Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Cleveland Cavalier Fans

Keeping in line with a penchant for trying to be a little less negative and a little more positive with my letters, I almost didn't write this. Then I realized the purpose of writing these letters isn't to be nice or to get people on my side. It's to display a valid argument and (hopefully) show people why that argument is valid. That said, I came upon this video amidst my random internet binges, and automatically burst out in a fit of good old-fashioned (and apparently healthy) belly laughs.

Really, Cleveland fans?? This is what you guys have resorted to as some ridiculous ploy to feel better about what transpired over the summer in the LeBron-athon? That's pitiful. Yes, LeBron could have gone about his move down south in a more tactful manner. Yes, basketball's coup of the century left your team decimated with a raggedy bunch of Robins. Yes, LeBron's commercial thumbed it's nose at all of the hate spewed towards the City of Rock. Even so, it's a new season!!! You guys have new uniforms, new coaches, and a few new players on the roster. Let me repeat: THIS IS A NEW SEASON! LeBron is long gone and looks like a kid in a candy store taking the court with Wade, Bosh and company. He's moved on, as should you. And it's funny that your team hasn't even played Miami yet. I'm thinking the score differential might be up there in the 40s, if not more. You guys should know better than anyone that an angry LeBron is a scary LeBron...

I understand the ailing of a city who's 3 sports teams don't even amount to LeBron's billfold. I understand how betrayed you felt in July. But, there has to be a point at which you decide that this is a new beginning. Videos like this will only enhance the curse that LeBron's shadow is casting on your city, and serve to make your city all the more bitter, and unhappy. No, Cleveland, you shouldn't forget what happened. However, does it really help to keep flinging trash at LeBron's name at this point? Making hateful videos isn't going to bring the man back, or make your team any less boring on paper (I see not one All-Star on that roster). As a matter of fact, rather than making hating videos and being upset, maybe you guys should be trying to train up another crop of LeBrons. Yeah, that's it... Start pushing your kids into basketball, so that maybe one day, one of them can leave the city's basketball team in shambles bring a championship to Cleveland...