Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Mailing List: December 2009 (#4)

4. Normalcy - Charles Hamilton


This past year, Charles Hamilton showed us what can happen when bad public relations and bad public relationships come together. The punch heard 'round the world derailed what was seeming like a nice career in the making. Match that with a lackluster first album and Sonic the Hedgehog got dropped like a bad habit from his label. However, as you can see from the picture, Charles Hamilton is back. The man has a new project in the works called 'Normalcy'. Lord knows he needs some of that after a hell of a year (not in the good sense). Check out some of the leaks and a video from the mixtape, which drops this week, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever for the release...

Charles Hamilton - Air Agains

Charles Hamilton – Loserville

Charles Hamilton – Charles Hamilton is Back