Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: DAMN

Dear Unbearable Heat


via CNN:
Temperatures in metropolitan areas along the eastern seaboard were in the high 90s late Tuesday morning, and a hot air mass that settled into the region Sunday promises hotter and more humid weather. The National Weather Service issued a heat alert for areas along the so-called "megalopolis region" -- Boston, Massachusetts; New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Washington, as well as all of Delaware and New Jersey -- areas that had already awoken to unusually high morning temperatures Tuesday. The weather service also issued an additional "excessive heat warning" to be in effect until 8 p.m. Wednesday for Philadelphia, Trenton, New Jersey, and parts of Delaware. National Weather Service officials are advising people to stay indoors as the prolonged heat and humidity creates a "dangerous situation."

As I write this, I'm sitting in an air conditioned room, looking outside at scorched grass and sweating landscapers across the street. I can only say this to you, heat: GO AWAY!! Although we hate the winter and it's bitter cold, we can't stand you! We can't stand the way you make every stench that stinkier, the way you make every step walked that much harder and every moment in the sun that much more exhausting. For those households not fortunate enough to have an air conditioner (ie: my apartment in Philly), you're torturous. Heat, you make people not want to move. You make kids cry and make commuters miserable. As a matter of fact, the only positive that you bring to the table is a boost to ice cream sales and public pool admissions. Other than that, you've brought nothing but sweat and fatigue to the East coast. I wish someone would just turn the sun down and turn the breeze up so that I could go outside without feeling like Satan himself is breathing directly over me. Maybe it's best that there is such heat because it makes us appreciate the winter that much more, but I can't help but think that the ridiculous state of our environment birthed you, heat. You weren't that unbearable when I was younger. In fact, I welcomed you. The sad part is, parts of the country that would have never experienced this weather are doing just that. Next thing you know, you'll be all the way up at the North Pole and we'll be in Waterworld. No one can tell me that global warming doesn't exist. Upon taking one step outside and feeling your haze, it's obvious there's more to you than we think. That said, my behind isn't trying to find out anytime soon. I will stay in this air-conditioned room as long as those CFC's and wasteful electrons keep me from you...

2010 Hennessey Venom GT

#shoutout to Autoblog for the flicktures...



American sports cars, with the exception of the Mustang and Camaro, have been virtually non-existent in the past decade. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that I'd rather walk than drive an American sports car. Now however, the bar has officially been raised for domestic whips, with auto detailer and customizer Hennessey Performance Engineering manufacturing the Hennessey Venom GT. This thing is being rumored to dole out 1000 horsepower and 900 lb-ft of torque through an American twin-turbocharged engine under a British chassis. To automotive purists, it might be a mutt of a car, but to speed freaks, it's a wet dream on pavement. In addition to the ridiculous engine, the Venom GT holds a $600,000 price tag. And with only 10 in production per year, you'd better start looking for four-leaf clovers if you want to cop one. Check the video of one of the most powerful production cars during its construction...

A Touch Screen... Projected


When you think about 'the Future' (F is capitalized), what do you think about? My first thought is always interactive environments, where EVERYTHING becomes a source of input, either actively or passively. This is the latter. Enter the Light Touch, from Light Blue Optics. This machine can take any solid, flat surface and turn it into a touch screen through a projection technology called HLP (you can see how HLP works below). The manufacturer says HLP and concepts like the Light Touch will become especially useful in venues such as restaurants, hotels and specialty shops. I, for one, can't wait until this technology starts getting to consumers. But seriously, how long until 'the Future'?


The World's Largest New Era Cap


If the Na'vi from Avatar were into streetwear, this is most definitely the fitted that they would rock. MISHKA has always been known to be one of the most innovative and creative brands on the scene, and this just shows how big their imaginations really are (get it?). Unfortunately, the size 16 fitted is not for sale, but is on display at the MISHKA store at 350 Broadway in NYC. Check out the hat you can use for some serious panhandling...


Valets Gone Wild

To all my friends who like to go to fancy restaurants and partake in the valet parking, let this be a warning to you. If you've seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, you know exactly what I'm talking about. This guy posted videos like this on Youtube of him doing all kinds of crazy stunts in exotic cars, only to be found out by one of his patrons months later. He's a pretty good driver given the circumstances, though I doubt he'll be doing much driving pretty soon...

Dear New Jersey Nets

You know your season is fucked when Jason Kidd is blocking Brook Lopez..

Mediocrity has never been so talented. It's a shame that the tri-state area has to deal with two bummy teams, much less one that hasn't won a game since last season. Instead of make fun of you guys, I'll tell you what you need to to win some games. First of all, get Trenton Hassell out of the game. No, seriously. Think about that sentence. Why is Trenton Hassell even in the game?? The man has never averaged over 10 points per game and is a chronic journeyman. The fact that he has been starting this season just shows how inept your franchise is. Put a real swingman in the game and stop trying to make a fort out of a molehill. Second of all, stop bullshitting yourselves into thinking that Yi Jianlian is anywhere near an NBA player. When he isn't riding the bench being a 7-foot insurance payment, he is busy getting bitched out in the post and taking stupid shots. He's been in the league for three years and has barely cracked 65 games each year, much less average a respectable PPG or RPG. Jianlian, if anything, needs to bring his ass back to China and get some good work in.

Thirdly, teach Devin Harris and Brook Lopez how to run the damn pick and roll. You have arguably, the quickest guard in the league, and a big man that my friends like to call Shaq Lopez, because he can simply be dominating. Put those two together with a Nash and Amare-esque pick and roll offense, and success is inevitable. Fourthly, since this season has basically been thrown away, you might as well give your young players some PT. Keep Chris Douglass-Roberts in the starting line-up because he's been playing well. Let Terrence Williams and Sean Williams start so that the young team as a unit can start coming together. Let Courtney Lee, Keyon Dooling and Jarvis Hayes come off the bench, and there you have a nice little 8-man rotation. It's simple as that Kiki. All you have to do is take advantage of your youth and hope that some cohesion comes out of this year. The losing streak WILL end. You just have to put yourself in the best position to end it and stop believing that you can tank this year. LeBron will most likely NOT come to New Jersey, so use what you have, stop acting like an inept franchise, and maybe this blight will pass...

PS: Kiki Vandeweghe, you are a punk for throwing that interim coach out there for the record-breaking loss. Take control of your team and do the dirty work necessary to turn the boat around. Lord knows you don't have anything else to lose...

The Dutch Set the World Domino Record

Only the Dutch (cough cough) could come up with something so trivial, yet so cool to look at. It took 4,345,027 dominoes and about two hours to complete. This might not be prime time television, but it's something to remember. Besides, what's life without delving into the pointless from time to time. Thoreau said that 'There is an incessant influx of novelty into the world, and yet we tolerate incredible dullness'. Check out every domino ever in the world falling and remember to knock down your dullness, people...

Dear DJ Mbenga

DJ, it seems like every couple of weeks, you're on the wrong end of a dunk. This has me wondering: Why do you even jump anymore? The past couple of times have failed horrendously and all have HD-quality Youtube videos to give you a reminder of how badly the life of a 'shot-blocker' can be. Maybe you should learn how to dunk yourself. I'm sure this guy could give you a couple of tips:

Women's soccer meets MMA...

SportsCenter doesn't cover anything but football, baseball, and sometimes basketball and hockey. It actually blows how little coverage of anything not football or baseball they have. However, when they do cover something else, you can be pretty sure that it's gonna be either shocking or spectacular. This was the former. I know in every sport there is your fair share of pushing, shoving, pulling and little dirty tricks that the cameras rarely catch, but THIS is ridiculous. New Mexico soccer player Elizabeth Lambert does her best MMA impression on her opponents, and surprisingly gets no sort of punishment. No yellow cards, no red cards. No nothing. Justice, no. But entertainment, YES!! I suppose I could carve out some time for women's college soccer if it was like this all the time...

Manu 'Batman' Ginobili

You just have to watch this to get it. I thought it was hilarious. Who decides to bring a bat to a basketball game. If it was a baseball game, there could be funny puns and jokes (get it? the bat?). Even so, Manu Ginobili still has all of his hand-eye coordination even if he's losing his hair. Check out Manu practicing to be a zookeeper...

The Snow-Car?

The idea of it is ridiculous, but it's inception is nothing short of a masterpiece. Although Ken Block's creation, melding a Subaru WRX STI with a snowmobile, seems a bit far-fetched, when it hits the snow, it looks like a pig in mud. The machine is called the TRAX STI, boasting 500 hp and is for snowboarders who don't feel like using the lift to get to where they need to be. I must say, that they did a bang-up job with it. The thing looks like it runs smoothly and doesn't lose any power to the wheels (treads?) due to its unorthodox set-up. I usually would have more to say, but this is something better seen than described...

Shannon Brown Posterizes (insert NCAA or NBA player here)

With the way the All-Star Weekend has left me feeling for the past three or four years, I'm standing by this statement wholeheartedly: If Shannon Brown is not in the Slam Dunk Contest, I will not be watching. I'm tired of these off-brand dunkers and heads who I've seen 1000 times already. The Dunk Contest has been worse than a high school popularity contest. The worst part is that he's been doing it since college. Shannon Brown needs to represent for the nerds who've wanted to vote the past few years. Check out some more of the man's embarrassing dunks...

I don't suppose there are any stairs??

The title says it all, even if the content is two hairs away from being AMAZING. This man clearly lives in a vacation-worthy tropical paradise, for two reasons: 1) Only someone who lives at or near a beach can practice this enough to be good at it & 2) After he gets down the dune, you can hear the tourists clapping. Check the rhyyyyyyme (10 dollars to anyone who can tell me where that last sentence came from)...