Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Nike Soccer

Digital Pinball Machine

I never understood why the simplest of games never made the transition from physical to digital. In this video, the good people at Nike threw together one of the world's first digital pinball machines. Using an LCD screen along with a traditional pinball setup, they were able to replicate the regular pinball motion with soccer features for their store in Madrid. A part of Nike's 'Write the Future' campaign, they used soccer cleats as the flippers and obviously the soccer ball as the pinball. The action comes pretty damn close to the actual game. Check out the video and pray that they throw together something similar for the states. It'll make me want to hit up Niketown, that's for sure...

Nike Soccer - Write the Future

It's almost here!!!

Every 4 years, the World Cup is played. And every 4 years, we get bombarded with commercials and advertising based around soccer. That's not a bad thing. It would just be cool if soccer got a little more press in those 3 years in between. Commercials like this show us why. Nike brought in pretty much, the most popular football players on the planet for an epic 3-minute spot about those players making their way into history books through game-changing plays. Along with appearances on the pitch from Didier Drogba, Wayne Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Franck Ribery, Cannavaro, and Cesc Fabregas, to name a few, they had Kobe Bryant doing his best Ronaldinho impression after hitting a game winner himself. The action is crazy! I hope Nike and the rest of the world keep the spots like this coming...