Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Obama Critics

Oh you mad cuz I'm stylin on you??

It's been a year since that momentous Election Day that saw my Philadelphian brethren walk to City Hall in triumph over the election of Barack Obama. We're not going to mince words here by talking about how much I LOVE President Obama and his presidency so far. We're not even going to talk about why you guys are wrong anymore, because living in the past is soooooo Bush-era. We're just going to focus on the facts. And the fact of the matter is, in the past 9 months since Obama's election, our outlook as a country has gotten a lot brighter. What has Barack done thus far? Well, I'm glad you asked. Check it out:

- A week before he was sworn in, Obama stuffed his bank bailout down the throat of his own party — a $350 billion accomplishment.

- Two weeks later, he signed the Stimulus Bill.

- Two weeks after that, he announced America's withdrawal from Iraq.

- A week later, he tossed Bush's ban on stem-cell research.

- In June he got the Arab world back on our side with his speech in Egypt.

- That same June, Obama introduced Cash for Clunkers program, which has revitalized the auto industry after over 5 years of declines.

- And over the summer and the past two months, he's appointed Sonia Sotomayor, cut taxes by $228 billion, ended the war on medical marijuana, revived the credit markets and stopped the financial collapse.

ALL of that in just 8 months. And let's not forget the little public option bill that will revolutionize the health care industry in America. Seriously, if you can't see the mastery in Obama's performance up until this point, you must be blind or blindly conservative or liberal (Lord knows the man has enemies on both sides). Not to say that we are out of the tunnel in terms of financial ruin or social upheaval, but you have to admit, Obama's done a hell of a lot more in 8 months than George Bush has managed to fuck up in eight years. Obama may never quote the now infamous rap battle I ascribed to his likeness above, but he sure as hell embodies the quote right now, especially for all you critics that have salty looks on your faces now...