Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: Religion

Dear Islamophobes

It usually takes a tragic event to polarize people. Something crazy, even unbelievable, has to happen to sway people's opinions, or divide those opinions on an issue. That said, there hasn't been a more polarizing issue in the past decade than the attacks on September 11th. The events of that day sparked a war on two fronts, a deficit stemming from military overspending and an anti-American sentiment around the world. But the most ridiculous fallout from the attacks has less to do with feasible things, and more to do with an undertone that's hit a fever pitch over the past few weeks: Islamophobia.

In New York City, a few blocks away from Ground Zero, where the two towers were felled, a mosque is being planned for construction in the near future. Conservatives, fundamentals, and the cowardly all fall under the same banner when it comes to the construction: Islamophobes. You all have taken fear-mongering to new heights with your opposition to this mosque, and it all stems from anti-Islamic sentiment. I understand that the salty taste left in your mouth from 9/11 makes you want these mosque-builders to hightail it to the nearest cave. But wait a second.... Isn't this America? ...as in, the United States of America, the country whose foundation was built on a bedrock of religious tolerance. Weren't the first settlers coming here in search of religious freedom? That's what I thought! Hell, it's in our Constitution! Why now, are you guys going to try and take that freedom away from a perfectly legitimate entity? I'll tell you why: anger, fear and prejudice. By opposing the mosque, you've basically given credence to the idea of terrorism. The people who planned the 9/11 attacks scared you so much, that you automatically take the aspirations of any Islamic or Muslim individual with a grain of salt. You can't even see past the fact that the construction will feature a community and cultural center, complete with a pool, rec center and community outreach programs for a part of the city that's dying for an adrenaline shot. That's what the terrorists wanted! Fear!

It's not that you should forget the horrors that occurred on September 11th, 2001. It's that there shouldn't be any barriers to peaceful development. I'm tired of people believing that religion should make its way into politics. It certainly affects our political stances, but shouldn't be our litmus test for a person or entity's worth. If the good people at the Cordoba Institute (an advocacy group that promotes improved relations between Islam and the West) wants to build a mosque, let them rock!! Don't use fear-mongering and crocodile tears from 9/11 to push forward an agenda of religious intolerance. That's like going to a different country, destroying their infrastructure, killing their leaders and pushing your religion in their faces, under the guise of democracy. Oh wait... You guys did that too...

Dear Christian Broadcasting Network

Okay, I'm fully aware that in Christianity, God has shown himself to speak to certain individuals, in an effort to get His word out there. Now that's all well and good if what you're spewing is not only uplifting to God, but a message of love, not hatred or borderline racism. CBN, if this is your idea of uplifting, then I would hate to see anything else on your network. Pat Robertson has long been a mainstay on your channel, most notably the 700 Club (700 what?), a Christian talk show. I want to know how he's been on the air since 1966 with all of the crap he spews on the regular. From saying that 1982 was going to be the year of judgment, to claiming to be able to deflect hurricanes, to his call to assassinate Hugo Chavez, to his constant comments about other religions, homosexuality and feminism, Robertson has IDIOT and BIGOT (both in capital letters) written on his forehead.

I mean, seriously. When has natural disaster been the impetus for a human (not God, a human) to pass judgment on the spiritual sanctity of an entire country?? Or better yet, when was it ever cool to claim that black slaves couldn't defeat the French army without the help of the devil? I've always hated televangelists because they purport so many falsities while having a ton of dirty laundry themselves. Pat Robertson takes the cake though, CBN. And what's worse is the fact that you are defending his comments. My mother always said that in the End of Days (yeah, we're getting liturgical) that there would be 'false' prophets and entities spewing out iniquity under the guise of Christianity. She couldn't be more correct when it comes to the comments of Robertson or how readily you purport his idiocy. In fact, when it comes to idiocy, Pat Robertson may have written the book. Maybe you guys have forgotten. Take a look at some of Pat's other 'great' ideas, and you might see what I'm getting at...

Since when does condemning other religions show God's love??

Ignorance will never be eradicated if religion continues to blind people...

Dear Bishop Tobin

Church and state have never been so far apart, cynically, that is. Bishop, since when is one's political stance grounds to expel them from a rite handed down from God? I've never written a letter going up against a religious figure, but this needed to be done. It's no wonder the Catholic Church is the most made-fun of entity in the world. From ideologies more rooted in tradition than understanding, to a wide-reaching influence that serves for intellectual recession than progression, I've always thought the Catholic church had a bit too much power for it's own good. That's why this kind of issue only serves to make the Church look bad. Bishop Tobin, you seem to have this penchant for allowing your own political (aka spiritual) ideologies to cloud your judgment, especially when it comes to things that really aren't your business. To you, and all abortion opponents for that matter, why is it your business what a woman does to her body? Better yet, why should it be the government's job to say what a woman does to her body? Or even better than that, why is it your prerogative to judge Representative Patrick Kennedy's views on abortion?

First of all, it's not your job to judge anyone. Christianity's ultimate judge is God. You, Bishop Tobin are there solely to administer the word of God to others. Secondly, I realize that this is the inherent problem with America today. People are way too comfortable with allowing church (or state, for that matter) legislate their tastes. Whether it's a stance on marijuana, gay rights or abortion rights, someone is always trying to tell you what to do. Is this not the land of the free? Bishop Tobin, you should not be involved in the fate of any woman's womb but those interested in allowing you that liberty. Nor should you be meddling in political affairs. It's funny that you can concern yourself with politics only when it suits your own beliefs. I suppose that's the flaw of politics and religion, too...