Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Alchemist

Dear Alchemist


I never thought I'd see the day when Twitter truly became hood. Now, I eat that thought and the naiveté behind it. Game's 400 bar freestyle to Jay Electronica's 'Exhibit C' didn't break any world records, nor did it suffice to break Jayceon out of his 2-year landslide rough patch. In fact, most people (including myself) didn't get halfway through it. I'd say 5 minutes in, I was ready to hit the spacebar. Regardless, this is about you, Alchemist. You found out today just how 'real' Twitter can get. Like most people, you used your account to voice an opinion, albeit a famous one, to the Twitterverse. Unfortunately, Game didn't take too kindly to that and had you jumped. Whether Game called that or not, it stands to say that Twitter might be gone to the wolves soon. If this is how grown men niggas act over a 20 minute freestyle, how are they going to act when something.. you know.. real happens?