Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Redskins Special Teams runs a 'Special' Play

I have a lot of friends from DC, but even they can admit that this was, without a doubt, one of the DUMBEST playcalls EVER. The last time I saw the swinging gate run successfully, I was in 7th grade. What made Jim Zorn, or the Redskins special teams coach, think that this was a good idea? Your 1st string quarterback was getting eaten alive for the whole half. Your offensive line looked like a bunch of deer in front of an 18-wheeler. So, to remedy that, you guys decide to line your punter up behind center with half of the offensive line gone?? Not to mention, where was he passing that ball to?? He motioned the kicker out, and the play was most likely designed to go to him. Unfortunately, that throw ended up getting completed to the defense. I don't like to joke on teams unnecessarily, but you gotta admit, seeing that was hilarious...