Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear iPad Stans

I understand the Apple craze. I myself am a proud Mac, and will probably be just that until (you know it's coming) Microsoft steps it game up. Since Apple put out the iPod, it seems like we're moving closer and closer to a society run by Apple (and Google). And the people leading the line to Apple iWorld are the Apple fans, or this year, the iPad stans. The video above is a perfect case of brand loyalty gone wrong. The guy is the first in line for the iPad and was the first for the iPhone. Is it that important to you guys to be 'early adopters'? Is saying you have something that everyone (I hope not) has in a few months worth your time and overpayment? I hope it is, because not only will you be $500 poorer, you'll soon realize what we Luddites (look it up) have known since Steve Jobs stepped on stage a few months back: the iPad is a huge iPhone, with no camera. Point. Blank. Period. At least there's a silver lining. We get to see how many nice-looking, but mostly useless applications the world can conjure up in the next month. These guys put their iPad in their truck. Hopefully insurance covers it...

That's a 6-car pileup waiting to happen