Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

KiD CuDi - Soundtrack 2 My Life

I won't lie... I wasn't always a fan of Scott Mescudi. If you were down with Dear Whoever in the early days, you'll remember I thought he was limited as an artist and a little bit of a herb. Lo and behold, the man is headlining my blog. A video like 'Soundtrack 2 My Life' certainly isn't the most original, but it shows the side of CuDi that makes him so cool. He doesn't care. The man takes the stage with reckless abandon and a five year-old's twinkle in his eye. He's carefree and a bit eccentric, if I do say so myself. I suppose that's why CuDi is the man though. He's so idiosyncratic and unorthodox in everything that you can't help but see his charisma. For God's sake, the guy threw on an astronaut suit and was humping a microphone stand during the concert. Check out the lighter side of KiD CuDi, and hopefully you'll get some laughs out of the visuals, too...

Neighborhood Newsletter (3/24)

adidas Originals - “Hide and Seek” Stan Smith 80


It's been a long, long, long time since I've thoroughly enjoyed a convertible sneaker. In fact, the last hot one was probably the Jordan XVI, and I wouldn't even wear those off the basketball court. Regardless, adidas decided to bring back the shrouded sneaker with their 'Hide & Seek' Stan Smith 80's. The kicks feature a black upper high top, with that zips off to reveal blue low tops. These might be a good look for the spring time, when sudden showers plot to throw dirt on a freshly Un-DSed pair. Or maybe you just want to be like Skeeter on 'Doug' with the cutting-edge convertible kicks. Whatever the case, take a closer look at the new Stan Smiths...




HTC EVO 4G for Sprint

Big #shoutout to Engadget for the video and flicks...

I am the ultimate Sprint representer. Been with them since I've had a cell phone, and will probably die a Sprint user. The one knock on them up until recently was their less-than-shitty phone selection. Where other carriers had the newest devices first, Sprint usually had to wait, or get saddled with a worse version of them. Now, that's not the case, with Sprint being the first US carrier to roll out with 4G service, and a 4G phone. The HTC EVO 4G is being billed as a legitimate iPhone killer, having the ability to talk and access data simultaneously, like the iPhone. In case you're wondering what 4G means, just think of it as being on a computer's internet, on a really really fast phone. That means you can stream HD videos, as well as access wireless hotspots. The phone itself has an 8-megapixel camera, a front-facing 1.3-megapixel camera, and an HDMI port (in case you want to play XBOX 360 on it, for God's sake). Honestly, this might very well be the most advanced phone to hit our shores. Unfortunately, this bad boy doesn't drop until the summer, so that gives you iPhone stans a chance to switch to Sprint...





Kidz in the Hall - Fresh Academy (ft. Chip tha Ripper & DONNIS)

I'm just gonna come out right and say it: I have the biggest love-hate relationship with Kidz in the Hall. Sometimes their songs are catchy, sound good, have good verses and features that make sense. Other times, they get too experimental and have weak-ass bars. In this case, I see the former. The Kidz teamed up with DONNIS and Chip Tha Ripper for the track 'Fresh Academy' off their new album 'Land of Make Believe', and decided to keep it in the telly for the video. I can't say that the concept is anything remotely original or innovative, but it worked out pretty well. One thing I have to contest is Double-O's hair in the video. Nothing says hip-hop like a Farrah Fawcett do in a rap video. Follicular foibles aside, the video does the song justice...

Nike Air Max 180 'Lemon'


Now that Gucci's made the lemon aesthetic into the epitome of a fad in hip-hop, I suppose it's only right for there to be a sneaker for that very tenet. Nike's Air Max 180's slowly become one of my favorite silhouettes, because of how simple and clean it is. It also has a very casual feel to it, without looking like your typical Nike sneaker of late. Not a lot of bells and whistles here. I like where 2010 is going so far. Hopefully, Nike keeps with a demure profile like this. Check out some alternate flicktures...



Dear Roger Goodell

Nothing worse than a commissioner with double standards...

Roger, let's tell a story called 'A Tale of Two Quarterbacks'. As you may have guessed, the story is about two quarterbacks. No names will be used for the story. Here goes:

Once upon a time, there was a quarterback. He was the highest paid QB in the league, had a $100 million contract with his team, and was widely considered the most electrifying player in the league. Then one day, that all came to an end. The quarterback's friends royally f*cked up and made the QB a national headline because of a dog-fighting ring. Before he could even go to trial, or even be convicted of a crime, the quarterback was nationally berated by animal rights groups, bored stay-at-home mothers and even his own team's fans. The quarterback ended up losing the $100 million contract, all of his endorsements and then getting put in jail, on top of being suspended by the big, bad NFL commissioner.

Three years later, there lived another quarterback. He was another very popular QB in the league, having won two Super Bowls. The QB wasn't the sharpest tack in the box, and had some off the field problems with drinking, as well as almost killing himself by riding a motorcycle with no helmet or motorcycle license. Later on, the quarterback would be implicated in a sexual assault against a 20-year-old college student in Georgia (what he was doing in GA, I have no clue). That same big, bad commissioner would go on to say that he would like to 'sit down and talk' to the QB, not ruin his life like he did the first QB. In fact, the commissioner has yet to take any action against the quarterback. THE END.

Now, Roger, I hope the characters in the story sounded a bit familiar to you. Why is that, you ask? Because the big, bad commissioner is you, and the two quarterbacks are Michael Vick and Ben Roethlisberger. Roger, your failure to administer more than a pre-emptive warning (that's what it is at this point) to Roethlisberger is detestable. You took away the career of Michael Vick (yeah, he's back, but we don't know how long that'll last) over some dogs that he probably had no hand in killing, BEFORE he even was tried or convicted. You suspended him when there were simply allegations, but when Ben Roethlisberger allegedly rapes a chick, he gets a slap on the wrist. Since when is the life of a dog more important than the livelihood of a human, Roger? As a matter of fact, since when has preemptive suspension been a protocol of the NFL?? It doesn't make sense, nor is it remotely fair. No, I won't go as far as to say that the disciplinary actions of the NFL are 'racist,' but you have to admit, Pac-Man Jones got a pretty raw deal too. It seems like you had the bias of all biases while dealing with Big Ben, and I for one see right through it. It's not enough to uphold double standards, and call yourself a fair commissioner. Seriously, Roger, you can't have your stars and eat them too. No player should be above the law, and you shouldn't need a fairy tale to show you that...

What kind of role model is this???

Asher Roth – Seared Fois Gras w/ Quince & Cranberry


Asher Roth – Seared Fois Gras w/ Quince & Cranberry

I was a bit dismayed at the lack of Asher Roth music in the first quarter of 2010. Apparently, Ash was listening in on my dreams and hip-hop conversations, because he put out a track the day after I talked to my boy AKZionz about him. Today he made another dream of mine come true by dropping 'Seared Fois Gras w/ Quince & Cranberry'. Upon looking at the title, it was easy to dismiss the PA native's newest offering. Yet, being an MF DOOM fan, food-titled albums and mixtapes have a special place in my heart. Ash doesn't disappoint in SFGWQ&C (writing that title again sucks), using some really, really, really DOPE (when I say dope, I mean DOPE x infinity) beats and using his trademark free-fire flow. Lyrically, he's back on his grizzy. I don't know what he was smoking, but he has me fighting off the hip-hop munchies while listening. He drops metaphor after metaphor after metaphor, and I still can't get enough. Don't waste your time thinking he's going to be talking about College and Blunt Cruisin, because this really a train of consciousness from Ash Roth. Check out the download, tracklist/back cover, #dopetracks, loosies & videos...


Ash and Dem
I'm Eddy
Rik Smits
F*ck Your Ringtone, Dog
Toni Braxton

Outasight – Catch Me If You Can (Remix) f. Asher Roth
Asher Roth – Hot Wangs

Outasight - Catch Me if You Can (Music Video)

Catch Me If You Can

Outasight | MySpace Music Videos

Outasight's 'Further EP' made my Most Underrated Mixtapes list from 2009, and for good reason. The work is pure PIFF in the strictest musical sense. Along with re-releasing the EP on iTunes today, he also let the visuals for the track 'Catch Me if You Can' loose today. While it was a little late, the video is well worth the wait. Yeah, Outasight seemed a bit outashape when he was running away from whoever, but the cinematography in the video does the trick for the track just right. Of course he has a guest appearance by Notherground producer-extraordinaire 6th Sense, too. Honestly, this video made me start bumping 'Further' again tonight. Check out the video...

Health Care Reform Protests = A Circus

HUGE #shoutout to AverageBro for the video. In Washington D.C., while the House of Representatives was voting on the landmark Health Care Reform bill, these red-blooded Americans were exercising their First Amendment right. Now, if you're a conservative, I would watch this with a grain of salt. If you're liberal, you should watch this with popcorn, because it is pure comedy. I can't even begin to describe the unadulterated idiocy and small-mindedness portrayed in this video. Just watch for yourself and take a good look at the fools concerned voters who supported the backwards-thinking responsible legislators that opposed the Health Care Reform...

Neighborhood Newsletter (3/22)

Infinite USB Plugs?


Why is it that the Japanese are always on the cutting edge of innovation, yet some of the designs they brew up are so simplistic that you wonder why you hadn't thought of it first? I suppose this is one of those ideas. The good people at Yanko Design dropped another bomb on the head of needless technology, by making the typical USB cord into a pluggable chain of USB cords. It's so simple, I feel stupid. The only thing is that after 4 or 5 plugs, the idea gets a bit cumbersome. I suppose that's why most computers have more than one USB input in the first place. The color coding is a good look too. I hope this gets to the production line soon...


Marky - Rasta Monsta

Marky - Rasta Monsta

If you watch 'How to Make it in America,' the beat behind this track shouldn't be new to you. In fact, the only reason I hit the download button was because it came with a new episode. Regardless, I'm happy I did, because Marky did the instrumental and chorus a lot more justice than thought would come to fruition. Marky does a hell of a job talking about his struggle and the problems that come with being a starving artist. The track is his second leak off a three part EP series, the first being 'Journey to Markyland, USA: Rest Stop 1'. I'm hyped to hear what else the Washington, D.C. native has to offer, and hopefully you are too. Check the the d/l...

Reflection Eternal - Strangers (ft. Bun B)

Train of Thought by Reflection Eternal is one of my favorite albums because it brings together a duo of two of the most underrated MCs and producers in hip-hop. Fans have been teeming at the brim for another taste of the Cleveland-Brooklyn sound, especially on news of them releasing 'Revolutions Per Minute' later in April. For the track Strangers, along with bringing Bun B along for the ride, Reflection Eternal chose to stay organic with the visual. Brooklyn is the backdrop, or so I believe. There is an assload of metaphors in both the track and the video, so be prepared to hit rewind a few times if you're slow on the uptake...

Dear Congress

The biggest piece of legislation since my generation was born...

via The New York Times:
House Democrats approved a far-reaching overhaul of the nation’s health system on Sunday, voting over unanimous Republican opposition to provide medical coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans after an epic political battle that could define the differences between the parties for years.

With the 219-to-212 vote, the House gave final approval to legislation passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve. Thirty-four Democrats joined Republicans in voting against the bill. The vote sent the measure to President Obama, whose yearlong push for the legislation has been the centerpiece of his agenda and a test of his political power. After approving the bill, the House adopted a package of changes to it by a vote of 220 to 211. That package — agreed to in negotiations among House and Senate Democrats and the White House — now goes to the Senate for action as soon as this week. It would be the final step in a bitter legislative fight that has highlighted the nation’s deep partisan and ideological divisions. On a sun-splashed day outside the Capitol, protesters, urged on by House Republicans, chanted “Kill the bill” and waved yellow flags declaring “Don’t Tread on Me.” They carried signs saying “Doctors, Not Dictators.”

Inside, Democrats hailed the votes as a historic advance in social justice, comparable to the establishment of Medicare and Social Security. They said the bill would also put pressure on rising health care costs and rein in federal budget deficits.

“This is the Civil Rights Act of the 21st century,” said Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina, the No. 3 Democrat in the House.

Kudos Congress, kudos. Though there was arm-pulling, hair-pulling and numerous shots fired (all metaphorical), a bill that will change the social course of the United States is officially a GO. By a vote of 219 to 212, you in the House and Senate finally passed the Health Care Reform that President Obama promised in his epic 2008 election. That said, I have one question: WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG?? Congress, (or the House, more specifically) ALL of you have above satisfactory health care. In fact, none of you will ever need to go through the bureaucracy, heartache and bullshit that 32 million Americans faced up until this bill's passing. Why was it so hard to make that move for the people who put you in office. Whether it was the insurance companies in your pockets, or the incredulous screams of 'death panels', nothing should have kept America from making good on the 'life' part of it's promise of 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. Every piece of reasoning that you guys pushed in front of the bill dwindled when compared to the savings and overall good that the bill would ultimately do, and you know it.

Yes, the bill will take some time to balance out the budget that you guys unbalanced through numerous military expenditures and interest rate hikes. However, since when has your job as Congress been to protect the interest of the military or private insurance companies? Congress, your job is to represent the people; the same people that voted you in (many of whom are still in the dark about the benefits of the bill). Your job isn't to stand in the way of progress simply because you believe health care reform is detrimental to the interests of the few. Am I a political pundit? No. Am I a concerned voter who believes that everyone should be entitled to satisfactory health care? Hell to the yes.

This isn't a letter condemning your sloth in passing the bill as much as it is a regale of a 2-year long struggle. I will never understand how some of you voted against the bill, but to those of you that helped pass this landmark legislation, I give the utmost respect. It takes cojones to uproot a system so closely guarded by bureaucracy and special interest. Hopefully the ideal of bipartisan support doesn't halt any other reform, yet I can't help but think the 212 of you who voted against it are foaming at the mouth to shoot down another Obama bill. Don't let your own personal idiosyncrasies affect what's best for the people, or you might not even be around for the next big vote...

The Census: Nuyorican Mural = Ghetto???

My homie Sherine sent this to me in a Facebook message, and I had to take notice. If you happened to be in Times Square recently, you may have seen a mural emblazoned on the side of some awning-laced building. The mural depicts numerous Black and Hispanic women in various stages of undress, adorned with long nails and the Nuyorican style so prevalent in the Bronx (my hometown), and the rest of New York City. As beautiful as the work is, it's drawing stark criticism for it's portrayal of women as 'ghetto'...

Now, I, for one, take my etymology very seriously. By that virtue, I felt it necessary to look up and properly define the word 'ghetto'.

via Dictionary.com: ghetto - a section of a city, esp. a thickly populated slum area, inhabited predominantly by members of an ethnic or other minority group

That's a noun... A noun that's been transformed into an adjective describing anything negative or degenerate originating from the area defined above. That said, is the mural 'ghetto'? In fact, is the mural portraying something negative? Honestly, I'd say no. The Nuyorican culture in NYC is one that's oft referenced in hip-hop and poetry. While the portrayal may seem crude and sexist to an outsider (which most of the people in Times Square seeing the mural are), to the average New Yorker, the mural is synonymous with an aspect of New York culture. The person saying that the women should be carrying 'briefcases' seems to have a ridiculously limited scope of what constitutes a 'positive' portrayal of women. The placement may be misguided, but the art itself is beautiful. That's neither here nor there, though. Readers, what do you think about the mural?? Is it 'ghetto' or are the critics ignoring the rich Nuyorican culture and history? PLEASE, chime in in the comments section below, and let me know what you think. This is the new and improved Census...

Hall of Fame x Mitchell & Ness 'Upside Downs'


The good people over at Hall of Fame are fitted connoisseurs, to say the least. They've upped the ante with this offering, a collab with Mitchell & Ness. This time around, they've flipped the logos on some of the most popular Hardwood Classics and did some underbrim embroidery for those who like their swag (cringes) concealed. Check out some of the pieces from the 'Upside Downs' collection...









Neighborhood Newsletter (3/19)

Freestyle Friday (3/19)

Hey people!! It's a beautiful Friday afternoon (most of you probably aren't even gonna see this, but whatever) and that means we have freestyles for your listening pleasure. Last week I didn't post up any, simply because there were really wack ciphers going around. That's not the case. This week we have a written freestyle by Fashawn, who's quickly becoming a favorite of mine, after I kind of slept on him. He's talking about his personal problems and a bunch of other subject matter (rather than his SWAG, like 95% of hip-hop), so you know it's a good listen. The second one is from an oldie, but goodie. Nickelus F visited the homie Tony Touch and blessed his Toca Tuesday radio show with a freestyle in preparation for his new mixtape, 'Season Premier'. The last video isn't even a freestyle, but a recording of Big Daddy Kane explaining the etymology of the word 'freestyle'. A lot of heads (including myself) were using the term too freely, so he had to set the record straight. Enjoy your Friday, people, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever!!!!

Dear MLB

via MLB.com:
One day after admitting that he used and tested positive for cocaine one time last summer, Rangers manager Ron Washington found himself answering questions on Thursday about his use of marijuana and amphetamines during his playing career. The extra attention was Washington's doing. During numerous one-on-one interviews Wednesday, Washington admitted to various news outlets that he did indeed use both drugs on occasion as a player.

"When you're young, you make mistakes," Washington said. "I wish I could take back the mistakes I did, but I can't. You make mistakes.

"But the mistakes you make when I was young have nothing to do with what I'm facing today."

Washington admitted Wednesday that he used cocaine once last summer at some point before the All-Star break. Immediately thereafter, he was told that he was up for a random drug test. At that point, Washington told Major League Baseball, club president Nolan Ryan and general manager Jon Daniels what he had done and that he would likely test positive for cocaine. Washington went public with his apology on Wednesday, and in subsequent interviews admitted to using marijuana and amphetamines during his playing career. Washington signed with the Kansas City Royals out of high school in 1970 and had a 20-year professional playing career with seven different organizations that included all or parts of 10 seasons in the Majors.

What a better way to start out the MLB season than another drug scandal. MLB, for the last 10 years, you've been my least favorite sport. From a ridiculous lack of parity, to a yearly borefest of 162 games that don't matter until August, to an even more boring playoffs, Major League Baseball has been in decline. But the number one knock against you is probably the biggest story and bullshit scheme in all of sports: the performance enhancing and illegal drug scandals of the past 20+ years. This week, Ron Washington, the manager of the Texas Rangers tested positive for cocaine last July, and admitted to using cocaine, marijuana and amphetamines during his career. He is not getting punished at all (or so far) by you, the league, or by his franchise. Nor was his All-Star outfielder, Josh Hamilton who came out as a crack and cocaine addict some years ago. Now, MLB, these are two isolated incidents, but indicative of a much wider problem in your sport.

Look at the professional leagues in the other 3 major sports: NBA, NFL, NHL. All three of these leagues have a no-tolerance policy for drug use, while you guys have coke fiends running around your bases. While the other leagues have no-tolerance and immediate suspension or banning for illegal substances and performance-enhancing drugs, you guys have apologetic press conferences and paid 90-game suspensions. Where you guys have the most tainted history of cheating, deception and lying up to a FEDERAL level, the other leagues are relatively blemish-free. Now, that's not to say that the other professional sports leagues are spick-and-span with no problems, but most of the issues from the NFL, NBA and NHL are issues of character moreso than hardcore drug use. I know I'd much rather have a slightly deranged Ron Artest talking to my child fans than a coked up Ron Washington doing the same...

MLB, you've been called America's Pastime for as long as I can remember. Since when does America's Pastime sniff coke though?? Or better yet, since when does America's Pastime sniff coke and get away with it?? That doesn't happen in any other league. For example, Chris 'The Birdman' Andersen was suspended indefinitely from the NBA for 2 years for his drug use. While he is now clean and is back in the league, it serves to say that the response was appropriate. Illicit drug use is something, that if taken seriously, should be treated seriously. MLB, it doesn't suffice to come out with press releases and put asterisks next to records if the behavior still persists. You guys might as well be the Major League Burnouts with all of the needles, snorting, snuffing and huffing that's been recorded in the last 20 years. Lord knows Darryl Strawberry will never be the same, and neither should the legacy of a league that's riddled with drug addicts...