Everic White

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Singing Telegram: The Notorious B.I.G. - Ten Crack Commandments

What's up people? Today's Singing Telegram is a bit different from the usual. It's not an actual song, but a poetry reading of a song. As normal as it sounds, the reading is done by Adrien Brody, who, up until this point was unbeknownst to me as a Biggie fan. At the Academy of American Poets, Brody recites the late Christopher Wallace's '10 Crack Commandments', citing Biggie as one of 'the most influential poets of his generation'. I can't disagree with him, though I do question whether he did this out of genuine respect, or to see the shocked faces in the crowd. I'll tend to believe the latter, especially as '10 Crack Commandments' is one of my favorite songs, and a pretty good instruction manual when dealing in any type of business. I've taken the liberty of explicating each of Biggie's edicts in much more general terms. It might be better served than spitting them free-form in front of poetry buffs. Listen along, so you get the full effect of these powerful rules.

The Notorious B.I.G. - Ten Crack Commandments

The Ten Crack Commandments:

1. Don't let anyone know what kind of or how much money you possess. There are, at every turn, jealous crooks waiting to steal it from you, whether in courts or on corners. Broadcasting your ends also makes it easier to track and audit them. You don't want the IRS barking up your tree.

2. Keep your plans and movements to yourself. No one likes to have their grand schemes interrupted by gunfire, much less another opportunist running away with your ideas. Additionally, telling more people gives way to the plan losing its general profitability. Too many heads on the bottle makes everyone go thirsty.

3. Don't trust anyone. Anyone has the propensity to double-cross you in the chase for material wealth. Make sure the people you keep around you are trustworthy and strong-minded, so as not to compromise your operation.

4. Avoid shrinkage. Whether it's bean pies, sneakers, stocks or rocks, don't allow your business to be cut into by your vices. Business and pleasure aren't two things that should live together, especially if your business is pleasure.

5. Don't do business where you lay your head. It's a sticky situation waiting to happen if your customers or enemies see you taking showers, watching the game, and selling your wares out of the same location. Not to mention, in the event that your domus is public knowledge, you'll see a spike in how many people you have hanging around. Keep a low profile in person, and habitat.

6. Don't do credit. Cash transactions were the creation of needing a medium for when bartering just didn't do the trick. It's a quick standard that always gets the job done. Credit does nothing but complicate things, especially when it's time to collect.

7. Mixing family and business is almost never a good look. The Godfather trilogy, songs with Beyonce and Solange... the list goes on. If it must be done, keep the circle as small as possible. Think Will Smith and his clan.

8. Don't ever keep your product on you. Police, government regulators, and greedy acquaintances will always find a reason to shake you down. You'd rather not give them any reason for suspicion.

9. Stay away from police. The funny thing about the boys in blue is that they are never around when they need to be, and always around when you want them gone. Don't entertain their witty banter or war stories, much less engage them in an argument. Not only will it arouse the suspicion of your competitors, you're more likely to be implicated if you slip-up.

10. Consignment is a hard thing to juggle. If you're not well-seasoned in your business, buying without the means to pay it back is essentially systematic debt. Rather than bite off more than you can chew and risk losing it all, remember this: slow and steady wins the race. Build your empire, until you are the one people are coming to for ends.

Charlie and the Apple Factory

I've been a faithful Mac since 2006, but wasn't always as sold on Steve Jobs' baby as I once was. Apple products and their fanboys were annoying at one point, mostly because I was too busy playing Icy Tower and Text Twist to want to pay them any mind. Yet, I still was drawn in. Why and how do Steve Jobs and the Mac army make such addicting products? Obviously the marketing is big, but what else makes #teamiPhone so devoted. College Humor takes a stab at why in the video, brewing up a funny parody of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What Charlie finds in Steve Jobs' factory might make anyone hold off on Mac purchases for a little while. Plus, it's never too late to get a good laugh out of Bill Gates' decade-long fight to get the edge back for Windows. Check out the video on whatever iProduct you have...

The VICE Guide to #Based Music

Over the past few weeks, I've had trouble ignoring the phenomenon that is Lil' B the Based God. The Bay Area native has a choke hold on the internet's fickle throat, and with his #based moniker he's made Twitter his personal stomping ground in little more than a year. That said, his music has always gone over my head, either due to my own doubting his musical ability or general ire towards his 'so ridiculous, it's genius' modus operandi. You can't deny the man's work ethic or his overall intelligence. Lately I've been seeing Lil' B tweets popping up on my timeline, and instead of questioning them, I found myself nodding in agreement. Maybe I'll never be a Lil' B fan. Maybe #based music is little more than a fad. Whatever the case, he has my ears, and after this feature with MTV's VICE, he might have a lot more in 2011. Check out exactly what #based music is, and the inspiration for his seemingly random song titles...

LRG Spring 2011 Collection

It's been a minute since I've posted any clothing, sneakers or apparel in general. I think I came to a realization about fashion, or clothing brands more specifically: If a clothing brand doesn't have a motif, a theme or a general feel to its apparel, then it's less likely to catch on. The most successful brands that my generation is drawn to like SUPREME (not my favorite, but influential nonetheless), Polo, Orisue, Levis among others, all have branched out into becoming 'lifestyle' brands that encompass a way of living or thinking. LRG, in their Spring collection does just that, exemplifying an earthy approach to fashion and life. Set in the woods, shores and skies of Washington and San Juan, and featuring a buttery-smooth song in backdrop, this preview from the good folks at LRG is a testament to their brand: simple, refined and one with its surroundings, no matter if it's the forest or the concrete jungle. Check it out...


I know I'm not the only frequent NYC Subway rider who wonders exactly what the tracks, tunnels and rails look like outside of the train. These guys, street historian Steven Duncan and videographer Andrew Wonder, got to see just that in their expedition in the belly of the beast known as the Subway. Armed with a Canon 5d Mark II camera, an LED flashlight and a ridiculous knowledge of the inner workings of a rapid transit system, Duncan visits numerous train stations (abandoned and functioning), and runs amok in the tunnels, all while dodging trains, transit workers and cops, and the deadly third rail. Duncan sees everything from decade-old graffiti to a bunch of tunnel-dwelling citizens, some of whom had lived in the Subway tunnels since the 80s.

The most interesting part of the documentary is Duncan talking about some of the penalties for getting caught trespassing, and seeing him maneuver around the Subway tracks and restricted areas, even while people are in plain view. He even shows the viewer New York City's first sewer at Canal Street on the trip, going in a manhole. My question is, how in the world does one become an urban historian, or know about some of these places, without having nearly died a few times? I'm guessing he's done this before, as Duncan alludes to being in Paris and getting caught trying to climb the Cathedral at Notre Dame. Although, this really piques my interest, it's a bit too crazy for me, especially when you think about the smell. Either way, Duncan's journey is visually stunning for those of us curious about the workings of the city's underworld. Too bad he didn't catch any of the sewer dwelling alligators... or the mole people. I'd actually pay to see those...

PS: All you Brooklyn people are going to love the end.

LeBron James x Dr. Dre x Affion Crocket

Been saying it for months now. I'd rather have some 'Songs' from Dr. Dre than 'Beats' by Dr. Dre. The wait for his new album Detox has become laughable. Ironically, Dre thinks so too. That's the only reason he would agree to let Affion Crockett annoy him during a trip to the gym with LeBron. In this new commercial for Dre's newest headphone set, Affion takes shots at LeBron about everything from the press conference to a potential rivalry with the Lakers. I've got to admit, this is funny, even though it really didn't make me want to buy a pair of the headphones. Also, LeBron is really about to make a hefty amount of money. Maybe his bid for the first black billionaire isn't as far-fetched as we think. Check the commercial, because I'm sure you've got an opinion of both LeBron and Dre at this point. Hearing Affion's won't hurt...

Antoine Dodson: The REMIX

The funniest part about most viral videos that hit the internet isn't always the videos themselves, but sometimes the spin-offs, remixes, and responses that come with them. From mashups between videos, to reaction videos, and ultimately to remix videos, they've got it all on Youtube. In this case, we've got the story of Antoine Dodson, and his epically heated warning to the perpetrator in his sister's attempted rape. The man, who's... let's say... a bit zestier than most had some harsh words for the criminal, which were turned into an autotune track. As much as autotune might leave your ears ringing, you can't deny how hilarious this remix is. Antoine's head motions look like he's really in a music video, neck snapping and everything. What's crazier is the fact that he's relishing his newfound web fame, complete with Facebook fan page, and of course, the remixes. Check out Antoine Dodson: REMIXED....

Facebook in Real Life

It's always funny to see technology transposed with the real life that it's supposed to enhance. In the case of Facebook, if we were to translate every poke, wall post, invitation or friend request into a real life situation, it would be.. awkward, to say the least. As a matter of fact, if Facebook was a real life, face to face thing, I don't think I'd have a Facebook. In face, Mark Zuckerberg would probably be just another geeky Harvard grad, because people would be too creeped out by all of the stuff popping up around them. If you don't see yourself wanting to say or do these things outside of the computer, then maybe you should cut back on the Facebook action. I know a friend request from a random person on the street, who happens to have mutual friends, would probably get ignored. Yet, online, it's fair game. I guess it's just something to think about, albeit in a humorous way. Check the video out...

7 x 13 = 28???

Now, I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to multiply double-digit numbers by one another. That said, differences in methodology are like kryptonite to logical thinking, and Abbott and Costello prove that here, along with proving that 7 x 13 = 28. I was skeptical at first, because my own knowledge was in the way. Yes, the video is silly and old as hell, but it's still hilarious for all you nerds with time and laughter to spare. Check it out and tell me your whole idea of arithmetic isn't screwed up now...

Uncle Ruckus x Shade 45

There are so many brilliant characters on The Boondocks, but the most unique might be Uncle Ruckus. His self-hating rants have become more and more clever and crazy. Aaron McGruder didn't just make him a one-trick pony. Plus, he has a weird connection with Huey, probably seeing that he isn't like the rest of the people on the show. I've always wondered what would happen if Uncle Ruckus (pronounced roo-koo) was a real person. The good people at Shade 45 Sirius Satellite Show decided to play with that thought, bringing in the voice behind Ruckus and letting listeners call in to the show. The result was ridiculous, to say the least. Gary Anthony Williams destroyed the callers, left and right. It's best you just listen for yourselves...

ItsTheReal - Def Jam Vendetta: Shyne vs. 50 Cent

ItsTheReal is at it again with their hip-hop comedy shorts. This time they take on Shyne and his ridiculous attempt to get back on by getting at 50 Cent. Now, 50 already has a problem with starting beef to boost his sales. But at least he's semi-good at it. Ja Rule hasn't been heard from since, and Fat Joe can't sell water in a desert these days. Shyne, however, comes out of the pen, puts out a few sub-par tracks with weird vocals, and goes at 50. And that's in the course of 2 weeks! By that virtue, ItsTheReal has a good call on the fight. Maybe if Shyne could put together a mixtape or something, he'd have a better chance. Otherwise, he's a 2nd round knockout. Check the video out...

Stalley x MISHKA Spring 2010 Collection x Creative Control

Stalley - Put Some Good In

Creative Control does it again... And coincidentally they did it again with Stalley. In this video, Stalley goes to MISHKA's flagship store in Brooklyn, and previews their Spring 2010 collection (and comes out of the shop with bags upon bags of free swag). There's also a cameo from DJ Ski and the World's Largest New Era fitted cap (check my post HERE). MISHKA's spring line looks a lot better than I thought. It's much cleaner, while maintaining their bright aesthetic. Finally, Stalley's track 'Put Some Good In', is featured in the background. This video has way too much fly ish going on, so check the video and the download link for the track...

Buy Baron Davis' Beard

For the longest time, I've been challenged in the facial hair department, as many of my friends can attest to. That's exactly why seeing this commercial gave me the utmost hope for my follicular growth. Baron Davis obviously has checked out of the 2009-2010 NBA season, so he's decided to go the Steve Nash route and start doing Youtube videos. I have to say that the Deron Williams cameo was classic, as most people notice that D-Will's hair looks digital. Whatever the case, check out Baron's new infomercial, and maybe you can reap the Boom's Beard advantage...

ItsTheReal - Charles Discharged

Charles Hamilton had a hell of a year in 2009, to say the least. I kind of wrote the man off after the Normalcy EP came out, just because it didn't come hard enough and seemed like Chuck was too late in trying to recoup his career. Videos like this from ItsTheReal show not only that Charles might not be done, but also he has no problem poking fun at his mishaps. As a matter of fact, it's somewhat exciting to see that Charles is sober and ready to work again. Whatever the case, the video is hilarious. Check out Charles Discharged...

Anderson Cooper Saves a Child from Rioters

Anderson Cooper has always been one of my favorite news personalities. He's never afraid to jump into live action, and this video was no different. Mr. Cooper sees a bunch of looters in an earthquake-ravaged Haiti throwing rocks at onlookers, including a young boy. The boy gets pelted in the head with a rock and like the action hero he is, Anderson Cooper races to the scene, picks the little boy up amid the raucous, and carries him to safety. I wonder what would happen if Bill O'Reilly was in the same situation. 9 times out of 10, I think he'd be two blocks away on a roof filming it, and shaking his head at the 'crazy black people'...

I'm at Work (Parody)

I saw this as I was at work today and bust out laughing at the front desk while on the phone. Needless to say, we've all had those jobs where it just seemed like we were going through the motions ala' Office Space. And you got to admit that both of these dudes rap pretty well about occupational drudgery. Check the video...

Kanye West x Spike Jonze - " We Were Once A Fairytale"

I kinda expected something out of a different galaxy with this video, especially with Kanye's current state of mind (is it just me or does this negro do something every year to make people question his sanity?). However, this was really, really really clever. Kanye does his best job of impersonating what everyone thinks of him. And Spike Jonze's cinematography is unbelievable at portraying the mantra of the scene (take a look at the sex scene). I'm not sure what caused 'Ye and Spike to collab on this one, but I'm glad they did. Check what the two Renaissance Men (I use the term loosely, obviously) did in their free time...

Diddy lets Ma$e out of his contract

As much as I think Diddy is a conniving yet brilliant businessman who profits off of the idiocy of others, I have to admit that the man makes quality moments on film. From Making the Band to I Want to Work for Diddy, his persona makes for hilarious results on television. This instance, it happened to involve Ma$e (I don't know if I should have added the Murda) and his lifelong saga to leave the artist graveyard aka Bad Boy. They bring the cameras in, and the result is great video. Check it out...