Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

1984 is Coming: Hi-Tech ID Cards

Yes, I know it's 2010, and the dystopian future that George Orwell imagined for 1984 never happend (or even came close). Even so, Orwell is probably laughing up a sun-scorching storm as we speak (blog). Samsung has created an ID card with an AMOLED display that looks normal until you bring it up close to an RFID card reader. In laymen's terms, that means they have a see-through LED screen that shows a picture when you put a device with a special light up to it. The picture that comes up is a high-resolution picture, that can not only zoom, but is better than your typical ID card photo (hope they get your good side). The technology itself is DOPE, but the application scares me a bit. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it's awfully strange. It's like The Man is trying to find ways to pinpoint us even further, and putting it under the guise of cool technology. Better clean up that driving record...