Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Photography

Video Games vs. Real Life


The line between the real and fantastical is something that I ponder on the daily. If not because I love video games, then because our world is oftentimes too rooted in what is real and what isn't. Thus, I always wonder what would happen if the portal between the video game world and ours was somehow opened in a Space Jam-esque phenomena. That is the inspiration for designer & illustrator, Aled Lewis' project Video Games vs. Real Life. Lewis takes some classic video game characters from early video game-dom (sp?) and juxtaposes them with where they would probably end up if given a shot at real life. See if you can name any of the characters after the jump...









Digital Reflex Camera


What does it really take to redesign one of the oldest concepts in the book? Some try to make the old design better by adding on to it and trying to make more out of it. Others, on the other hand go forward by going backwards, simplifying the design. That's the case with Yaniv Berg’s Digital Reflex Camera. Instead of being a typical box-shaped camera with a lens protruding out, the Reflex Camera has a periscope-like design, enabling all you photographers out there to take pictures from a different angle and stance. The designer, Yaniv Berg, took a hint from the cameras of olden days that had their eyepieces at the top of the camera instead of the back. The camera also can be turned on its lens for a unique photo-viewing experience. I know some of you photographers that read the blog wouldn't mind getting your hands on one of these. No word on whether it'll hit the streets, but you can ogle these pictures until we find out...


