Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Glenn Beck

These are your people, Glenn... What exactly are they taking America back from again??

There are only a handful of people that I would actively wish physical harm on. Tom Brady and Comcast's CEO are two that I can think of offhand, but you, Mr. Beck have officially made the list of 'People I Want to See Literally Break a Leg'. Glenn, I really tried hard not to cast your name asunder, because, you try. You try to make your biting racist rhetoric as safe as possible. You try to keep your xenophobic undertones under wraps, by dubbing everything a fight for 'American values'. Hell, you even try to keep everything multicultural by having rallies on the same day as Martin Luther King Jr. I can understand why you want to play the middle ground. At the same time, I despise everything about you that I just stated.

Glenn, let's get straight to the point, because mincing words doesn't pay bills: You are underhandedly racist, conservatively short-sighted, and overzealous in your definition of 'American'. It seems like every time I hear your name in the media, it's not in relation to anything positive or uplifting. Your rally for 'Restoring Honor' was anything but honorable, regardless of how peaceful a picture you wanted to paint. If it isn't calling Obama out on his birthplace (for the 1000th time), it's promoting fear among an American people that are already confused as hell. You see, Glenn, you're the type of person who sees the idiocy going on in our country, and rather than inform the public, you use it to mold their opinions to your sick, twisted, white-picket fantasy of what you think America should be. What you fail to realize though, is that NO ONE IS INHERENTLY AMERICAN!! Don't you realize that this land was shanghai'ed from Native Americans, worked on the backs of slaves and immigrants and built to greatness by the descendants of people from all over the world? Even in your talks of 'returning America to God', you fail to realize that God doesn't see color. He doesn't see race, gender, ethnicity or country of origin. And he certainly doesn't see the size of your wallet or your socioeconomic bracket. I've always wondered where people like yourself found these doctrines. Are we reading the same Bible?

Glenn, its obvious you have more on your agenda than 'American values'. You're a Class-A fear-monger. You're fodder for the bass-ackwards inbred folk who still think it's 1896 and that Africa is devoid of light. You speak to the (non)sensibilities of White Americans who, for the first time in their lives, are realizing that they aren't the only ones who matter. It's hilarious how people act when they aren't as powerful anymore, especially you. You start acting as if your victims. Of what I have no clue, considering you (white male) have been the world's ruling class since people knew what skin color was. Glenn, take my advice. Stop believing that America is the land of opportunity for only your kind. Not only will that mode of thinking hold back the country, it will probably wipe you and your kind out before you think. Hate written in pretty, rosy letters is still hate. You should know that better than anyone, but hey what do I know. 'Restoring honor' apparently has a race qualification, so I might have to just sit this one out....