Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: The Dream

Dear (the) Dream

If you are around excitable cats or sensitive glass, please DO NOT play this song..

Now, for the past 4 years or so, I've sat back and watched you, Terius Nash. I've watched you turn R&B from an art for sangers (not singers) to a falsetto-laced, synthesized snore-fest for fat producers. After hearing this, I have to demand this: dude, please just give up. I know that Christina Milian has you a little hot under the collar (for God's sake, I'd feel the same way). But that doesn't mean you can resurrect classic R&B tracks whenever you feel inspired. You see, Dream, Aaliyah could actually sing and perform, two things that I have yet to hear that you can do. Sure, you're the 'Radio Killa,' but what does killing the radio even mean? That you make catchy singles that are cool to ride out on a Saturday night to? Sure. That your songs are about as deep as the kiddie pool? Absolutely. It even might mean that you are somewhat of a genius when it comes to that niche. However, the mark of a good artist in today's music industry is an artist that knows when to stay in their lane, and when to expand. Trey Songz can throw together the sing-songy raps like R. Kelly, so it's understandable. Hell, Drake can hold a tune, so he sings every once in a while (more often now than earlier). You, however, should do no such thing. Regardless of how many records you sell, or features you're on, or whatever metric you want to use as proof that you're a good musician, you CANNOT SING. No, it's not me hating. It's me having respect for the artform. Maybe you should learn some too. Lord knows you wouldn't catch Johnny Cash rapping or Lil'Wayne trying to play guitar. Wait... Wayne had that 'Rebirth' album.... Anyway, please hand in your pass to cover the R&B hits of the 90's. You're doing yourself, and those stars (dead or alive) a disservice...

This image should be a PSA for artists stepping out of their lane...