Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: TV

Uncle Ruckus x Shade 45

There are so many brilliant characters on The Boondocks, but the most unique might be Uncle Ruckus. His self-hating rants have become more and more clever and crazy. Aaron McGruder didn't just make him a one-trick pony. Plus, he has a weird connection with Huey, probably seeing that he isn't like the rest of the people on the show. I've always wondered what would happen if Uncle Ruckus (pronounced roo-koo) was a real person. The good people at Shade 45 Sirius Satellite Show decided to play with that thought, bringing in the voice behind Ruckus and letting listeners call in to the show. The result was ridiculous, to say the least. Gary Anthony Williams destroyed the callers, left and right. It's best you just listen for yourselves...

Kanye West x The Cleveland Show

This Sunday night should be an epic one in television history... Well, not that serious. But still, along with the third and final season of the Boondocks beginning, we'll get treated to Kanyeezy making a nice little guest spot on the Cleveland Show. For someone who's been known to at times take himself and his opinion way too seriously, it's going to be interesting to see what kind of jokes Mr. West is a part of, or better yet, the butt of. Also, the rap and hip-hop references in this episode should be crazy. Hopefully there's some action with Rallo and Cleveland Jr., too. Check out the sneak preview of the episode airing Sunday, May 2nd...

The Boondocks - Season 3 (Trailer)

Umm... If the state of black culture could be put into cartoon form, there'd most likely be lying rappers, misguided youth, a dramatic fight about what 'black' truly is, trifling religious leaders and conflict between the young and old guard of black America. It'd be a hell of a show, filled with social faux pas and underhanded satire on what's truly plaguing us as a culture. It'd even have a riveting underground hip-hop soundtrack and have amazing voice acting from special guests all the time. Oh, wait a minute, that show exists, and it's coming back on May 2nd. The Boondocks returns for its 3rd season after a long hiatus, and from the trailer, it's looking like pure hilarity. Check it out and mark your calendars...

Dear Diddy

Diddy, Diddy, Diddy, you've long been the culprit of my ire because of your ridiculous penchant for being overly flashy, but this takes the cake (birthday puns haha). Honestly, I've never seen such an unneeded showing of wealth as when I turned on the TV and watched you shower your son with gifts for his 16th birthday. Though, I cant't deny that I would give my children at least one birthday blow out each, there is a limit. There are entirely too many things wrong with they way you're doing this whole parenting thing.

First of all, why in God's name would you ever bless a 16-year-old, who hasn't driven a day in his life, a $400,000 Maybach?!?! It's not like he's got pressing business to attend to on his way to high school, using the wireless. It's not as if he has to have a glass of Ace of Spades on his way to soccer practice. Hell, the Maybach came with a driver! What really was the point?!?! Second of all, what is the deal with all of the conspicuous consumption? What kind of parenting manual were you reading, that told you stuffing a stack full of $20 bills into your child's pocket was the way to show your children love? When you do that, you're basically shouting to the kid in Ebonics: MONEY CAN BUY YOU HAPPINESS!. Also, you're ensuring that your son will never want to do a hard day's work in his life. Third of all, why at the end of the party did you decide to donate $10,000 in Justin's name? That's unbelievable! The car you bought that kid could have fed an entire village, so to make up for it, you shaved off 10 stacks. I suppose when you're that rich and arrogant, helping out by signing your name is the least you can do in the face of overspending and inane celebrity appearances. Like I said, celebrating the triumphs and milestones of your children is a must. It's just when that in and of itself turns into *gasp* an MTV reality show...

How to Make it in America

HBO has a knack for airing shows that display the tiniest aspects of the most unheralded and least visited lifestyles. Whether its mob bosses in the Sopranos, vampires in True Blood, or a male prostitute on Hung, HBO shows always have a unique perspective. This bad boy should be no different. 'How to Make it in America' is another Mark Walhberg-produced show (new season of Entourage needs to hurry up) about two fashion designers struggling to make it in the cutthroat design world of New York City. It stars a Dear Whoever favorite, KiD CuDi, and should be a good watch for all of you streetwear afficianados out there. Check out the first episode below...

Dear Loud Commercials

I've been tempted to do the same on many occasions...

via CNN:
In her crusade to eliminate the nuisance, Rep. Anna Eshoo wrote the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act, or CALM, which mandates that TV commercials be no louder than the programs in which they appear.

Representatives unanimously passed the bill last month and sent it to the Senate for consideration.

The brief measure directs the Federal Communications Commission to develop regulations preventing ads from being "excessively noisy or strident" or "having modulation levels substantially higher than the accompanying program." The bill also addresses "average maximum loudness."

There are certain laws that just baffle most people, like it being illegal to have sex with socks on in Virginia. Then there are certain laws that make you wonder why they weren't there in the first place. This law's for you, commercials. I consider myself an avid television watcher, and even I can't get around the overwhelming knack for commercials to be twice as loud as the TV show I'm watching. Commercials, why is it even necessary to do that?? If someone is going to buy something, they're going to buy it. If they aren't going to buy it, they're not going to buy it. Do you really think bombarding people with your insane amount of decibels makes them want to buy your products any more?? If anything, I'd refrain from buying them. You guys are like that pushy-ass salesman who keeps putting his foot between the door even while I'm smashing his leg with the door. Nobody wants a Snuggie that badly that they would appreciate losing their hearing. Tonedeafness should only be left for church choirs, not during the evening news...

Dear MTV

Good God Almighty. Just when I thought you guys' programming couldn't be more idiotic, I flipped on what was once the bane of my mornings, and flipped right back in fear of losing my mind. What is Jersey Shore? I mean, other than a reality show based off the stupidity, vanity and vapid lifestyles of young New Jerseyans (sp?)? I can guarantee that whoever is creating these shows has the attention span of Heidi and Spencer put together, which isn't much. But in all seriousness, is this what we're really feeding to 15 and 16-year-old kids?? MTV, this is detestable. If it isn't 'The Hills' making a season out of stupid catfights, or 'Parental Control' making it funny to disrespect parents, or glamorizing teen pregnancy with '16 and Pregnant', you guys have NO decent programming.

Hell, think about your name: MTV. MUSIC TELEVISION. I cannot tell you the last time I have turned on MTV to anything musical. If it's not reality TV, then it's not MTV. What happened to the cartoons? What happened to Daria, Beavis and Butthead, Celebrity Deathmatch, Andy Milonakis? What happened to Rock-N-Jock Sports? What happened to GOOD original programming? Every time I hear about a new show, it's one of three things: A) a spin-off from an old show, B) a distasteful, yet generic game show or C) a feeble attempt at shock humor. MTV, what happened to the music???

So many times I heard adults in the 90's chastize you guys for the music and for how outlandish everything was. Now, I don't know any adults that even care to criticize you guys. Clearly, the adults who were hating on you before, are NOW you. From an adult perspective, THIS is the MTV we should have been watching 10 years ago: mindless, inane and repetitive. I shudder to think what's going to happen in another 10 years, so I will just say my goodbye now. MTV, you were good while you were young. A network full of awkward laughter and musical vibes that could only peak during its adolescence. In your own adulthood, you became the very thing that you had poised us against: the Man. Your channel is now corporately sponsored and corporately-run. The organic feel that made me wake up every morning at 7 to watch Coolio's 'Fantastic Voyage' is gone, but at least I still have BET... Wait, no.. BET is the coon network... I guess we stil have the blogs. MTV, check out where you were, and where you are now. Lord knows these growing pains didn't work out as planned...


Dear Sesame Street

Somewhere in the recesses of every mind born after 1969, there is a memory of you, Sesame Street. Whether learning to count with the Count, or hanging out with Bert and Ernie in their tub (PAUSE), or fiending for cookies with Cookie Monster, you were always there for infantile mornings and sick days from school. More important than all of those instances though, was the unavoidable fun that took place while learning. You never pushed the ABC's down our throats or tried to force-feed us numbers. While other shows tried to entertain, you kept us engaged. You never dumbed downed to us like Blue's Clues or tried to preach at us like Face on Nick Jr. or bored the hell out of me like Little Bear.

What's awesome about you, Sesame Street, is the fact that you could meld the interactions of humans and puppets so seamlessly. Never did the prospect of an adult having a conversation with a Mr. Snuffleupagus seem out of the realm of possibility on Sesame Street. Unlike Binya-Binya Polliwog, or other fictional children's show puppets, every character on Sesame street had a personality. They weren't just a bumbling caricature with a funny name. Elmo's voice is immediately recognizable. There is no other Big Bird. Sesame Street, you were a show ahead of your time. No wonder every other children's show bows at your feet. As your viewers get older and we become more and more cynical, it's easy for us to forget how pivotal you were, shrouding it in Ernie & Bert gay jokes and homeless jokes about Oscar the Grouch (word to Dave Chappelle). Just know that at 40, nothing looks as good as Sesame Street does. I'd visit there today if somebody can just tell me how to get there...

PS: Check out some of Sesame Street's best moments at age 40. And I'll give $10 to anyone who can tell me where the REAL Sesame Street is..

The Mailing List: September 2009 (#2)

2. Brothers

I'm not really a fan of Tyler Perry and his little black media conglomerate. First off, he's probably gay. And second off, any dude that isn't beating his wife or smoking crack in a Perry production probably is too. Third off, Tyler Perry gets way too much credit for being a 'black' playwright, rather than a playwright who just happens to be black. That's why I'm so hyped for something, anything on TV with a black cast, that ISN'T spearheaded by Tyler Perry. Enter 'Brothers', the new sitcom on FOX (they have good TV, regardless of their bullshit news programming) starring Michael Strahan, ironically playing a retired football player. Strahan's character, Mike (big whoop), decides to return home after his playing days are over, only to see that the more he's changed, the more his family stays the same. The trailer seems funny and the premise, while somewhat worn, has some room for hilarity to ensue. Plus, you won't find Michael Strahan dressing up in drag. Check the trailer for 'Brothers' and the cast of the show talking about it on the red carpet...