Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Keri Hilson

Obama would be proud...

WOW, that is ugly, to say the least. Keri, I've always thought you were talented and all, penning all those hits and even beginning your own singing career. This sure isn't the way to keep the ball rolling. At a primetime game between your HOMETOWN Atlanta Hawks and the Lakers, you botch the National Anthem?? What's funnier is how you tried to cover it with the mean little church choir extension. It was a valiant attempt to save a ridiculous faux pas. I mean, I understand not being completely patriotic and remembering the Anthem. Few people do, and even fewer give a you-know-what about patriotic stuff. At least practice or memorize the piece before you perform!! If you were really feeling shaky, you could've put up a teleprompter, or had somebody holding up a sign somewhere like a grade school recital. The crowd didn't react like a bunch of parents too proud to notice their kids messing up. At least you looked good doing it...