Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: Thanksgiving

The Mailing List: November 2009 (#3)

3. Thanksgiving

Ahh, if only political cartoonists ran the world...

Thanksgiving. Turkey Day. Everybody knows and loves it. Who can resist a mouthwatering helping of turkey, gravy, stuffing, biscuits, ham or whatever other fauna line your table on the third Thursday in December? I know I can't. But Thanksgiving is so much more profound than what we give it. For one, it was one of the first peaceful contacts between the Native Americans and the 'Pilgrims'. While we can wax philosophical about the happenings, we all know what happened in the end. Native Americans ended up in reservations and casinos and the rest is history. If you can't understand that significance, then off yourself.

We give thanks for every inane pleasure we take in life, not understanding that the foundation of our country is built on bloodshed. Whether the blood of Native Americans, slaves, Brits, Mexicans or whoever, America has more blood on it's hands than Tom Hanks in Castaway when he found Wilson. But it's always going to be cool as long as we have our stuffing and our football. Friends, while you're stuffing your piehole today, remember to give thanks for your sovereignty and your ability to make choices for yourselves. Remember that every Thanksgiving after the first one, the Pilgrims were thanking God for a freshly scalped Injun, not the bountiful harvest that those Injuns had bestowed upon the Pilgrims years before. Remember that life is more precious than gold, and that we should be thankful for it every day, not just Thanksgiving. That's not some 3rd grade paper (I actually did write that paper), that's some real shit.

For everything you have, for everything you don't have to deal with, all the BS and drama you've gotten through, everything you COULD have, and all the potential you have (everyone has it, nearly no one uses all of it), you should be thankful. So today, as @akzionz would say, 'give thanks'...