Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Funny Shit

Antoine Dodson: The REMIX

The funniest part about most viral videos that hit the internet isn't always the videos themselves, but sometimes the spin-offs, remixes, and responses that come with them. From mashups between videos, to reaction videos, and ultimately to remix videos, they've got it all on Youtube. In this case, we've got the story of Antoine Dodson, and his epically heated warning to the perpetrator in his sister's attempted rape. The man, who's... let's say... a bit zestier than most had some harsh words for the criminal, which were turned into an autotune track. As much as autotune might leave your ears ringing, you can't deny how hilarious this remix is. Antoine's head motions look like he's really in a music video, neck snapping and everything. What's crazier is the fact that he's relishing his newfound web fame, complete with Facebook fan page, and of course, the remixes. Check out Antoine Dodson: REMIXED....

Star Wars on the 6 Train

If you find yourself dozing off during your morning commute, I implore you to stay awake! Tom foolery tends to occur when we least expect it, and often in the most ridiculous ways. Improv Everywhere is a group of improv actors based in New York City that started off doing flash mobs (real flash mobs, not the BS they're calling rioting teenagers in Philly), and now has toned their act down for smaller settings, like the 6 train. In this video, they re-enact the scene in Star Wars with Princess Leia and Darth Vader's first meeting. The reactions from the other commuters are priceless, and the book Leia is reading is next on my reader's list. Just goes to show you that the Force can be used for good, evil and comedy. Check the video out...

Facebook in Real Life

It's always funny to see technology transposed with the real life that it's supposed to enhance. In the case of Facebook, if we were to translate every poke, wall post, invitation or friend request into a real life situation, it would be.. awkward, to say the least. As a matter of fact, if Facebook was a real life, face to face thing, I don't think I'd have a Facebook. In face, Mark Zuckerberg would probably be just another geeky Harvard grad, because people would be too creeped out by all of the stuff popping up around them. If you don't see yourself wanting to say or do these things outside of the computer, then maybe you should cut back on the Facebook action. I know a friend request from a random person on the street, who happens to have mutual friends, would probably get ignored. Yet, online, it's fair game. I guess it's just something to think about, albeit in a humorous way. Check the video out...

7 x 13 = 28???

Now, I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to multiply double-digit numbers by one another. That said, differences in methodology are like kryptonite to logical thinking, and Abbott and Costello prove that here, along with proving that 7 x 13 = 28. I was skeptical at first, because my own knowledge was in the way. Yes, the video is silly and old as hell, but it's still hilarious for all you nerds with time and laughter to spare. Check it out and tell me your whole idea of arithmetic isn't screwed up now...

The Sneakerhead Sixth Sense

Peeped this over at HB... I never say this, but PAUSE

There are certain ways that one can tell if you're a sneakerhead. There's the traditional crab-walk that we use to avoid creasing and rubbed-down soles. There's the ability to spot fakes from a mile away. There's even the sort of 'Spidey-sense' when you know you're sneakers are in danger of being scuffed, so you avoid large crowds and rainy days. Foot Locker has come up with their own demarcation of a sneaker enthusiast, although it's a bit more risque than most. In this new 'Spank' commercial, the guy turns his addiction into a fetish, getting spanked with kicks and identifying them perfectly. I know I'm an enthusiast, but maybe the commercial is taking it a bit far... What do the rest of you sneakerheads think???

Dear 'The Boondocks'

Let's just get it out of the way: people have indeed been d*ckriding Obama. It's not a bad or good thing. Politicians (and more so celebrities) carry cult-like followings that sometimes supersede all understanding, whether the person being followed is a good person or not. As a matter of fact, people tend to follow the bad ones more than the good (coughcoughKimgoughKardashiancoughcough). Regardless, Barack Obama, while (in my humble opinion) has been a good president and done right by the nation, has had some pretty rough times. He's been soft against the Republicans at times and had been too wavering occasionally. There are tons (and I mean tons) of people out there who see no wrong in the man. Boondocks, you just solidified yourself as the best show by poking fun at it. Grabbing Will.i.am, who did the song below, for the track was classic. Even Gangstalicious had some jewels dropping on the track. As a show, you really are unafraid to take on issues that are invading the minds of black folk. The trailer for your final season was an overload of satirical n*gga sh*t. And if this ode to folks forgetting that Obama is human too is any indication, the 3rd final season should be classic, to say the least. My calendars are set. Hurry up and give people something to laugh at without knowing the true meaning...

Whoever produces music for Aaron McGruder is a genius, because that interpolation is INSANE...

My Chick Bad (The Glee Club Version)

Honestly, when my boy showed me this, I wasn't sure of whether it was stupid, or really, really dope. Upon watching it again, the girls of Candy Slice who chopped up Ludacris' 'My Chick Bad' for their GLEE audition (can anyone tell me what that is?) killed the beat and the rapping, considering that's not their singing background. The beatboxing by the chick in the back, along with her spastic movements added some comic relief. The girl in the front left gave us the most Ivy-leagued out swagger ever, and the ad-lib girl in the front made me bust out laughing. It's always refreshing to see hip-hop songs sung in different ways. Doing that makes you listen to the words all the more. I think I like the song less now, actually. Oh well...

Dear Keri Hilson

Obama would be proud...

WOW, that is ugly, to say the least. Keri, I've always thought you were talented and all, penning all those hits and even beginning your own singing career. This sure isn't the way to keep the ball rolling. At a primetime game between your HOMETOWN Atlanta Hawks and the Lakers, you botch the National Anthem?? What's funnier is how you tried to cover it with the mean little church choir extension. It was a valiant attempt to save a ridiculous faux pas. I mean, I understand not being completely patriotic and remembering the Anthem. Few people do, and even fewer give a you-know-what about patriotic stuff. At least practice or memorize the piece before you perform!! If you were really feeling shaky, you could've put up a teleprompter, or had somebody holding up a sign somewhere like a grade school recital. The crowd didn't react like a bunch of parents too proud to notice their kids messing up. At least you looked good doing it...

The Most Generic Movie Trailer. EVER.

In my lifetime, I've seen my fair share of movies, some of which having easily predictable storylines. These storylines become even more predictable when you see the trailer. While some trailers more or less give up the premise, facts and jokes of the movie, other trailers are just plain old plain. Here's the most epic of generic, yet always compelling trailers. It features every archetype and paradigm from every inspirational movie you have ever and will ever see in your lifetime. No word on the release date yet, but I'm guessing somewhere around the 5th of Decembruary. Check the trailer...

Greetings From: Manhattan, NYC

via The New York Times:
Eventually, the Rolling Stone cover line “Lil Wayne Goes to Jail” will be correct, but not today. On Tuesday a court spokesman in Manhattan told The Associated Press that sentencing for the rapper Lil Wayne had been postponed because of a basement fire at a courthouse.

Lil Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne Carter, was to be sentenced in State Supreme Court on charges stemming from a July 2007 incident in which a loaded .40-caliber semiautomatic gun was found on his tour bus. (He pleaded guilty to attempted criminal possession of a weapon in October.) The hip-hop star was originally scheduled to be sentenced in February, but received a postponement so he could undergo a dental procedure. A new sentencing date was not immediately given.

Greetings from Manhattan, New York City, where Lil' Wayne is living up to his namesake as the 'Fireman'. Today, Weezy F. Baby aka Dwayne Carter was supposed to be sentenced for felony gun possession. However, around 10:45 or so, the courthouse was set on fire. Now, I know this is somewhat fishy, but I'm gonna give Wayne the benefit of the doubt. That's not to say that he had nothing to do with the incident, but stranger things have happened (OJ Simpson should know). At this point, it goes without saying that maybe Wayne will never go to jail. First it was dental surgery, then it was the snowy weather in NYC, and now it's a fire. I shudder to think about what the next delay will be caused by. Then again, I definitely want to see how long this man can go without going to jail. After a while, wouldn't you want to just get it over with, though???

Greetings From: New Richmond, Ohio

Greetings from New Richmond, Ohio, where people have gotten so fed up with the banks trying to play bully with their property, that they'd rather destroy it. Terry Hoskins was weeks away from having his home foreclosed by River Hills Bank, after defaulting on a debt of $160,000 on the mortgage. Instead of letting that happen to his $350,000 home, he took matters into his own hands and bulldozed his own house, leveling the property in just under 2 hours. There's no word yet as to what the legal ramifications will be for Mr. Hoskins. However, I don't think he'll be doing too many deals with the bank anytime soon. Hopefully he doesn't still have to pay that debt, or the guy will be homeless and broke...

Judge a Book By its Cover

No, that is not a typo. I meant to entitle this blog post that way, because frankly, it's a lesson few people learn. Also, it's a friendly reminder of why Oakland is not to be messed with. On a city bus, a white man and a black man get into an argument over something racially sensitive. The white guy walks away, and you see the back of his shirt, which says 'I Am a Motherfucker'. Now, I don't know about the next man, but upon seeing that shirt, I most likely would have ended the quibble and went about my day. As you can see in the video, homeboy who got bloodied up clearly didn't heed the advice in the title. I hope the people in the ambulance didn't laugh too hard at him...

Greetings From: College Station, TX


via: khou.com
A fake $5 bill in which both sides apparently were copied and glued together led to the arrest of a teenager in College Station.

Police say the 17-year-old faces a misdemeanor forgery charge. He was arrested Saturday after allegedly trying to pass the crudely made currency at a drive-in restaurant.

College Station police say it appears the fake $5 was made with help from a computer scanner, then the bogus bill was trimmed and glued together. The front of the bill was longer than the back.

I'm bringing back the 'Greetings From' posts from last year. I think some of the funnier news out there needs to get the spotlight sometimes, so here goes...

Greetings from College Station, TX, where youth have gotten so desperate for cash, that they've resorted to 'making' their own money. Most people call it counterfeiting. A 17-year-old probably thought he was coming up with something new when he glued together two scanned pictures of a $5 bill, and tried to use it at a drive-thru. No offense to the boy, but wouldn't the people at the drive-thru have a fair idea of what a real bill looks like, considering they handle money all day? I guess that's a question every aspiring counterfeiter needs to ask himself before trying to pass a phony (with one side longer than the other) off. At least the kid was smart enough to use a color printer...

The World's Largest New Era Cap


If the Na'vi from Avatar were into streetwear, this is most definitely the fitted that they would rock. MISHKA has always been known to be one of the most innovative and creative brands on the scene, and this just shows how big their imaginations really are (get it?). Unfortunately, the size 16 fitted is not for sale, but is on display at the MISHKA store at 350 Broadway in NYC. Check out the hat you can use for some serious panhandling...



I love seeing the recession bring out the humor in people, albeit in such creative ways. This video comes all the way from England, but I definitely think this game would make a killing over here in the states. I'd kill to see this game down on Wall Street, especially during the holidays, when everyone's banker becomes a mortal enemy. As credit card bills and debt pile up, sometimes you just want to beat the hell out of a banker. Here you can do it without getting a bid...

PS: PAUSE on the title, people..

X-Mas Pranks Going too Far

Something about this video screams 'TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS'. Apparently, some guy left his friend his apartment keys for a vacation, and that friend decided to pull the prank of all pranks by wrapping his entire apartment. When I say his entire apartment, I mean EVERYTHING. It's funny until you realize that his friends didn't just stop at his furniture, but also took it upon themselves to wrap the food in his fridge. With friends like this, it's understandable why people are losing their Christmas cheer. Then again, I'd laugh if I saw a friend's apartment like this, too...

Your Year-End Letter

Not that I'm misanthropic (I'm a social introvert, according to AKZionz), but I know I'm not the only one on this planet who balks at some of the random social gestures we extend during the holidays. This song is all about those little niceties that everyone accepts, but no one remembers. I'm all for catching up with old friends, but getting a Christmas form letter or one of those family photos from random acquaintances seems pointless to me. Why waste your ink and money, and my reading time over something you could have told me over the phone??

Hold on.. Let Me Tie My Sneakers

I consider myself to be a basketball purist, meaning that everything is fair game. That's why when I see things like this, I understand why most people don't watch basketball. Since when has it been a mark of professional respect on the hardwood to allow a player to adjust his equipment DURING play?? There's a reason for timeouts, Jarrett Jack. And to the Chicago Bulls 'defending' him, I have to laugh at you. No wonder you guys are 7-11 and got beat by 32 by the same person smirking after tying his sneakers. I guess professional courtesy is worth a lot more than wins in the NBA, at least for the Bulls...

Sesame Street vs. Bill O'Reilly

Just when I thought Sesame Street couldn't be cooler, it became the coolest show ever. My hatred of Bill O'Reilly is no secret, but I could suspend my vendetta to check out Sesame Street more or less make fun of TV shows much like his. Even better, was that they called their news station POX News. Spill O'Reilly sounds pretty conservative if I do say so myself. I can't say I agree with subconscious liberal messages, but when they're leaning liberal and still educating kids, can you really complain??

The Mailing List: October 2009 (#1)

1. Halloween

Can you say politically incorrect?

I've never been one for Halloween. For one thing, my household wasn't really into it, and also, the prospect of dressing up as someone else for a night isn't really appealing to me. Regardless, I see the fun in the holiday. If not a great excuse for women to dress like jawns and guys to act foolishly, the parties are always pretty good. If there's one thing I will say, it's that some costumes can never be forgotten. If you end up looking like any of these people, you might want to consider leaving the trick-or-treating to the kids:

DOPE, but why spend 15 hours on something you'll wear once?

Too easy... The Chuck Taylors kill it for me

You might as well be hidden from the world

Where the wild things... Aren't

His parents should get blown up...

At some point shame HAS to play a part...