Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Chicken

Dear KFC


Look, I'm black, and I enjoy chicken. There's no correlation between the two, but I figured that statement needed to be made before I make this statement:


First there were boneless wings, then there were boneless ribs, and now, a boneless filet? Let me look up the dictionary definition of filet. A filet is "a boneless cut or slice of meat or fish, esp. the beef tenderloin" or "a piece of veal or other meat boned, rolled, and tied for roasting" (Dictionary.com). What should that mean to you guys? That should mean that what you're serving in a cup and selling for $3.99 is essentially a big ass piece of chicken breast! The last time I checked, isn't that half of your menu in the first place? I suppose when you've been serving plain old original recipe chicken for the past 70 years, you look for a new item to shake up the menu (and the shareholder's pockets). This, though, is just plain old UNORIGINAL, and slightly stupid. Anyone who's eaten KFC will (hopefully) see through this and save themselves the disappointment and stomach ailments from eating a huge piece of processed, hydrogenated, trans-fatty, preservative-laced death, that you guys call your 'Boneless Filet'. Make no bones about it. This item should be off the menu by the end of the month. If not, you guys are doing a really good job advertising, and America is doing a terrible job of reading...