Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Ron Artest


Wow. Wow is all I can say. Ron, for the longest time, you've been a favorite player of mine simply because you didn't give two sh*ts about anything; you just played ball. And you played ball well. Defensively, you're like a brick wall on the perimeter, and no swingman in the league could deny that. I suppose that's why you thought it would be a great idea to etch 'DEFENSE' in three Hebrew, Japanese & Hindi (do you even speak any of those languages?) in your haircut. Heads have been putting words on their heads since the days of 'Do The Right Things', so it's not that far-fetched. However, when did expressing yourself become more important than doing the thing you're expressing? Ron, last night Vince Carter torched you for 25 (he's been wacker than a lead-filled balloon this year), effectively rendering your follicular experiment a laughable prospect. I guess the hairstyle would also be cooler if you were handling your business, but the Lakers are on their first 3 game losing streak in almost two years. Even Phil Jackson knew what the deal was, essentially calling you a Dennis Rodman wannabe. I suppose it's your hair, but goes without saying that looking like one of these guys doesn't make you any more likely to win a championship...