Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: Philadelphia

Dear J. Cole

Today I got the chance to go to a concert in Philadelphia. Philly doesn't have many concerts, or at least many good hip-hop ones. So with that in mind, any good accessible concert needed to be attended with the quickness. Cole, as soon as I heard you were performing in Philly, and for free at that, I had to attend. I copped the tickets that day, and waited patiently to see if your performances live up to your music. That's a hard feat in today's rap game. Not every rapper can perform. You've got guys who just stand there waving their hand (coughcoughDrakecoughcough) and rapping. You've got guys who can't keep up with their own lyrics. The only good performers I can see today are Jay-Z, Lupe, The Clipse and Kanye. The rest just don't entertain as well. You came on stage to 'We On', and got the crowd pumped, even though most of them didn't know the lyrics. Then you made a great move by bringing Freeway out, especially because we're in Philly. The crowd started pulsating, they were screaming so loud. I swear you could hear it on my camera. Free made everyone get rowdy with 'Roc the Mic' and 'What We Do', and then you moved on to 'Who Dat' and had everyone involved. Closing out the show with 'Young Simba' was a good move, too. One thing, though... Why was your set only 27 minutes long? There were definitely more tracks you could've performed, instead we got a little under a half an hour of performance compared to an 45-minute Jazzy Jeff and Skills set. Not that I'm complaining (after all, it was free), but heads were standing there for 4 hours waiting for you. Regardless, 'twas a good show. You could've been utterly robotic with everything, but turned out a good performance. Now, if only Philly can get some more marquee shows out here...

Greetings From: Philadelphia, PA


via NBC Philadelphia:
Clemmens, 21, positioned himself behind the 11-year-old's chair, stuck his fingers down his throat and vomited on the girl and her father, police said.
"He leaned forward, he projectile vomited all over me and my daughter," Vangelo said with a look of hurt splashed across his face.
Clemmens then began wailing on Vangelo after he pushed him away from the girl -- hitting the off-duty officer in the head and neck, causing his ear to bleed, police said.
Surrounding fans jumped in to help subdue Clemmens before he was arrested.
"He was still vomiting on the other fans that were holding him down," Vangelo said.
I realize that Philadelphia's been getting a bad wrap in the past few weeks with a bit of negative press on the blog, but with shit like this happening, how can you blame me? Greetings from Philly... again. This time, we see that fanhood and regurgitation are much closer than we think. Is that really what heads do at baseball games? You know, instead of have a hot dog and a beer and have a relaxing afternoon at the ballpark, it's much more fun to vomit all over a little girl and snuff her father... I'd much rather get into a brawl with angry Phillies fans than leave the game and go watch the Office or something. What's even worse is the fact that the dude kept throwing up even while he was getting beat up by the fans around him. Oh well... I guess leaving with a black eye and looking like that are punishment enough...

Dear Philadelphia


I find it funny that I'm writing this letter whilst in Philadelphia. By now, oh great City of Brotherly Love, you've probably watched SportsCenter, read a newspaper, heard the radio or seen online that the Yankees are going to be facing you in the World Series. You guys are hyped, because you think it's going to be Repeat City. I can't blame you. The Dodgers posed no threat to the Phillies during the NLCS, so it's easy to think you'll walk all over the Yankees. I will say, that the Yankees faced a much tougher challenge in the AL, given the pitching and tougher hitting. There's no reason to gloat over who's team is better (though we all know who reigns supreme). There's no reason to bash anyone else's team. Just know that if the Yankees win, Yankees fitteds will be in full effect, just as I expect the opposite if the Phillies win. This figures to be a great World Series, considering the storyline. The media is going to kill us with coverage of it and we're going to watch it just the same. All I can ask for is a good series and pray that none of you crazed Phillies fans out there feel the need to riot after the Yankees do win (there I said it; sue me). Here's a video that should put you in the World Series mood...

Watch out for those close games..