Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Facebook in Real Life

It's always funny to see technology transposed with the real life that it's supposed to enhance. In the case of Facebook, if we were to translate every poke, wall post, invitation or friend request into a real life situation, it would be.. awkward, to say the least. As a matter of fact, if Facebook was a real life, face to face thing, I don't think I'd have a Facebook. In face, Mark Zuckerberg would probably be just another geeky Harvard grad, because people would be too creeped out by all of the stuff popping up around them. If you don't see yourself wanting to say or do these things outside of the computer, then maybe you should cut back on the Facebook action. I know a friend request from a random person on the street, who happens to have mutual friends, would probably get ignored. Yet, online, it's fair game. I guess it's just something to think about, albeit in a humorous way. Check the video out...