Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: Rush Limbaugh

Dear Rush Limbaugh

I hate dedicating more than one letter a month to the same person, but this was just laugh-worthy. Rush, what in the hell were you thinking about when you decided to put your two-cents into the Rams? I know you're a 'red-blooded American' (blood is blue, by the way), but if that makes you think you have any sort of football knowledge, then you must have lost your cotton-picking mind. Was it even a surprise that your bid to be a partial owner got rejected or that you got dropped from the group trying to buy the Rams? That's like Don Imus trying to sign up to be a booster for Rutgers Womens Basketball. I'm not going to mince words, Rush. I despise you. If ever presented with you, a 2-by-4 and a locked room, best believe you would be coming out of that room a few teeth short for all of the racist malarkey you've peddled over your radio tenure. Now, ironically, you're seeing the ills of the free speech you so vehemently defend, Rush. Calling out Donovan McNabb as a bad QB because he runs (which is apparently synonymous with blackness??) doesn't really set you up to be the best NFL proprietor, when, let's say about 70% (and I'm being generous, here) is, in fact, black. I guess the Rams figured that out before you did, though. Let that be a lesson to you, Rush. Freedom of speech is a double-edged sword. Don't cut yourself...

Dear Rush Limbaugh

If that's not the quintessential "The Man" pose, then I don't know what is...

via The Raw Story:
In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated buses.

Referring to an incident in which a white student was beaten by black students on a bus, Limbaugh said: “I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”

Racism hasn't died, and by the looks of it, might never die. So, Mr. Barack the Magic Negro, you're gonna talk about black people being racist? Man, you've probably been off of your "prescription" drugs a little too long, peddling crap like that. Let me ask you one thing though: if the white kids beat up the black kid, would THAT automatically be racially motivated? The thing I don't get about most racist people is their sheer, ridiculous inability to see things from any perspective than their own. You're no different Mr. Limbaugh. You and some of these 'pundits' have these "white trash moments" (as opposed to a nigga moment) where normal logic is overridden by wild, latent (or open) racist tendencies. What's worse is that it was a public white trash moment, a moment that not only embarrasses you, it embarrasses your race. Regardless of your idiocy, Rush, you screwed up this time. I'm just guessing, but there definitely have been times when you've been in an enclosed space with more than one black man and haven't been attacked. That should tell you something. Maybe you should be the segregated one...