Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Bringing a Gun to a Snowball Fight

Everyone knows that you shouldn't bring a knife to a gunfight, but I don't think that many people would think to bring a gun to a snowball fight. My man Josh at Bruce & Carrie's Son put me on to this incident, that even he was 10 days late for. I shudder to think what kind of tragedy would have ensued if cameras weren't present. Even with the threat of police brutality (not the kind you're use to, is it?), there are two positives that we can take from this. First of all, the power of social networking is limitless. Over 200 folks were gathered for this frolic solely from Twitter and Facebook communication. One can only imagine how many more people heard or saw information about the gathering, but didn't attend. Secondly, it's heartwarming to see that people don't let the threat of violence deter them from their fun. In the background you can still see people chucking snowballs and smiling, while a serious situation was arising in front of them. The folly and brash nature of the policemen was a sad story, and indicative of a lack of discernment on their part and every policeman who draws their weapon needlessly. Hopefully we can get past this and just enjoy nature, like our snowball fighters were...