Everic White

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Dear Vince Young


When Awards of any kind come up, whether in sports, entertainment, academics or what have you, there's always debate before and after the award is given as to who really deserves it. That's always the argument: did Person A really deserve the award or should Person B want to start a riot? In sports, the debate can be vicious and ongoing (think MVP awards, etc.), maybe never-ending. In football, but especially college football, the debate usually is a done deal, depending on how well that player is doing and how well the team is doing.

Yet, in your case Vince, you clearly were cheated by the Heisman Trophy Trust. Reggie Bush may have had an outstanding season, but when it came to the big game, you were the one who delivered, squeezing out probably the most exciting college football game I've ever seen. The look of defeat on Bush's face was laughable, considering how much of the limelight was being cast on he and USC's vaunted 2005 team. When it came time for the trophy, you were second in the voting. At the time I was neutral on the situation, but even judging from the professional careers of you two, it seems like you were the better player all along. Reggie is just a piece of New Orleans' success. You almost brought the Titans into the playoffs singlehandedly last season, winning 8 of your last 10 games, after the Titans started 0-6 with you on the bench. The way you handled the questions (below) about the Heisman shot you up about 20 points in the public eye, too. You didn't come outright and say you deserved it nor trash Reggie Bush. What Bush did was outside of the rules, and he fairly was stripped of the award. Judging from your character, and play on the field, we all know who really should've had it...

Greetings From: College Station, TX


via: khou.com
A fake $5 bill in which both sides apparently were copied and glued together led to the arrest of a teenager in College Station.

Police say the 17-year-old faces a misdemeanor forgery charge. He was arrested Saturday after allegedly trying to pass the crudely made currency at a drive-in restaurant.

College Station police say it appears the fake $5 was made with help from a computer scanner, then the bogus bill was trimmed and glued together. The front of the bill was longer than the back.

I'm bringing back the 'Greetings From' posts from last year. I think some of the funnier news out there needs to get the spotlight sometimes, so here goes...

Greetings from College Station, TX, where youth have gotten so desperate for cash, that they've resorted to 'making' their own money. Most people call it counterfeiting. A 17-year-old probably thought he was coming up with something new when he glued together two scanned pictures of a $5 bill, and tried to use it at a drive-thru. No offense to the boy, but wouldn't the people at the drive-thru have a fair idea of what a real bill looks like, considering they handle money all day? I guess that's a question every aspiring counterfeiter needs to ask himself before trying to pass a phony (with one side longer than the other) off. At least the kid was smart enough to use a color printer...