Everic White

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Dear Wale (re: More About Nothing)


Okay Wale. I've had a weird relationship with your music since 2008, when 'The Mixtape About Nothing' dropped. That mixtape was damn near perfect. From beginning to end, it reeked of creative freedom. I could go through all of the tracks on that tape, but it'd be burning the body of the horse beaten to death. You sounded so carefree and clear that, it was impossible to not knock to it. In fact, that's your appeal on that work: the sheer honest that emanates from every sound. Honesty is a hard thing to convey in the hip-hop game, especially with cats like Ross running around. That said, after 'The Mixtape About Nothing,' I grew tepid on your music, because it sounded too packaged. Your album 'Attention: Deficit,' while good, didn't have the same *umph*. It sounded unfocused, even with how good some of the tracks were. And that was the last time I really listened to you.

Enter August 2010. The internets were a calm place two weeks before now. Then, out of nowhere (or better yet, nothing) you came with a leak from your new mixtape 'More About Nothing'. I was a bit confused, as you didn't seem like the type of artist to revisit a concept that had been so successful in the past. I figured it would be a good attempt, but would fall short to the prequel. After listening, I can honestly say that it did. That isn't to downplay how good 'More About Nothing' was. That's more to say that the disappointment from the album seeped into this mixtape. Let me explain myself after the back cover.


Ahem. 'More About Nothing' began with 'The Problem,' a track dedicated to the ills that plagued the album. You mentioned bad PR, a segmented hip-hop industry, label woes...
SIDENOTE: Can rappers stop blaming the labels for all of their problems? Hip-hop is the only music genre that is constantly trying to go against the will of 'the Man' (for illustrative purposes), yet always acquiesces to the demands of the label. Rock or pop artists don't outwardly get mad at labels, and then sign to them. If heads wanted to move away from the labels, they would. Either work within the system or create a new one...
... and disinterested fans as reasoning for your albums performance. At first I thought it was a cop-out, but the way you conveyed it was masterful. I'm convinced that that private school time you always allude to made you the rapper you are today. The mixtape then picks up heavily, with the next 5 tracks knocking hard. My favorite was definitely 'Friends and Strangers' complete with a Ronnie Laws/MF DOOM (depending on your age) sample. To round out the first half, 'The Breakup Song' is a well-placed ode to a former lover with a tender feel to it, while 'The Work Working' is a hard, sharp-edged lyrical sword that had me rewinding to catch subliminal lines. As a matter of fact, the first half of this mixtape is impeccable, flowing well, with great beat selection and a charisma from you that we haven't seen in a while. I even liked the Wiz Khalifa feature, even though it was clearly directed at smokers. The first half was a complete, non-stop listen. The second half was a different story, though.

At times 'More About Nothing' seemed like it was stretching the Seinfeld theme a little too far. As a fan, I'm honored to see a rapper try to immortalize his love for the show. Yet, because Seinfeld is so idiosyncratic and specific in its references, I found the mixtape losing its focus to that theme at times. Where tracks like 'The Manipulation 2' showed the bilateral nature of language in relationships and tied in Costanza's 'It's not you, it's me' speech, tracks like 'The Posse Cut' and 'seemed misplaced and had no real ties to the theme. It seemed like they were there more for two reasons: A) high-profile features and B) because they couldn't be included on the album. 'More About Nothing's' 2nd half featured a lot of songs that were good, but lined up more with what 'Attention: Deficit' should have been rather than the Seinfeld motif. Wale, that's not to say you should've changed either. That's to say there seemed like a slight layover from the album, which is fine. If anything it gives your fans more about some of the 'nothings' that contributed to your success in the past two years.

In conclusion, what helped your 2nd foray into Seinfeld-dom be a good mixtape was how great the actual music is. You seem to be back into your go-go roots, and I'm not mad at you, because it makes for some interesting instrumentals for you to go over. It also seemed like you were experimenting a lot more with faster beats so that your flow didn't run dry, as it's been known to do. The experimentation worked to your benefit, as you had more breathing room lyrically (only makes sense if you listened to the mixtape). I can honestly say that I liked this tape, Wale. While it doesn't really hold a candle to 'The Mixtape About Nothing', it supersedes 'Attention: Deficit' and gives you new life as we get ready for your next album and hopefully a better performance. We don't know whether it will be 'something' or 'nothing', but isn't the beauty of Seinfeld watching as 'everything' unfolds? Questions aside, the marker of whether this mixtape was a success will be determined through how many new Seinfeld fans there are. Point. Blank. Period. That you melded hip-hop and situational comedy is a victory in and of itself. Kudos, Wale. #clapforhim

PS: Check out some of the trailers for the mixtape. Lord knows those were hilariously creative...

Wale - More About Nothing (Trailer)

Wale - Workin'

If you've noticed a sheer lack of Wale across the interwebs, don't adjust your Google Reader. The DC MC went on a mean hiatus for the past month, and explained why in this video. Wale is preparing to drop a follow-up to his critically-acclaimed, and surprisingly apt mixtape 'The Mixtape About Nothing'. The new work is going to be called 'More About Notthing'. Folarin even leaked a track from the new tape, called 'Workin', which describes exactly what he's been doing. Can't say I'm not pleased that the DC representer is back on his grind. Check out the promo trailer and the loosie to go along with it...

Dear Lupe Fiasco


It's funny how with one piece of news, hip-hop can look like it's reviving itself. Not that a hypothetical collab bringing the likes as (long breath) J. Cole, Asher Roth, The Cool Kids, B.o.B. Wale, Diggy, Charles Hamilton, Blue, and yourself, Lupe, would merit that kind of happiness. It's just that the last time I've seen a musical work in progress with so many dope names on it was.. never. Aside from Ski Beatz' tape (which still hasn't come out) and Young Money, no one's putting out good mixtapes or albums with a gang of MC's. It's all about the solo act, and pretty mediocres one at that. I remember when putting out a compilation meant everybody brought their A-game and not just their wallets. Then again, no one can really complain about that with you, or most of the artists slated to appear in the work, tentatively entitled "All City Chess Club." If there was ever a time for group and posse cuts a la 'Triumph,' 'Flava in Ya Ear,' '4,3,2,1', and 'Banned From TV,' it's definitely now. Hopefully your collective and Ski Beatz' situations work out. One thing though: What happened to Child Rebel Soldiers?? All this talk about collaborations and we're missing an epic one. Get to work on that after LASERS...

Wale & Fat Trel - Oh Let's Do It (Freestyle)

Wale Feat. Fat Trel – “Oh Let’s Do It” Freestyle

Wale hasn't blessed the interwebs with a freestyle or new track in a minute. I'm glad he's back to his lyrical, slightly cocky ways. Dude dropped his tired trademark flow to suit the beat. My boy AKZionz was hating on this, but I couldn't even front on the track. Check out Wale and his mate Fat Trel rip the Waka beat (how is Flocka Flame, by the way??)...

Freestyle Friday (12/11)

It's a Friday. Freestyles would be on deck, usually. However, this week, I haven't come across a lot of good ciphers, so we're gonna go with a freestyle remix. The first one is from Wale over Say Something. He sounds like he's back on his old flow, but he definitely goes heavy on the lyrics in this one. The second one is from a newcomer named Add-2. This is my first time hearing about the man, and I was immediately WOWed. I'm sure you will be, too. Check out both of these freestyles and make sure you keep it locked to Dear Whoever. I got BIG plans for 2010...

Freestyle Friday (11/20)

What up people?? It's Friday, which means nothing more than FREESTYLES. Today we have two (sometimes one) of my favorite up-and-comers Wale and J. Cole having a cypher at a Denny's of all places. Minus the irony of two black rappers freestyling at Denny's, this was pretty good. Of course Wale uses his trademark flow, and you know J. Cole destroys it. The second one is from Emilio Rojas and Donnis. I wasn't familiar with Emilio, so this was a dope introduction. I'm downloading his mixtape 'The Natural' as we speak. Donnis does his thing on the cypher too. Check both of these out, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...

2009 BET Hip-Hop Awards: The Cyphers

I'm not going to lie... The Hip-Hop Awards were dry, bordering on tasteless at times, and also pointless in the grand scheme of things. HOWEVER, just as with last year, the cyphers were an event to be reckoned with. There's no point in mincing words. Just know that one of these was a pure throwaway and another one was one of the best cyphers I can say I've heard in a minute. Enjoy people...

Wale - 'Inhibitions' & 'Contemplate'

Wale - Inhibitions (ft. Pharrell)

At this rate, Wale won't have an album to drop. Not to say that artists shouldn't leak from their albums, but at the same time, why reveal stuff that we should be gaining anticiaption? Especially when they're songs that should be headliners on the album. Regardless, both tracks are bangers. Pharrell and the Neptunes are looking like they're back with a DOPE beat and Rihanna provides 'decent' vocals on her track. What's a little concerning is that Wale is starting to revert back to his old flow. I'm not gonna up and say that he's lost it, but if Attention Deficit is anywhere near the same, then it's gonna be hard to get through, no matter how good the beats or features are. Check the new singles of Wale's album and the downloads...

Wale - Contemplate (ft. Rihanna)

Freestyle Friday (9/11)

Hey, what's up people. It's Friday and that means one thing and one thing only: Freestyles. Last week I left y'all with nothing to rock out to (I was moving into a new apartment), so this week I'm gonna hit you with the freestyle overload. The first one is from the ATL representer, Donnis. He spits over Mobb Deep's 'Burn' and 'Hottest in the Hood' by Red Cafe. To be completely honest, I'm still not sold on him. I think some of the stuff he says is elementary and that his flow needs work (just an opinion). The second one is from Wale, who's been going in a much different direction lyrically as of late. Dude's been focusing a lot more on storytelling and wordplay rather than just spitting, and it's scary good. With that said, he reverts back to his everyday flow, which gets annoying in this cipher. The third one is by a newcomer, named JD Era. This is my first intro to dude, and by the flag in the background, I'm assuming he's from Canada. He has a very aggressive flow, which I like, given how many 'softer' lyricists have been coming out lately. Whatever the case, check the ciphers and keep it locked to Dear Whoever, people...