Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

KiD CuDi ft. Kanye West & Common - Make Her Say (Poke Her Face)

KiD CuDi ft. Kanye West & Common - Make Her Say (Poke Her Face)

Hey, what's up people? It's Monday and that means that we got an assload of new music for you to have eargasms to. First up we got the hot track from KiD CuDi with Kanye and Common, Make Her Say. If you didn't know, the sample in the background is from Lady Gaga's Poker Face. The beat for CuDi's track is dope and all three of the Midwest MC's put together good verses. I only wish they could have included Lupe on there to make the Chicago triumvirate complete. Oh well, I guess we have to deal with this for now. Check the d/l link for the song above, since they still haven't cut that shit off (not that I care)...

Dear NFL


via Washington Post:
Michael Vick was released from federal custody Monday, with the sentence for his role in a dogfighting operation in Virginia expiring after he was imprisoned in Leavenworth, Kan., then on home confinement in Hampton, Va.

There still is no indication, however, about whether he'll be reinstated by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

... There is likely to be a face-to-face meeting between Goodell and Vick before Goodell makes a ruling. Goodell has not indicated whether he will make a decision before the upcoming season.

In all honesty, I think Roger Goodell is a decent commissioner. He's firm with his decisions, decisive with his ideology and a really good speaker. However, I think the man is wayyyyy too judgmental. When Michael Vick is allowed to take off his tracking device and finally step outside of his home, he will begin 3 years of probation. That's in addition to the 18 months he spent in a federal jail. Not only did he go in early, he did EVERYTHING that the judge asked him to do. To that effect, Vick's record in terms of the NFL should be clean. As a friend of mine vehemently states, the NFL should have no place in telling you what you can and cannot do off the field, as long as it isn't affecting your play on the field. By doing such a thing, the league is legislating taste and behavior, not ensuring that it's league is at its highest standard possible.

Michael Vick has served his time, and no PETA advertisement, tree-hugger or uber-liberal should sway Goodell's decision. It's time for the most electrifying player to take to the field in my lifetime to do just that again. Being a dog-lover, his actions were shocking, yet I think the government, as well as the NFL grossly overreacted. The man has lost everything because of some dogs, not people, dogs. It serves to show where the minds of the NFL and Michael Vick's corporate sponsors are: on the money. I find that ironic considering how much money Vick has made both of these parties. To conclude, I think you guys at the NFL have a lot of work to do in the player conduct department. If Goodell doesn't reinstate Vick, that will not only be an egregious wrong, it will indicate how quickly the powers that be are to cut someone loose if the person doesn't act in a manner they find acceptable. Here in America, we legislate taste more than we legislate the law, and Michael Vick probably won't be the last to be struck by the long arm of that said law...

Pac Div - Church League Champions


Pac Div - Church League Champions

Alright, if you guys remember correctly, I posted a mixtape for the Left Coast group Pacific Division. They're back with their next offering entitled "Church League Champions". I have to say that this is a far cry from the "Sealed for Freshness Blendtape". Pac Div, as they call themselves now, seems a lot more focused, not only in their ideas, but in their lyrics. Instead of random slick punchlines and metaphors, the group seems to be able to write actual songs now. They have thematic tracks that stick to their blueprints this time. Also, their beat selection is great this time around. They mix up slow. synthesized, bass-heavy beats, with faster, more musical background, as well as funny sound clips throughout the tape. Honestly, they might be one of the next to blow out of the West Coast, or I at least hope they do. It seems like the blogosphere is getting flooded with new acts these days, and its hard to differentiate between who's just spinning their wheels and who's about to hit 60 without even getting into 2nd gear. Pac Div definitely have their foot on the pedal with this mixtape. Check the back cover for the tracklist, the d/l link (above), my picks, and some videos for your viewing pleasure...


Cream of the Crop:
We the Champs (Duke vs. Carolina)
Pac Div
For You
Young Black Male

Cream of the Crap:
No No

Why 95% of Society Should NEVER Try MMA

Umm, this is really, really graphic. If you have a bad stomach, I'd recommend not even watching. But in all honesty, I couldn't resist posting this. Something about the human body and its permutations (whether intended, accidental, or malicious) intrigues me. Check out this man destroying his leg...

Gold Coin Summer 2009 Preview


Hey what's up people? Even though the summer is halfway over, it's not too late to cop some fresh tees to end it with. Up-and-coming brand Gold Coin just released their Summer 2009 t-shirt collection. The shirts you see above are only half of the collection, making it a total of 16 well-designed pieces. I really like this brand. It's very fresh and the designs are clean, yet not bland or generic. You can check the rest of the collection, as well as cop some for yourself at their website, Gold Coin.

Harlem's Cash - On My Way to Harlemwood


Okay, I said I was gonna hit you guys with some Harlem's Cash earlier today, so here it is. I've slept on cats before, but never like this. Since I've been listening to Kid Daytona (by the way, if you haven't copped Daytona's 'Come Fly With Me', hurry up and d/l that here), I've heard Harlem's Cash featured on so many of his tracks and freestyles, but never really gave his solo efforts a listen. FAIL. In all honesty, this man's punchlines are among the slickest I've heard. His flow is consistent and changes with the beat. Plus he's always shouting out NYC (Harlem and the BX to be exact). Check his solo offering, 'On My Way to Harlemwood' (minus the drops and DJ noise), and some leaked tracks, and freestyles.

Harlem's Cash - On My Way to Harlemwoood

Side note: the whole Notherground Camp is a serious movement. Impeccable production from 6th Sense, along with rhymes from the Kid Daytona, Outasight and, of course, Harlem's Cash makes this a collective to be reckoned with in the near future. If you haven't gotten up on these cats, I HIGHLY suggest hitting them up...

Anything's Possible - Harlem's Cash ft. the Kid Daytona
Feels Like - Harlem's Cash ft. Tiara Wiles

2009 NBA All-Summer League Team

If you know me, then you know I'm fanatical about basketball. To that effect, I've been watching the NBA Summer League, where rookies, promising prospects, journeymen, unknowns, and D-Leaguer's all converge for competition as exciting as the NBA season itself. In these games, we can truly see who the best of the year's draft class are among their peers, which non-rookies teams should be looking out for, and which players have been shitting their pants when they should have been shitting on other players. Here's my All-Summer League Team:

Anthony Randolph
This man, in all honesty is going to be an All-Star in the near future. He's everything Lamar Odom should have been: intense, competitive, and smart. In fact, even Lamar Odom admitted that watching Randolph was like looking in the mirror, and that he could become a star. Dude dropped a then-record (until his teammate Anthony Morrow beat it with 47) 42 points in this clip, with a dazzling array of post moves, dribbling, and jump shots. Randolph is incredibly versatile. I wouldn't be surprised if he catches a lot of teams off-guard.

Blake Griffin
This is a no-brainer. Blake is outclassing all of the big men in this year's draft class by lightyears. The thing that makes him so special is how polished he is for a rookie. His body control is unbelievable for a player so bulky, and he's too fast for that frame. He also has amazing range for a big man. If this guy isn't an All-Star by next season, then the NBA should dismantle.

Demar Derozan
Demar Derozan was drafted simply off potential at number nine, but is quickly showing that he deserved that position. He had a slow one-and-done season at USC, but exploded in the Pac-10 Tourney. Toronto is definitely pleased with him already, as fans have been calling him "Heir Canada". Corny as that is, he might just be the next Vince Carter. This guy is a freak of nature. If you don't believe me, Youtube this man and look at the unbelievable dunks he has.

Tyreke Evans & Brandon Jennings
I put these two together because the highlight video features them both going at each other. Both of these guys have faced criticism in more than one capacity; Jennings for going overseas and Evans for not being 'prototypical'. Both of them however are MONSTERS and... you know what? Just watch the video...

That's it for my All-Summer League Team. Check back in for the WORST of the Summer League...

Freestyle Friday

What's up people? It's Friday, and you know I had to hit you with some freestyles to rock out with. The first one is from Harlem's Cash (will be posting more of his ish later), and the second one is from J. Cole (he's been going hard on the radio and promotional grind). Both of them are dope and indicative of how diverse hip-hop styles can be. If you ask me, we're entering another golden age. But that's neither here nor there. Check the top of the dome flow from two up-and-comers...

Dopest. Record Player. Ever.


This makes me want to go steal all of my parent's old records. This record player, designed by Rhea Jeong, uses a magnetic field to levitate and spin the record, and then a ball rolls along the track in order to play it. In all honesty, if you break this out on a date, there's no way you won't score. I couldn't even fathom it until I really thought about the concept. Enough talk though. Check the first record player I will ever buy...



Dear Hip-Hop

This is a cheesy-ass concept, but it seriously made me think. In all actuality, what artform or medium has touched as many cultures as hip-hop? We as Americans have a very self-centered view of the world, and it's sad because we fail to see the impact that something started in basements and on street corners on the Bronx has had on the world. As a medium for revolution, hip-hop is nearly unmatched. Empowering and powerful at the same time, it clearly knows know language barriers. Even as something used purely for enjoyment and merriment, hip-hop knows no boundaries. What other music can anger you, make you think, enamor you, captivate you and make you want to dance at the same time? The music is bigger than what blogs and drops and beefs can ever encapsulate, and this video solidified it for me. I know some of y'all can't see past whoever the hot artist on our shores is today, but I urge all of hip-hop (artists, fans, critics or whoever) to expand their horizons to worlds we never even knew existed, because the music has spread. Like a viral infection causing us all to nod our heads in rhythm, hip-hop is a unifier. I just hope people can see it, all the way from America to wherever in the world some kid is penning the next Illmatic. I told you this shit was cheesy...

Bape x Pokemon


Everyone, and I repeat EVERYONE (okay, maybe not everyone) has gone through their Pokemon phase. Whether you were chin-checkin' that other kid on the playground for their holographic Charizard, trading your Bulbasaur for a Mewtwo with the linked-up Game Boys, or having seizures watching the TV show, you knew and understood the allure of the 151 (fuck the other new ones) pocket monsters and were primed to catch 'em all. That said, Bape is making moves with the Japanese cartoon phenomenon, throwing the Pokemon spin on some of its more famous designs. Of course they had to rock with Pikachu before anybody else, but I like how they melded the unevolved one with the trademark Bathing Ape. Check some more from their upcoming Pokemon collab (via BapeNerd)...




The Census (7/15 - 7/26)


Okay, I usually don't care about logistical shit like this, just because I think content should reign supreme on any blog. However, I've seen my blog gain a lot of new viewers as of late, and I want it to be easily accessible to even newer viewers, as well as make it easier to find for the rest of y'all. Also, it's kind of confusing when I tell heads my blog is called Dear Whoever, but that the url is themailmancame.blogspot.com. That said, I'm getting a new domain name for Dear Whoever (or The Mailman Came), and I need you guys to let me know what you think. Until Sunday, July 26th at 11:59 PM The Census will be devoted to this issue. Obviously, there won't be any other Census polls until after that. The Census question is as follows:

Which name is better?
Dear Whoever
The Mailman Came

You can vote in this Census at the bar under the big letters saying "DEAR WHOEVER". In all honesty, this means the world to the future of this blog, so please VOTE, and if you have any suggestions, comments or other random shit you wanna say, PLEASE comment on this post or shoot me an e-mail. Thanks for reading Dear Whoever, people. I hope you enjoy it, because I enjoy writing it...

Freeway - Bloggers

I've always respected Freeway even if I didn't like his albums. I guess street buzz and freestyles don't always equal mainstream success and platinum plaques. It's okay though, because Freeway just brought his trump card with this one. He goes at the whole blogosphere in this track and lays out some of the ills of this new media. He dubs Media Takeout and TMZ, among other urban blogs as the paparazzi of this day and age, invading privacy like Americans on Afghani shores. Although this is a blog, I have to agree that the privacy of artists and entertainers is at an all time premium, and that there are a few too many muckrakers simply looking to make a buck. Really, who cares what pictures Chris Brown and Teyana Taylor and Soulja Boy put up on Twitter? Are the divorce preceedings of Nas and Kelis that important? And better yet, we'll never get the whole story. To pry into these people's lives in a way that undermines respectful journalism is a gross ill in this era. Bloggers, check yourself, and check your content. Whatever the case, make sure you check the new track from Freeway, with the d/l link below...

Freeway - Bloggers

FingerBeat for the iPhone

I hate iPhones. Yeah I said it. Not because I'm on Sprint, or because I'm anti Apple (I have a Mac, by the way), but just because the iPhone could be so much more powerful given the hardware behind it. That's neither here nor there though. This app makes me happy just watching a video of it. Please check the magic of FingerBeat...

The Mailing List: July 2009 (#2)

Yeah, I'm late. I don't care though. Today the new Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" released (I'm sure some of you guys were out there last night). It's the second to last movie in the series, so clearly it's a pivotal piece to the saga. I won't bore you with talking about it, because I'm sure if you haven't read all the books, you've seen all of the movies. Just know that there's a huuuuuuuuuge twist to look forward to and that the movie itself is a gem. Go out and check out the new Harry Potter movie, because I know why I'm going to NYC on Saturday for...

Dear Jeremih

Dog, your mohawk having ass would come out with some crap like this. Seriously, what's up with R&B today, that a singer can come out with a catchy, snesual, "Baby-Makin' Mix"-suitable song, and then re-up with something like this. I know you can sing, but that's no excuse for a sub-par second single, especially with Birthday Sex, and the Fabolous feature as your other credits. I feel like you tried too hard to get at the fellas (PAUSE) with this one, but didn't realize that niggas have hip-hop and their own ignorance to look to if they want cars, clothes, and hoes. Not only that, but the whole ostentatious R&B genre is pretty much full, with Trey Songz and the Dream putting out bangers. Seriously, Jeremih (who named you??) you have to come harder than that. Save the niggadry for the rappers and make an R&B album, not a mixtape with a hot single and 12 filler songs...

Air Jordan XI "Space Jam"


Okay, so I know that I clown on Jordan Brand a lot. It's not like they give me a reason not to with some of these releases (like these, or this). But today, I nearly knocked my drink off my desk upon hearing news that JB would be re-releasing the Air Jordan XI's in the Space Jam colorway. Jordan heads know that this was the pair he wore in the movie "Space Jam," hence the namesake. They release on NOVEMBER 27th, meaning they won't get the traditional Saturday retro treatment. These babies are being released as a quickstrike, too, so I'd start lining up now (that is if you don't have a connect) to get your hands on one of pretty much everyone's holy grails...

The Census (7/14 - 7/20)

It's about this time of year, as a sports fan, that I start going insane. The basketball season, college and pro, has ended and summer league games are hardly televised, while the football and soccer seasons are months away. This leaves me with baseball, a sport that has a weird place in many sports fans' hearts. While I can enjoy baseball, its around this time that baseball's coverage becomes excessive and I feel like I watch Baseball Tonight at least four times a night. It's for this reason I bring up the Home Run Derby and the All-Star Weekend. The MLB's perennial power contest, which has been marred for some years by the steroids era, happened last night, with Prince Fielder winning. The Prince jacked (pause) six 400-foot bombs to win it over Nelson Cruz. With that said, what's the deal with the All-Star Weekend? Besides setting up homefield advantage in the World Series and being a popularity contest, is it even worth watching or even worth having? Here's this week's Census question:

Is the MLB All-Star Week live or lame?

- Live!! I never knew balls getting hit over a fence could be so dope!!!
- Lame!! I'd rather rock some roids myself than watch the most boring sport in the world...

Vote at the panel at the top of the page, and let your voice be heard!!

The Census: Debriefing Session (7/13 -7/20)

Hey what's up people, the results are in from last week's Census and we know who's computer literate and who isn't:

Are the traditional media outlets (print, news channel, radio) losing their ground to the new age of media (blogs, Twitter, etc)?

Hell yeah!!! Who reads the newspaper anymore? Better yet, who even watches CNN? 75%

Nahh!!! You can't trust muckrakers, especially ones without Ivy League degrees. 25%

Obviously, the death of Michael Jackson shouldn't incite worldwide dialogue about the power of the new media guard on the web. However, such is the case. When Twitter essentially shut down on that Thursday, it was clear how much of an impact that the social media network could wield. The same goes for any of the social media outlets (Facebook, bloggers, Stumbleupon), where the power of the now and the unabashed contact with peers is starting to become more wieldy than traditional, stagnant news media. What needs to be done now, is that the new media needs a way to regulate itself, in a way that makes sure the truth always comes out, but that collateral damage is at a minimum. You can read another article on the impact of new social media (especially on young people) here. I think Twitter is here to stay (at least until some new ish comes out), and will thrive until people start doing this:


The Best Dunker You've Never Heard Of...

In lieu of everyone's favorite PR nightmare getting dunked on last week, I figured I'd scour the interweb for someone else who could put LeBron on a poster. And after about an hour of watching ruthless dunks, this was the one who might be able to dethrone Jordan Crawford. The Air Up There is an And 1 alumnus, so you know he knows how to put on a show, and honestly could dunk his way to Nirvana if he tried hard enough. He's probably got the most ridiculous array of dunks I've ever seen. But that's enough talk. Check out the best dunker you've never heard of...