Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Filtering by Tag: Comedy

Star Wars on the 6 Train

If you find yourself dozing off during your morning commute, I implore you to stay awake! Tom foolery tends to occur when we least expect it, and often in the most ridiculous ways. Improv Everywhere is a group of improv actors based in New York City that started off doing flash mobs (real flash mobs, not the BS they're calling rioting teenagers in Philly), and now has toned their act down for smaller settings, like the 6 train. In this video, they re-enact the scene in Star Wars with Princess Leia and Darth Vader's first meeting. The reactions from the other commuters are priceless, and the book Leia is reading is next on my reader's list. Just goes to show you that the Force can be used for good, evil and comedy. Check the video out...

BP Spills Coffee

All I can say is WOW! I feel like the people who made this video might have been sitting in on an actual British Petroleum meeting before filming, because the video basically shows how ineffective BP's been with this oil spill. The amount of time in between the oil coffee spill and the top-kill cardboard solution was way too long, and after they ran out of ideas, they kind of just have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off. If British Petroleum is angry about all of the parodies and jokes that are being flung their way now, I pity them even more. Bad regulation and an overall lack of remorse about their effect on the environment are bigger issues than their dwindling stock prices and soon-to-be inevitable bankruptcy. I guess when you've created the biggest environmental disaster in human history, its hard to see things from a humorous perspective...

Maybe this will help... No, it just made them look worse.

ItsTheReal - Def Jam Vendetta: Shyne vs. 50 Cent

ItsTheReal is at it again with their hip-hop comedy shorts. This time they take on Shyne and his ridiculous attempt to get back on by getting at 50 Cent. Now, 50 already has a problem with starting beef to boost his sales. But at least he's semi-good at it. Ja Rule hasn't been heard from since, and Fat Joe can't sell water in a desert these days. Shyne, however, comes out of the pen, puts out a few sub-par tracks with weird vocals, and goes at 50. And that's in the course of 2 weeks! By that virtue, ItsTheReal has a good call on the fight. Maybe if Shyne could put together a mixtape or something, he'd have a better chance. Otherwise, he's a 2nd round knockout. Check the video out...

Buy Baron Davis' Beard

For the longest time, I've been challenged in the facial hair department, as many of my friends can attest to. That's exactly why seeing this commercial gave me the utmost hope for my follicular growth. Baron Davis obviously has checked out of the 2009-2010 NBA season, so he's decided to go the Steve Nash route and start doing Youtube videos. I have to say that the Deron Williams cameo was classic, as most people notice that D-Will's hair looks digital. Whatever the case, check out Baron's new infomercial, and maybe you can reap the Boom's Beard advantage...


If you watched the movie 'Funny People' (yeah it wasn't that good) then you remember Aziz Ansari's character, Randy. It's funnier that now, Aziz is taking his character to the next level and recording a comedy mixtape in that character. He's going to have special appearances from his in house DJ, and more jokes that will have you laughing your d*cks off. Check the trailer out and stay tuned for the actual mixtape...

Your Year-End Letter

Not that I'm misanthropic (I'm a social introvert, according to AKZionz), but I know I'm not the only one on this planet who balks at some of the random social gestures we extend during the holidays. This song is all about those little niceties that everyone accepts, but no one remembers. I'm all for catching up with old friends, but getting a Christmas form letter or one of those family photos from random acquaintances seems pointless to me. Why waste your ink and money, and my reading time over something you could have told me over the phone??