Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Viral Videos

Real Life Mario Kart

I've been waiting for this since my Nintendo 64 broke in 2001. Mario Kart is an all-time great game and a personal favorite of mine simply because of how addicting and how extensive of a game it is. Videographer Freddie Wong decided to take his video game addiction a step further and make a real-life version of Mario Kart, complete with those pesky turtle shells, the stars, speed arrows and that annoying ghost that would take forever to put you back on the track after you were knocked off. Thanks to some good video editing and CGI, it's actually a pretty nice video. Now if only we could get the same thing going for Sonic the Hedgehog... *dream clouds appear*

3 Minutes

The day that light sabers become a standard in combat, is the day I will be first in line waiting to unleash the Dark Side of the Force on an unwitting adversary. Such is the premise of this short movie, 3 Minutes. I won't divulge exactly what goes on in the 3 minutes, aside from it is action-packed and involves the use of light sabers in an industrial park. The Ross Ching-directed short film was shot using a Canon 5D Mark II and the Canon 7D, which explains the crazy picture quality for a non-professional movie. Honestly, talk won't suffice for this bad boy. Check it out and decide whether you can handle 3 minutes...

Antoine Dodson: The REMIX

The funniest part about most viral videos that hit the internet isn't always the videos themselves, but sometimes the spin-offs, remixes, and responses that come with them. From mashups between videos, to reaction videos, and ultimately to remix videos, they've got it all on Youtube. In this case, we've got the story of Antoine Dodson, and his epically heated warning to the perpetrator in his sister's attempted rape. The man, who's... let's say... a bit zestier than most had some harsh words for the criminal, which were turned into an autotune track. As much as autotune might leave your ears ringing, you can't deny how hilarious this remix is. Antoine's head motions look like he's really in a music video, neck snapping and everything. What's crazier is the fact that he's relishing his newfound web fame, complete with Facebook fan page, and of course, the remixes. Check out Antoine Dodson: REMIXED....

Facebook in Real Life

It's always funny to see technology transposed with the real life that it's supposed to enhance. In the case of Facebook, if we were to translate every poke, wall post, invitation or friend request into a real life situation, it would be.. awkward, to say the least. As a matter of fact, if Facebook was a real life, face to face thing, I don't think I'd have a Facebook. In face, Mark Zuckerberg would probably be just another geeky Harvard grad, because people would be too creeped out by all of the stuff popping up around them. If you don't see yourself wanting to say or do these things outside of the computer, then maybe you should cut back on the Facebook action. I know a friend request from a random person on the street, who happens to have mutual friends, would probably get ignored. Yet, online, it's fair game. I guess it's just something to think about, albeit in a humorous way. Check the video out...

BP Spills Coffee

All I can say is WOW! I feel like the people who made this video might have been sitting in on an actual British Petroleum meeting before filming, because the video basically shows how ineffective BP's been with this oil spill. The amount of time in between the oil coffee spill and the top-kill cardboard solution was way too long, and after they ran out of ideas, they kind of just have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off. If British Petroleum is angry about all of the parodies and jokes that are being flung their way now, I pity them even more. Bad regulation and an overall lack of remorse about their effect on the environment are bigger issues than their dwindling stock prices and soon-to-be inevitable bankruptcy. I guess when you've created the biggest environmental disaster in human history, its hard to see things from a humorous perspective...

Maybe this will help... No, it just made them look worse.

The Madbury Club!

This is viral marketing at its best. Phillip Annand of The AwardTour has been tweeting on and off about an initiative called the Madbury Club lately, much to my confusion. Here's the first piece of media actually associated with it. Looking at the video, it's pretty much a who's who of really fresh NYC fashion personalities. Joe La Puma, Marcus Troy et. al. show their faces getting special invites for whatever the Madbury Club is offering. We'll probably get more word as to what the madness behind the Madbury Club is in the coming weeks. Maybe by then I'll have come up with enough explanations for what exactly it is. Check the video out...