Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism


While the premise is brilliant, I'm not sure the story will live up to that and the action, which also looks spectacular. Hopefully Gerard Butler does well in the lead role, too. He stands the risk of getting typecasted if he continues to do these boorish, gladiator-esque roles. Whatever the case, he's slowly going up the rankings as one of my favorite action movie stars. Jason Statham needs to watch out...

Tyga - My Glory

I know I'm not the only person on the planet, or in the hip-hop world, that thought Coconut Juice was a flaming piece of shit, or that Tyga's debut album "No Introduction" was a $13.99 frisbee. So as I clicked play, I was wary that my 3:54 would be wasted. To my surprise, the track was deceptively tough. Tyga's lyrics have gotten more mature and less gimmicky. He also has some much harder punchlines. It looks like Young Money is amassing a nice little roster with him, Jae Millz, and Nicki Minaj (will Drake hurry the fuck up and say whether he's on YM or Interscope already?). I hope his next album, "The Introduction" shows more improvement. Peep the D/L link below:

Tyga - My Glory

The Census (6/1 - 6/8)

That was while ago, but still... I guess that's why Dwight's so comfortable letting Nate Robinson jump over him...

Hey, hey, hey people!!! It's time for this week's census. With LeBron storming off the court last Saturday and the Nuggets bowing out without a peep after Game 4, the 2009 NBA Finals are set. Who do you guys think is gonna win the 2009 NBA Finals, which tip off this Thursday. Will it be the Lakers and Kobe, finally cementing a prestigious, yet controversial legacy as one of the league's best? Will it be the Magic and Dwight Howard, placing himself at the top of the ranks as the best big man in the league for the next decade. Will the wallets and financial aspirations of David Stern prevail, having lost one of the stars he hoped to tout this year in LeBron? Or will ESPN, the corporate giant, profit from the Finals being exclusively aired on ABC and ESPN, coincidentally in Los Angeles and Orlando, the two cities where Disney, the owner of both companies, resides? Let me know what you think by voting at the top of the page! Voting starts now and will continue until the 8th. You can send comments or explain your vote below. For now, though peep some highlights from both squads. Maybe they'll swing your votes:

Put the music on mute for this one...

The Census (5/25 - 6/1 Debrief)

Okay people so the first Census from Dear Whoever is officially in the books and we have a winner for our question: Is the 'blog era' is helping or hurting hip-hop? The results are:

Hell no!!! I've never been able to steal more music in my life!!! 75%
Hell yeah!!! Fuck these nut-hugger wearing, computer geek, backpacker bastards!!! 25%
What's a blog? 0%

So basically, most of you guys thought that the "blog era" is a good look for hip-hop. It's making the hip-hop world a lot smaller, with little left to the whims of big media. Artists are more accessible than ever and their movements and actions are now able to be scrutinized more than ever. Also, the blog era is making it easier, or better yet opening new avenues, for artists to break into the industry. While the up-and-coming artist from the 80's had local buzz to go off of, the up-and-comer of today can reach a wider audience, and control their image (unless they get snuffed by ex-girlfriends and beat in live freestyle battles). The blogs have become the the unofficial source of dissemination of the juicy details of the hip-hop world, once shrouded by overbearing record labels. In closing, the blog era is ushering in a new age in releasing music. Sites like zShare, Megaupload and Rapidshare are teeming with millions of downloads from artists of the blog era. Also, digital album releases have started to become a norm, with veterans like Joe Budden and Royce da 5'9" joining newcomers like Curren$y in the digital avenue. Though the blog era has somewhat put the gritty, thuggish MC on the backburner, some artists like Styles, Maino and Cory Gunz are segueing street fame into blog fame. This is a welcome sight, especially in light of older heads criticizing blog-supporters for the loss of street-level exposure. Whatever the case, the blog era is here and seems to be growing faster and faster every day. Peep the sidebar to the left to see some of the blogs that Dear Whoever recommends...

Dear GM

via the New York Times:
The bankruptcy of a once-proud auto giant that helped to define the nation’s car culture and played a part in creating the American middle class immediately rippled across the country.

The company was forced into the filing by President Obama, who is betting that by temporarily nationalizing the onetime icon of American capitalism, he can save at least a diminished automaker that is competitive.

So you guys finally stumbled, after having shot yourself in the foot time and time again. It was a long time coming and you guys deserved it. From shaky and often-times unbalanced relationships with car worker unions, to mismanagement and unwieldy corporate structures, you guys were destined to fail in the 2000s. Your company is like the old man who lives on the block, that never comes outside and still listens to his 1949 radio (without FM) for all of his information. Sooner or later, you were going to be swept up by the winds of change, while the more adaptable automakers (coughcoughJapancoughFTWcoughcough) prospered with better-performing and more efficient cars. While Honda and Toyota made breakthroughs in the hybrid market, you guys were busy building cars that drank gas like a rogue AA member on New Year's Eve. And honestly, did you guys really think that this car was a good idea?:


Dear MTV

Is this what MTV has come to?

Guys, let me get this out of the way: That was the WORST awards show that I've ever seen in my life. Eminem's teabagging symbolized the end of MTV as a ground-breaking, trend-setting force in the media. You guys have reduced yourself to the slapstick, rather than staying innovative, the one quality that separated MTV from any other music outlet. Let's not even talk about music and the fact that you've replaced every avenue of music on your channel with reality TV. Let's not even talk about the ridiculous lack of anything not having to do with preteen white girls (sorry it's true), even though the movie "Twilight" and the five awards it won were clearly a product of them being your target audience. MTV, let's just talk about how wack the awards were; how forced and contrived Andy Sandberg's routines were. Just because a person can make a viral spoof video, doesn't mean they can host an awards show. Come to think of it, when's the last time you guys have picked a good host? Remember this guy?:


Jeremih - Birthday Sex

Even if you've been living under a rock for the past three months, you had to have heard Jeremih's birthday sex, this summer's Official "Smooth it Out" Jam. We all know that summer tends to bring the ladies out so be prepared with this track. It's sure to keep your shorty in the mood. But wait, can we talk about the girl in the video!!!!

Dear Bow Wow

Really Bow Weezy? When did we go from being as fresh azimiz (had to spell it like that) to having sexy ass strippers (admit it, she's BAD!!) on night vision cameras? I feel like this is a sad attempt to jump into the adult market, rather than Chad Moss actually growing up. You clearly thought that by doing this, you'd somehow get everyone to forget the fact that there was once a "Lil" attached to the Bow Wow and that you were never writing your own rhymes. Regardless of your lack of skill, this is a cry for help. Maybe you should try your hand at production and actual lyric-writing before your start trying to segue into a more mature listening experience. Clearly, that stripper was a hired body and probably has a daughter that would do the same for free based on your status among pre-teen girls. That, in essence is why you're stature as a rapper will never hit home for me in the same way that it does for Soulja Boy. At least he has a an adult-oriented grind. You, on the other hand, have not only been Lil' in physical stature, but also in your understanding and comprehension of how to make it in the rap industry. But you know what? I guess it's a good thing that you're trying to step your game up. I don't think T.I. could have made any more money from you at the rate he was penning shit for you. And at least we get to see more mind-numbing videos like this:

Tell me you haven't done the dance at least once...

Fresh Daily - Tomorrow is Today

So, there's one day left in Music May (tears of sadness). That means we're going IN, and putting you on to a ridiculous amount of new music and artists. You better have some extra space on your hard drive...

Fresh Daily - Tomorrow is Today


Okay, so we (by we, I mean New Yorkers) all know Brooklyn heads, men and women, have a complex about them, an unsaid demeanor that is undeniable when in their presence and immediately detectable in throngs of people. That Brooklyn swagger, while ridiculous and annoying at times (since we all know the Bronx is where it's at), is to blame for the talents and achievements of some of the biggest names in hip-hop, sports and entertainment. The same applies for Brooklyn-bred rapper Fresh Daily, who boasts and menagerie of not only rapping, but graphic design, art and fashion design, along with being another ridiculously fresh cat. Clothing aside, dude can spit. He has a good handle of how to ride a beat and it's evident in the diversity of beats he selects. Fresh Daily isn't a lyrical rookie either, with his subtle punchlines and quick wit. This is definitely more along the lines of educated rap with a lot of art references and 5-dollar words. But that's enough talk for now. Peep the tracklisting on the back cover, the D/L link, my picks and some videos. VIVA MUSICA MAYO!!!

Fresh Daily - Tomorrow is Today


Cream of the Crop:

Space Movies
Apollo 13
Tomorrow is Today
Lazer Beams

Cream of the Crap:

Up In It
Universal Medicine

Electrik Red ft. Lil' Wayne - So Good

Simply put, these ladies are SO BAD!!!! If Music May was about sex, they would have been the first post. Regardless, they're building up a nice little following. In fact, since I'm feeling extra froggy, let's just post the original version, which, I might add is much sexier than the first. Music May, hallelujah hollaback. Ghetto revival FTW!!!

ALESSI Daytimer Watch


Gone are the days of digging through slim pockets and rubbish-filled backpacks to find cell phones or PDA's to find the time. Now is officially the time to be in the market for a timepiece (not a watch, simpletons), both casual and formal. The overwhelming popularity of Casio's G-Shock brand has opened the floodgate for high-fashion casual watches, much in the same way that Bape made everyone and their mom rock all-over print for a summer (or four). With that said, these timepieces from Italian brand ALESSI boast simple design with popping colors. They were made in collaboration with Seiko, so you know they're not some crap pieces (better start saving now). Set a reminder (pun intended) for these bad boys when they release in July. (via hypebeast)

Cleveland, Ohio

Haven't made "Greetings From" post in forever, so this was more than welcome. Greetings from Cleveland, Ohio, the second most depressing town after Detroit!!! If the Cavaliers lose, I'm urging the CDC or FBI or whoever to put the entire city of Cleveland out for a mass suicide watch. If the Cavs lost last night, I'm sure someone would have nuked the city. This video is priceless though. Makes me proud to be a New Yorker, aka a resident of the place LeBron is going to in a year. Cleveland, I hope you guys are stocking up on your Xanax, Zoloft and Prozac because 2010 is looking like it's gonna be a pretty grim year...

Dear Terry Kennedy

You never cease to amaze me TK. From being Pharrell's crony while you were on Ice Cream, to making the move the Supra, an equally questionable skateboarding brand, I'll admit that I thought your career was over. You proved me wrong though. You also proved that, while you have some semblance of an idea of what your talking about, your handle of the English language needs a serious tune-up. Also, what the fuck is up with your comparison with the Yeezy's? You gotta realize that yours is a limited edition "skateboard shoe" while you're competing against a shoe from one of the top 5 rappers and style icons today. Regardless of who sold more, you were always going to look like the loser. Hey, at least you got rid of the grill. I suggest you stick to skateboarding for now, and leave the shoe-peddling, and rapping (unfortunately, see below) to the professionals. Speaking of Skateboard P, when's the last time anyone's actually seen this man skateboard. Oh, the gall of some people...

Dear Times Square


via The New York Times:
When New York City announced a plan to shut down parts of Times Square to traffic, New Yorkers’ reactions ranged from bemusement to mild hysteria.Despite reassurances from the Transportation Department that the changes would create a greener, more pedestrian-friendly city, some critics of the plan worried that it would sap the square of its chaotic energy. Others, apparently nostalgic for the seediness of the 1970s version of the square, denounced it as another step in New York’s transformation from the world’s greatest metropolis to a generic tourist trap.

In all honesty, I've always loved you with a catch: I hate walking around you!!! Tourists make Times Square into a retarded ant-hill, with half the space and the speed. No New Yorker can ever say that they've walked through Times Square and not wanted to knock the head off of some tourist or group of tourist walking five-abreast and snapping photos of the most inconsequential shit ever. And even if you haven't, I'm sure that you have at least one friend who has wanted to end the life of a tourist for walking like his head is up his ass. Regardless, T. Square, I'm going to miss dodging traffic on 43rd trying to get to Toy'R'Us and speeding up in front of tourists. I once heard that people like the Crossroads of the World because its bright lights to them are like a huge fluorescent mosquito killer to mosquitoes. I guess now people are gonna be posted up there harder than ever. Get ready to see a million of these, with their self-definition of apathy mixed with overpriced apparel:


Black Star Reunion


Really, you don't know who Black Star are? Well, Music May is the perfect time to find out!! Mos Def and Talib Kweli, aka Black Star, are set to make a return when they set up shop at the Nokia Theater on May 30th. Along with rocking the house with some of the best hip-hop these ears have ever heard, they'll also be giving out limited collab tee shirts with streetwear brand Rocksmith. If I were you I'd try and get there early. We all know how much backpackers love their "limited" gear, especially if it was at a concert. Whatever the case, Music May continues. Peep the two collab tees and some of Black Star's greatest hits:



New Music Videos

Music May is slowly but surely coming to a close, and we at Dear Whoever are ready to close it out with a bang. Just not yet. Keep your fingers crossed for the next post and peep some of these new videos that are sure to be bumpin this summer:

The Dream and Kanye make sounding gay all the more appealing.

Fab goes hard on his mixtapes and leaks, hopefully this time he doesn't settle for doing songs for the bitches.

Can't tell you the last time I heard ANYTHING from Killer Mike.

Where the Wild Things Are

Seriously, if you are an 80s or 90s baby, movies have never been better. We're seeing all of our favorite cartoons from our childhoods being portrayed with dazzling special effects, great actors and (for the most part) good storylines. "Where the Wild Things Are" doesn't seem to be any different. This might be a pretty good date movie, if you ask me. Whatever the case, be on the lookout for more releases that take on the heroes of our youth, when our imaginations were our instincts and our minds weren't constricted by adult responsibility.

Dear Kanye

Glad to see that you finally have hopped off the auto-tune bandwagon, and that you've finally gained your sanity back. No more Theo Huxtable haircut FTW. After almost two years with you straddling the line between borderline gay Kanye and cool, cocky Kanye, it's nice to see that you're back on your grind, hard at work on the Blueprint 3 with Jay. Although I'm taken aback by your assertion that this is going to be the greatest hip-hop album of all time (why is every rapper saying that about his upcoming album?), I can dig the cocky Kanye again just because that's when you were at your best. In terms of Amber Rose, I say pass. Shorty might have a body that the gods would kill for but something just seems off about some random two-bit hoe being your arm candy. If anything, she should stay in jump-off city. But that's neither here nor there. Ye, you need to put out another HIP-HOP album. Just make sure you keep wardrobe decisions like this to yourself, especially if you're tired of being called a gay fish:
