Everic White

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Filtering by Tag: My Inner 7-Year-Old

Pokemon in Retirement


One of the things that always crosses my mind is what happens to cartoon characters and personalities when the show goes off the air. Whether the show is in syndication, banished to DVD releases and random marathons, or just lost in television history, the fate of some of our favorite characters almost never seems to be discussed at any length. If you were a kid in the late 90s and early 2000s, there is no doubt in my mind that you've watched at least one episode of the Japanese anime phenomenon, Pokemon. The television show, the trading cards (props to whoever has a holographic Charizard collecting dust somewhere) and the video games will always hold a special place in my memories for their addicting nature, and for the simple fact that my income as a 10 year-old was devoted to these miniature monsters. That said, upon my resignation from the nation of Pokemon lovers, their existence became a forgotten one... Until now. Check out what happened to some of your favorite Pocket Monsters after Ash, Misty and Brock eventually caught 'em all...

PS: Major e-props to those that can name 'em all...







The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)

Yeah, so apparently the new trend in Hollywood (or in the last decade, at least) is to take bits of pop culture from the 80's and 90's like other movies, TV shows, video games and music, and make new CGI-laced versions of them. The latest piece to get the Hollywood treatment is a childhood favorite of mine, Prince of Persia. For those of us fortunate enough to remember the video game, this movie should be a flashback to days on end spent in front of a TV and a Sega Genesis (SNES for some of you guys). The movie will be loosely-based (why are ALL movies loosely-based these days?) on 'The Sands of Time' storyline, hence why the movie is called 'The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time'. Along with having the Dagger of Time included in the movie, the film casts Jak Gyllenhall as Prince Dastan, though he bears no semblance to a Middle Eastern man aside from a long, flowing hair, a permanent 5 o'clock shadow, and a computer-generated tan. Whatever the case, the movie looks like it's going to be another Jerry Bruckheimer classic. Check the trailer and look out for the movie coming out on May 28th...

Iron Man 2

Somehow, someway, I WILL see this movie in IMAX. Anything less would be shortchanging the movie. In addition to adding Don Cheadle to the cast to replace Terrence Howard as War Machine (worst decision EVER), the directors put on Mickey Rourke as Whiplash. From the trailer, this looks like it's going to be another maelstrom of special effects, great storyline and, of course, Robert Downey Jr. Downey did a great job portraying the embattled Tony Starks, bringing his own wit to the character, and I expect more of the same. Iron Man 2 comes out in May. My inner 7-year-old is lining up as we speak...

Rocket Launchers Mounted on a Motorcycle??

Beyond Mad Max Halloween costumes and new episodes of Jackass, I can't think of any conceivable civilian use for this. That said, you have to admit the idea is dope, even if the ammunition is just bottle rockets. Where and why you would ever use a motorcycle with rocket launchers is beyond me. I suppose when you like weapons and motor vehicles, the next step is to meld the two. Then again, I think the only place where one can get away with this legally is the military. Homeboy who made this clearly didn't get the memo, and now has something that GI Joes and 7-year-old boys all over the world dream about...

Medieval Dentistry > Today's Dentistry

Everyone has a story about their teeth coming out. Whether it's apples catching them, the teeth getting knocked out by some freak accident, or the tooth just falling out, our teeth have creative ways of being excavated. This one just happens to be the most creative way I've ever seen. I know for a fact, that the speed-junkie, thrill-seeking, 7-year-old I was would have no problem with this method. Not only does it put the child at ease, but it's almost like a little game. Shame on whoever was saying that this was a 'hood' invention. I guarantee that whoever claimed that probably has the worst periodontal disease on the planet. Future parents, take notes...