Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: ESPN

Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360


For all of the foreboding talk I have about 'the Future,' and what it will do to our bodies and minds as humans, this is honestly some of the coolest shit I've ever laid eyes on. I thought that we'd reached somewhat of a plateau in terms of interactive gaming when the Nintendo Wii came out in 2006, where we were actually controlling the game with ourselves, rather than using a 'controller' in the traditional sense. Microsoft has shattered that mold at E3 (the world's biggest gaming conference) with the unveiling of Kinect for Xbox 360. Last year, I previewed Kinect, but it was known as Project Natal at that point. It still talked about motion sensing, as well and motion recognition, but less than a year later, Kinect has surpassed everything I could have expected.

Microsoft describes it as a 'controller-free gaming and entertainment experience' that boasts 'a natural user interface using gestures, spoken commands, or presented objects and images'. It uses cameras and infrared light emitters to 'see' what you're doing and transpose it with what is going on in the video game or application. In laymen's terms, that means as you move and act and speak and interact with other players, Kinect is able to track those actions and translate them into a gaming experience. The possibilities for such technology are endless!! The new hardware will be like a virtual touchscreen, where you can access all of Xbox 360's functionalities. In addition to that, new home theater software will come with Kinect, enabling you to access ESPN (see below), movies, and TV shows all from the 360. Last but not least, we've got to discuss the games that come with this new technology. First up is Kinect Adventures, which is like a virtual obstacle course (see below). They're also developing Kinect Sports, DDR for Kinect and Kinectimals (see below), which is like a Tamagotchi for the 21st century. Kinect, and the new, slimmer Xbox 360 will be available starting this Novemeber. I, for one, will be copping because this is simply epic. Check out some videos and look out for more titles coming for the Microsoft Kinect...

ESPN for Kinect

Kinect Adventures


ESPN x Allen Iverson

If you haven't seen it by now, ESPN's 30 for 30 series is crack. The series brings filmmakers together with sports to chronicle the lesser known and more controversy-riddled stories in the history of sports. The last one was a riveting highlight of the intense rivalry between the Pacers and Knicks in the early 1990's. Coupled with hip-hop music and first-person narratives from those involved (Reggie Miller, Patrick Ewing, Larry Brown, Pat Riley, John Starks, etc.), the movie showed younger fans what the NBA used to be like. Regardless, 30 for 30 is set to take on another basketball story tonight: that of Allen Iverson. Not too many people remember the trouble that plagued The Answer just 3 years before he took the NBA by storm. Filmmaker Steve James returned to his hometown of Hampton to document the bowling alley brawl that almost put Iverson behind bars, as well as the brawl's effect on the racial affairs of Hampton, and on Iverson himself. From the trailer, you can tell it's going to be a pretty heated affair. It's definitely going to spark some discussion and paint AI in a different light than many know him now...

Dear Skip Bayless

Having watched ESPN religiously for at least the past 10 years of my life, the network's ills and faults are obvious. However, one clear abomination which should be eradicated still exists. That would be you, Skip. Never has one man shelled out so much hate, not taking into account how little he himself has to offer to the sports world. Skip, you're always making snide remarks about athletes. When's the last time you've taken the field of play on a professional football player? Better yet, to put you in Chad's shoes, when's the last time you've caught an NFL touchdown reception? Ummm, never?? You're saying that Chad is all about self-promotion. If that's what he's about, then what are you about? Unsubstantiated criticism? Check. Underhanded racism? Check. A really bad hair-do? Check. I've never seen a more disagreeable commentator. I guess it's no wonder you don't actually host or comment on any games. No other ESPN personality must be able to deal with that high-ass voice mixed in with the douchebaggery and fuckery that comes out of your mouth. Do yourself a favor and Skip yourself far away from a microphone before you get shown up on your own show.. AGAIN