Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear MTV

Good God Almighty. Just when I thought you guys' programming couldn't be more idiotic, I flipped on what was once the bane of my mornings, and flipped right back in fear of losing my mind. What is Jersey Shore? I mean, other than a reality show based off the stupidity, vanity and vapid lifestyles of young New Jerseyans (sp?)? I can guarantee that whoever is creating these shows has the attention span of Heidi and Spencer put together, which isn't much. But in all seriousness, is this what we're really feeding to 15 and 16-year-old kids?? MTV, this is detestable. If it isn't 'The Hills' making a season out of stupid catfights, or 'Parental Control' making it funny to disrespect parents, or glamorizing teen pregnancy with '16 and Pregnant', you guys have NO decent programming.

Hell, think about your name: MTV. MUSIC TELEVISION. I cannot tell you the last time I have turned on MTV to anything musical. If it's not reality TV, then it's not MTV. What happened to the cartoons? What happened to Daria, Beavis and Butthead, Celebrity Deathmatch, Andy Milonakis? What happened to Rock-N-Jock Sports? What happened to GOOD original programming? Every time I hear about a new show, it's one of three things: A) a spin-off from an old show, B) a distasteful, yet generic game show or C) a feeble attempt at shock humor. MTV, what happened to the music???

So many times I heard adults in the 90's chastize you guys for the music and for how outlandish everything was. Now, I don't know any adults that even care to criticize you guys. Clearly, the adults who were hating on you before, are NOW you. From an adult perspective, THIS is the MTV we should have been watching 10 years ago: mindless, inane and repetitive. I shudder to think what's going to happen in another 10 years, so I will just say my goodbye now. MTV, you were good while you were young. A network full of awkward laughter and musical vibes that could only peak during its adolescence. In your own adulthood, you became the very thing that you had poised us against: the Man. Your channel is now corporately sponsored and corporately-run. The organic feel that made me wake up every morning at 7 to watch Coolio's 'Fantastic Voyage' is gone, but at least I still have BET... Wait, no.. BET is the coon network... I guess we stil have the blogs. MTV, check out where you were, and where you are now. Lord knows these growing pains didn't work out as planned...
