Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

The Mailing List: September 2009 (#3)

3. Pandorum

Okay, space and sci-fi films always have to go the extra bound for me to consider them. That's because we've explored most every abyss of human fear and extra-terrestrial imagination up to this point. New ideas are so slow to come to fruition and so hard to convey in an artistic yet commercially-appealing way, that, besides Star Trek, I couldn't tell you the last good sci-fi movie I've seen. So, when a new sci-fi movie is set to come out, the premise and the trailer usually beget more than they would want, making seeing the movie less likely for me. Pandorum seems to be heading in the right direction, by coming up with a different type of movie. What if the enemy isn't an alien or some other humanoid, hell-bent on destroying humanity? What if the monster is us? That premise alone makes me curious about Pandorum and whether the movie will deliver. It's been so long since a good sci-fi / horror movie (that ISN'T a remake) has come out. I'm not too psyched about Dennis Quaid being anywhere near a camera after his performance in GI Joe, but I suppose a trip to outer space can do the man some good. Hopefully I don't regret watching this one like I did GI Joe...

Dear Hip-Hop Bloggers

This is why some people should just stick to behind the scenes work. Or better yet, this is the reason why some hip-hop blogs SUCK and others continue to grow. J. Cole is a smooth operator for taking those questions in stride like he did, but the interviewer was clearly baiting him. Is this what hip-hop blogs have come to? Fishing around for dirt? Trying to spark beef because of comparisons that clearly are rooted in colorist tendencies? If so, then please count me out. Not only is it in bad taste to more or less muckrake, it also shows that as a blog you have no originality or even a different perspective on whatever 'issues' you bring up. On a completely unrelated note, what the hell kinda name for a hip-hop magazine/blog/conglomerate is Los Angeles Leakers? It sounds like a cheap-ass porn production studio, complete with sketchy mustaches and faulty STD reports. Not to say that whoever is conducting this interview is an idiot, but I'm pretty sure they've run out of topics to deal with. Perhaps it's time to go back to the drawing board on this one...

Cory Gunz & DJ Drama - Heir to the Throne

This cover looks like it was straight from Ca$h Money, circa 1999...

Cory Gunz & DJ Drama - Heir to the Throne

Cory Gunz is a monster. I will wholeheartedly endorse that statement. However, the people he entrusts with his career are not so hot. Believe that. That's the only way that such a good lyricist could collaborate for such a disappointing mixtape. When I found out that Cory Gunz was releasing a Gangsta Grillz mixtape, I was excited because I knew it would be a legitimate cosign. Now, I feel like he's going to be relegated to the battle / hood rapper lane, when he should be going in with the rest of the Freshman class (who's up for 2010, by the way? I'm curious). Now, that's not a bad thing. But why limit yourself Cory? For someone as talented as Cory, there should be a plethora of beats. This whole mixtape sounds the same. Cory spits battle raps, shoot-em-up lyrics over hard-ass beats. The last time I checked, repetition doesn't get you anywhere (ask Wale's old flow). Versatility is what makes an artist blow.

No, Cory will never be Drake, the industry golden boy, but some fine-tuning on his versatility would do the man some good. Even with all of the DJ Drama drops and lack of content on the mixtape, lyrically and flow-wise, Cory Gunz is bounds ahead of where he used to be. He officially has one of the best vocabularies in hip-hop and is always showing the most subtle humor ever in his punchlines. And, NEWSFLASH: he now knows how to turn off his rapid-fire flow and ride a beat. That, in and of itself warrants some praise on his part. I just wish he would have extended that change to his beat selection. Check my picks, some loosies and videos for your viewing pleasure...

Cream of the Crop:
Let's Move
Plenty Money Freestyle
A New Day
Drug Raps (ironically)
Big Noise

Cream of the Crap:
Crew in the Spot
Bomb Day
Bust a Nigga Head

Cory Gunz-How We Set Em Straight
Cory Gunz-Stick Up

Nike Big Nike "Eggplant"


Simply saying the Nike Big Nike out loud sounds foolish. Come to think of it, the idea of this sneaker itself is ridiculous. Mixing the classic eggplant colorway with a sneaker that's barely a year old? What's even funnier is that the Big Nike is a mash-up of the Dunk. The whole concept is insane! Too bad the sneaker is too. Check the pictures of the Eggplant Nike Big Nike (cringe)...

via www.footlockerunlocked.com




Maybe your kid shouldn't fall of the bike!!

I'm in favor of the public option. Not only is it gonna same me some serious money, it's probably gonna make me more likely to actually seek medical help when I'm feeling bad, instead of taking Robitussin and rubbing Vapo-rub everywhere. This video is hilarious, and if you can't see that humor, then I pray for your health once the public option DOES get passed in Congress...

Dear Plaxico "Cheddar" Burress

Man, I shoulda just stayed home and watched Law and Order like I said I was gonna...

via The New York Times:
About 10 a.m., Mr. Burress, dressed in a white long-sleeve T-shirt, blue jeans and black high-tops, was called to the front of the courtroom to officially receive a two-year prison sentence from Justice Michael H. Melkonian of State Supreme Court in Manhattan.

Boy oh boy.. 730 days, my dude. I hope you brought enough books or don't mind working out all day. To tell you the truth, it could have been a lot worse. If that gun had gone off in a different direction, you might be spending a little more time in the pen. Not to make fun of your predicament, but you have to see the irony and the humor in what happened here, Plax. In addition to shooting yourself in the club (we're not even gonna try and understand why you had a gun in the first place) you ended up losing your job as a Giant (funny how they've found a way to win without him so far) and now you're going to jail for two years, with no chance of parole because of New York's strict-ass gun control laws. The gun had been unlicensed for almost eight months at the time of the incident. So, in so many ways, this was just a case of utter stupidity mixed with bad judgment.

Like I said, I'm not here to joke on you, because prison is never a thing to take lightly, but if you saw this in a movie, wouldn't you be saying the same thing? I'm sure you have at least one friend who's seen 8-Mile, and alluded to Cheddar Bob at one point or another. But seriously, when are some of you athletes gonna learn? If you need a gun to run around town in the first place, chances are you probably shouldn't be out on the town anyway. So, while I loathe how badly this case has turned out for you, you can't say there haven't been a couple of precedents set before you even stepped into the club. We haven't seen or heard from the Pac-Man Jones we originally knew and loved, so who's to say that you'll be able to come back? I suppose it's too early to tell, but two years down the line, we'll have chalked this one up to DNS (Dumb Nigga Syndrome), and the world will keep turning. Keep your head up and your soap on a rope, Plaxico. We'll keep our #17 jerseys ready for your return, hopefully...

Dear Floyd Mayweather

If that wasn't literally the definition of a laughing-stock, then I don't know what is. Floyd, you mopped the canvas with Marquez. Coming up to the fight, I genuinely thought that he would at least give you a challenge, before getting knocked out in epic fashion. I was wrong. Marquez's urine-drinking training style was no match for your speed. It was like you were fighting a decent amateur, dodging his punches that, towards the end of the fight, looked like flails from a man who realized that he had lost. Not to take anything away from you, but this fight definitely could have been better. Or better yet, it probably shouldn't have happened given the looks of the scorecard. You were too big and too strong. Outmatched from the get-go, Marquez's pillow-handed flurries never even registered on your scale. You might have been better off not even showing up for this fight. You probably still would have won.

On another note, Floyd, this fight means one thing.. Well, actually two things. You have to fight Manny Pacquiao and you have to fight Shane Mosley. Before we talk about Pacquiao, which is pretty much a given fight sometime in the next year, Mosely has been coming at you sideways for years. You need to knock dude on his ass. I don't talk a lot of crap about boxers (mostly because I'm afraid of having my face impaled), but Mosely has too weak of a record to be popping that shit at you. Destroy him in all of his doped-out, steroid-abusing glory. In terms of Pacquiao, I think this will be your toughest fight yet. Everyone says, you would outweigh and out-quick him, but Pacquiao has a better chin and is a better 'boxer' than everyone you've faced in the last 5 years, hence him being the pound-for-pound best. Take this fight, and you take that title; it's as simple as that. Anything else would make you the laughing stock...

Dear Rush Limbaugh

If that's not the quintessential "The Man" pose, then I don't know what is...

via The Raw Story:
In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United States needed to return to racially segregated buses.

Referring to an incident in which a white student was beaten by black students on a bus, Limbaugh said: “I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”

Racism hasn't died, and by the looks of it, might never die. So, Mr. Barack the Magic Negro, you're gonna talk about black people being racist? Man, you've probably been off of your "prescription" drugs a little too long, peddling crap like that. Let me ask you one thing though: if the white kids beat up the black kid, would THAT automatically be racially motivated? The thing I don't get about most racist people is their sheer, ridiculous inability to see things from any perspective than their own. You're no different Mr. Limbaugh. You and some of these 'pundits' have these "white trash moments" (as opposed to a nigga moment) where normal logic is overridden by wild, latent (or open) racist tendencies. What's worse is that it was a public white trash moment, a moment that not only embarrasses you, it embarrasses your race. Regardless of your idiocy, Rush, you screwed up this time. I'm just guessing, but there definitely have been times when you've been in an enclosed space with more than one black man and haven't been attacked. That should tell you something. Maybe you should be the segregated one...

Freestyle Friday (9/18)

What's up people!! Hoy es Viernes, and we got a freestyle (sorry just one; everything out right now is either wack or irrelevant) for those hungry ears of yours. It's from KiD CuDI on Peter Rosenberg's show. Dude seems to have put together a good verse, but the censors basically made it worth nill. Still, I had to post it up. I can't put my finger on why I dig CuDi, but even when he puts questionable shit out, the way he does it makes whatever fuckery that comes out of his mouth less silly. Check the cipher...

Dear World Bank


via Times Online:
The World Bank is spending billions of pounds subsidising new coal-fired power stations in developing countries despite claiming that burning fossil fuels exposes the poor to catastrophic climate change. The bank, which has a goal of reducing poverty and is funded by Britain and other developed countries, calls on all nations in a report today to “act differently on climate change”.

It says that the world must reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, but it is funding several giant coal-burning plants that will each emit millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide a year for the next 40 to 50 years.

Really, guys? This is how we 'go green'? By investing more money into nonrenewable energy? See, this is the exact type of bass ackwards-type thinking that's gonna end up with us having a solar holocaust because the hole in the ozone layer is bigger than Tila Tequila's forehead. No seriously, reading this story made me upset considering I am (for once) trying to reduce my own carbon footprint. I know recycling isn't that big of a change, but every little bit helps. That little bit might not be enough though, considering you guys just added about 50 years worth of smog to our atmosphere with this new investment. The worst part about funding these 'carbon dioxide plants' is that most of them will be located in developing countries, where damn near all of our oxygen is coming from! That makes soooooooo much sense, guys. Let's put the cigarette in the lung that's NOT infected with lung cancer and emphysema. Oh, no better yet, let's shine ultraviolet light right down on the fair-skinned, skin cancer-susceptible patch of flesh that we just happened to miss with sunblock. Seriously, I hate when politicians pass crap laws and allow amendments that go right under our noses. You guys are no different. So what if you issued a report saying that we have to reduce dependence on fossil fuels? What's the point if you're doing the exact thing you say we SHOULDN'T do? I've had it up to here with world leaders destroying our planet under ridiculous pretenses. If you see a spaceship on it's way to the Moon, you know where to find me...

PS: Allowing this motion to pass not only shows sheer inconsideration for the poor of this world, it shows how short-sighted world politicians are today. I get more and more disillusioned with the state of our world by the day, and to tell you the truth..

Nike Air Structure Triax 91 - Electric Green - Spring 2010


Forget 2012. The world might end after 2010 with all of the dope happenings going on. Along with NBA free agency, the sneaker game is looking like it's gonna hit a serious resurgence in 2010. With the exception of the SB division (everything I've seen looks like garbage), Nike has a lineup that might put it back on top next year. Check some more pictures of what's becoming one of my favorite shoes these days, the Air Structure Triax 91...




The Mailing List: September 2009 (#1)

I've said it before and I'll say it again. No matter how badly they fuck up the stories or the characters or anything, I'll always love seeing my favorite childhood books, stories, and TV shows, placed on the silver screen (why do they call movies the silver screen anyway?). This is no different. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was always one of my favorite books because of how outlandish the premise was. Think about it. Food falling from the sky? That's the stuff that dreams are made out of. Check the trailer for Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, and see if you can find the differences between the book and movie (yeah I'm a nerd)...

Dear Jay-Z (last letter to Jay for a minute)

Now, before you get your panties all in a bunch, please note that I have been an avid Jay-Z listener from the time I could understand what hip-hop was. Don't take this letter as my disdain for his music or legacy. Just read it for what it is: a discourse on the commercialization and watering-down of a hip-hop icon. Here goes:

Same Jay, different day...

(turns off T-Pain) So you don't like auto-tune Jay? Turn off the radio. You're off that now? Who cares? Jay, for the past five years, I've sat back and listened quietly. I've seen all the videos, heard the albums, and sadly, looked at all of the coverage of every time you blow your nose in public. I must say, I'm SICK OF IT. Last night, I had one of the most honest discussions about your music over the past few years, and I've come to one conclusion: Your music has become vapid. It's ironic that I say that, because for 99% of hip-hop artists, The Blueprint 3 would have been a classic under their belt. But we're not talking about Soulja Boy or whoever else; we're talking about you. Since your 2003 offering 'The Black Album', which was supposed to mark the end of your career, you've released three more albums. All of them have sold well in stores and garnered critical acclaim to your already illustrious rap career. There's only one problem: NONE of them are saying anything new. If I may, here is a run-down of the topics you've been discussing over the past 5 years in your lyrics (of course I can't account for every topic, but these are the most prevalent themes in your raps):

- Being from Brooklyn, Brooklyn ideology, Brooklyn streets, etc.
- Having sold drugs in Brooklyn, being a dope-boy, etc.
- Your success as a rapper
- Your success as a businessman
- Your relationship with Beyonce
- Your disdain for things (auto-tune, jerseys, etc.)
- Your image, aura, swagg, or whatever you want to call it

Now, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but how in the world did you drop three albums under those same pretenses? If ANY other rapper talked about that for three albums, not only would their sales drop, their fanbase would dwindle faster than the Madoff's trust fund. What I'm trying to say, Jay, is that you have been completely watered-down over the past 6 years. You raised a good point about this, saying that "if you want to hear Jay from Reasonable Doubt, then listen to Reasonable Doubt" (I can't find the quote; sue me). By that same token, if we want to hear about being from Brooklyn and selling drugs, why not listen to Maino? If we want to hear about being a businessman and having relationships with sexy women, why not listen to Diddy (this is for comparison, not my actual music preferences)? My point is, that your lyrics are starting to follow such a pattern, that it makes listening to you a chore at this point.

People say you're creative, but in terms of what? Adding awkward accentuation and ad-libs to your songs? Having different beats? I can find both of those elsewhere, and presented in a fresher way than you. Creativity doesn't mean finding new ways to present rehashed ideas, nor does it mean adding peripheral things to an already tried and true formula. Creativity in hip-hop is the act of bringing something new to the table; something unseen to that point and unheralded before. People say that your legacy as a rapper is what makes you special. If that's the case, then why don't more heads claim Nas as the GOAT? Illmatic is the only album to receive 5 mics from The Source (when it was legitimate), which is something you can't say for Reasonable Doubt, the album it's most compared to. Also, in terms of legacy, there are tons of other rappers who have been in the game as long as you have; Snoop, AZ, Busta Rhymes, Q-Tip, The Roots, Cam'Ron, The Clipse (I DARE you to debate that one), Common, Fat Joe and the Wu-Tang Clan have all been there since the same time as you. And let's not even mention Biggie, Big L or Big Pun, because hypotheticals will only make the argument more muddled. But regardless, legacy shouldn't have anything to do with your status. Legacy comes after that. You don't give a professor tenure because he's been at a college for so long. Why give you the throne because of that?

So if it isn't your content, your creativity or your legacy, then what is it that makes rap fans salivate whenever they hear your name? I'll tell you what it is: your name, that's all. The Jay-Z we know today is selling out concerts and selling millions of albums because of his name. Since the Black Album all of your albums have used your name and the clout you earned prior to 2003 in a sometimes-misguided effort to stay relevant. If most hip-hop fans were as vigilant as I am, they would notice that not much has changed about your lyrics or content or flow over the past three albums. It's been the outside changing not the inside. It's like a new version of Madden. Regardless of the gameplay or features, you'll buy the game anyway because of the roster updates and new packaging, no matter how little has changed. Right now, Jay, to me, you're Madden 2004 in 2009 packaging. Instead of wearing button-ups, you're on to Wayfarer shades and exclusive sneakers. Instead of rocking odious chains and wife-beaters, it's expensive jeans. Instead of rapping about drug-dealing, you're rapping about rapping about drug-dealing. Everything you're offering right now, I've seen, liked and am being forced to like again, because hordes of fans can't see past the latest trend (DOA and Run this Town). But to me, and hopefully those who can understand this letter, there's nothing more than an updated copy of Reasonable Doubt and a new haircut...

Dear Cellular Providers

I'd rather walk around like this and get the service I need than spend one more day over-paying for bullshit...

As I sat in a seemingly endless line at the Sprint Store today, praying that I wouldn't have to pay an exorbitant amount of money to fix my phone's cracked screen, a thought dawned on me. A simple one at that: Why? Why do we shell over hundreds of dollars a month for a technology that is not only 10 years old, but also is getting cheaper to provide every day? Why do cell phone providers feel the need to lure us in with seemingly frugal deals only to up their prices months later? Why is it that every time I have a problem with my phone, I have to call a number, be placed on hold and then speak to a representative who knows just as much about English as I do about President Obama's sex life? Why? Why? WHY? Well, I did some research and I came up with some startling news: the United States pays more for cellular service than any country in the world. That's right. Check it and check my letter to cell phone providers:

via The Consumerist:
A new survey from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) compared annual costs around the world for consumers who have cellphones, and the U.S. is in the top three for most expensive. How expensive? DSLReports notes that "on average, the OECD found that Americans pay $635.85 on cell phone service, compared to $131.44 per year in the Netherlands or $137.94 per year in Sweden."

Really, Sprint? Really, AT&T and Verizon? So while I'm forking over over $600 per year (I know for a fact it's more), my Scandinavian brethren are spending chump change on the same services? I've had enough of this. My phone's been broke twice this summer, both from quality-related issues. It seems like the more money we as consumers spend on your crummy service, the less you give us. I mean, seriously. Since when was data over an iPhone actually worth the extra $30 a month? Since when has repairing a phone cost more than the phone itself? There's no doubt in my mind that we need (arghh, I hate to admit that) cell phones in today's fast-paced world. However at what cost? You guys always seem to have a new deal that lures in customers but never seem to be able to satisfy the ones you already have. What's worse is that we as Americans continue to feed into this vicious cycle. With every year, as the technology gets more and more advanced (and cheaper), we spend more money to acquire it. While the cost for sending the data we so desperately need goes down, we spend more.

I'm no wireless expert, but for the amount I'm paying, shouldn't my reception bars NEVER go down if I'm in a relatively big city (say, Philadelphia or New York)? With the number of house phones decreasing year by year, I feel like the percentage of cellular phones being a person's only phone is increasing. By that token, shouldn't the price of service be decreasing? Shouldn't services like text-messaging and e-mail, which are becoming ubiquitous fixtures on everyone's device, be included? Yes, I'm mad about my phone. Yes, I'd rather not drop a lot of money to fix it, but for the money I'm spending, shouldn't these phones be a bit more durable? I feel like every time I put my phone anywhere that isn't by my ear, it's at risk for some BS happening to it. Seriously, do me a favor, cell providers. Either lower your prices or make your services better. And not better by putting up a fancy waiting list in your store. Give us a flat rate and exceptional reception. Give us phones that don't break every two months. Better yet, give us phones that don't cost more to fix than to buy. Most importantly, stop nickel and diming us after the fact. They say that there's no way in the world to make an honest million. You've made your millions. At least try to be honest with the customers you know you'll be giving upgrades to next year anyway...

Curren$y - Elevator Musik

If you don't see how dope Curren$y is, then you're clearly blinded by his constant talk of marijuana, cars and women. Sometimes content doesn't have to be the strongest attribute of a rapper for that rapper to be nice. Hot Spitta is the ultimate example. He has slick wordplay and really good command of the English language, which is a lot more than I can say for 95% of hip-hop today. Check out the video for 'Elevator Musik' off of "This Ain't No Mixtape"...

Pac Div - Pac Div (Video)

Along with the Cool Kids, Pac Div are the next group to blow in the rap game. If they don't blow up in the next year, then hip-hop is going down the toilet. Their mix of sharp lyrics and a California (insert synonym for swag) that is a breath of fresh air makes them that much more appealing in these days of Gucci Mane and Soulja Boy. Plus, the video for Pac Div is dope too. Check it out, and keep it locked to Dear Whoever...