Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: will.i.am

Dear 'The Boondocks'

Let's just get it out of the way: people have indeed been d*ckriding Obama. It's not a bad or good thing. Politicians (and more so celebrities) carry cult-like followings that sometimes supersede all understanding, whether the person being followed is a good person or not. As a matter of fact, people tend to follow the bad ones more than the good (coughcoughKimgoughKardashiancoughcough). Regardless, Barack Obama, while (in my humble opinion) has been a good president and done right by the nation, has had some pretty rough times. He's been soft against the Republicans at times and had been too wavering occasionally. There are tons (and I mean tons) of people out there who see no wrong in the man. Boondocks, you just solidified yourself as the best show by poking fun at it. Grabbing Will.i.am, who did the song below, for the track was classic. Even Gangstalicious had some jewels dropping on the track. As a show, you really are unafraid to take on issues that are invading the minds of black folk. The trailer for your final season was an overload of satirical n*gga sh*t. And if this ode to folks forgetting that Obama is human too is any indication, the 3rd final season should be classic, to say the least. My calendars are set. Hurry up and give people something to laugh at without knowing the true meaning...

Whoever produces music for Aaron McGruder is a genius, because that interpolation is INSANE...