Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Cartoons

Pokemon in Retirement


One of the things that always crosses my mind is what happens to cartoon characters and personalities when the show goes off the air. Whether the show is in syndication, banished to DVD releases and random marathons, or just lost in television history, the fate of some of our favorite characters almost never seems to be discussed at any length. If you were a kid in the late 90s and early 2000s, there is no doubt in my mind that you've watched at least one episode of the Japanese anime phenomenon, Pokemon. The television show, the trading cards (props to whoever has a holographic Charizard collecting dust somewhere) and the video games will always hold a special place in my memories for their addicting nature, and for the simple fact that my income as a 10 year-old was devoted to these miniature monsters. That said, upon my resignation from the nation of Pokemon lovers, their existence became a forgotten one... Until now. Check out what happened to some of your favorite Pocket Monsters after Ash, Misty and Brock eventually caught 'em all...

PS: Major e-props to those that can name 'em all...







Donald Duck x Right Wing Media

I guess the economic times have gotten so tough that even the cartoons can't make a buck out here. This video is a remix of dozens of Donald Duck and Walt Disney cartoons from the 1930s to 1960s. Donald's life starts down a slippery slope because of the current economic crisis, when he loses his job and starts falling behind on his mortgage. Donald sees all of the things going wrong and hears a friendly voice in Glenn Beck, who inundates the Quackster with the holy gospel of conservative politics. Later, Donald has some second thoughts as he tries to keep up with a not-so-friendly Glenn Beck. The video is a perfect example of how even cartoons have a sliver of politics in them. Donald was having financial trouble way before the housing bubble. Word to @ButImDevinTho.

Uncle Ruckus x Shade 45

There are so many brilliant characters on The Boondocks, but the most unique might be Uncle Ruckus. His self-hating rants have become more and more clever and crazy. Aaron McGruder didn't just make him a one-trick pony. Plus, he has a weird connection with Huey, probably seeing that he isn't like the rest of the people on the show. I've always wondered what would happen if Uncle Ruckus (pronounced roo-koo) was a real person. The good people at Shade 45 Sirius Satellite Show decided to play with that thought, bringing in the voice behind Ruckus and letting listeners call in to the show. The result was ridiculous, to say the least. Gary Anthony Williams destroyed the callers, left and right. It's best you just listen for yourselves...

The Boondocks - Season 3 (Trailer)

Umm... If the state of black culture could be put into cartoon form, there'd most likely be lying rappers, misguided youth, a dramatic fight about what 'black' truly is, trifling religious leaders and conflict between the young and old guard of black America. It'd be a hell of a show, filled with social faux pas and underhanded satire on what's truly plaguing us as a culture. It'd even have a riveting underground hip-hop soundtrack and have amazing voice acting from special guests all the time. Oh, wait a minute, that show exists, and it's coming back on May 2nd. The Boondocks returns for its 3rd season after a long hiatus, and from the trailer, it's looking like pure hilarity. Check it out and mark your calendars...