Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Philadelphia


I find it funny that I'm writing this letter whilst in Philadelphia. By now, oh great City of Brotherly Love, you've probably watched SportsCenter, read a newspaper, heard the radio or seen online that the Yankees are going to be facing you in the World Series. You guys are hyped, because you think it's going to be Repeat City. I can't blame you. The Dodgers posed no threat to the Phillies during the NLCS, so it's easy to think you'll walk all over the Yankees. I will say, that the Yankees faced a much tougher challenge in the AL, given the pitching and tougher hitting. There's no reason to gloat over who's team is better (though we all know who reigns supreme). There's no reason to bash anyone else's team. Just know that if the Yankees win, Yankees fitteds will be in full effect, just as I expect the opposite if the Phillies win. This figures to be a great World Series, considering the storyline. The media is going to kill us with coverage of it and we're going to watch it just the same. All I can ask for is a good series and pray that none of you crazed Phillies fans out there feel the need to riot after the Yankees do win (there I said it; sue me). Here's a video that should put you in the World Series mood...

Watch out for those close games..