coming from the trailer? Either way, it's time to start boning up on your swordsmanship and jousting...

Sesame Street x True Blood = True Mud

If you don't watch True Blood, then this clip might make little, if any sense to you. Even so, you can't deny the hilarity and charm that Jim Henson's pet child has when taking on the big people's television shows. In this round of kids' parodies we've got the Sesame Street characters playing out a scene in a fictional bar, where the delicacy isn't blood, but mud. No fangs, grotesque rituals, supernatural entities or political undertones here. It's just pure fun and a nice mudbath for one of the Grouches. I can't say that I wouldn't watch another episode of this or that the fake Sookie isn't spot on with her mannerisms. Whatever the case, check out the Sesame Street spoof....

Entourage (Season 7 Trailer) x True Blood (Season 3 Trailer)

Seriously, DAMN my lack of premium cable in Philadelphia. I really just might have to bite the bullet and hand over the measly $12.50 or whatever Comcast wants to get HBO for June. Two of my favorite shows, Entourage and True Blood are making their way back to the air next month. I, for one, am excited beyond belief. The Entourage trailer is simple, but sets this season up perfectly for seasoned watchers. With Vinny filming a new movie, Drama starring in a new TV show, E getting engaged to Sloane, Ari becoming the most powerful agent in Hollywood and Turtle breaking it off with Jamie Lynn (and hopefully finishing college), there is more than enough unfinished business to take a half an hour out of my Sunday nights for a few months. Now, the True Blood trailer is just overkill. There is soooooooooooooo much happening in that 2 minutes, that I can't even fathom how the producers are going to fit it all in one season. The search is on for Bill, after he gets kidnapped while proposing to Sookie. From the trailer, you can see that there will be werewolves, a whole bevy of new characters, and... if I'm not mistaken, Tara looks like she gets bitten by a vampire! Like I said before, if you don't have HBO, now might be the time to pull the trigger. Entourage begins June 27th and True Blood on June 13th. That ought to be a enough time...