Everic White

Social media, audience, product management, SEO strategy & journalism

Dear Kanye

So umm, I wasn't aware that the awards were up for debate this year, Kanye?? I don't think anyone else knew either. But seriously, this was unbelievable. Just when I thought you'd gone as far off the deep end as you could have gone last year when you started dating a former stripper, you pull this out. Not only did you manage to make yourself look like a jackass, you basically made Beyonce's win for Video of the Year look like a joke (not that the MTV Awards aren't a joke in the first place). Taylor Swift's reaction was priceless and what I would expect any young country singer to do if confronted with a heavily inebriated, highly egotistical rap star. But seriously, Ye, what in God's name was that? At least saying "George Bush doesn't care about black people" made some sense in a universal sense. This incident is like George Jefferson walking into a KKK meeting and slapping the leader. This was just utter disregard for social convention, which I'm actually a fan of, but time and place are always of the essence.

Twitter went into a feeding frenzy last night when this aired, and one of the things that people were saying is that it was 'sending black people back to slavery'. Kanye, you might have embarrased yourself and that stripper of a girlfriend, but don't take the Twitterverse's take on it. Black people were doomed from the moment Joe Jackson took the mic at the BET Awards. It just took you Punk'ing the Whitest Teenager in America for the rest of the world to know...

PS: What's good with your hair last night, man? Seriously, whichever barber is giving you cuts like these needs to be cut.. repeatedly...



What have you done with your life recently?


Now, I don't mean that to say that what Stan Munro has created in his free-time is any more important than health care debates or getting our troops home, but perspective does lend itself to his genius, and that of all quirky personalities. This man has recreated some of the world's most amazing buildings out of about 6 million toothpicks over the course of 6 years. If you can find anyone with that type of passion for anything, then that person has to be truly accomplished in what they love. Like I said before, perspective lends itself to the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make every accomplishment worthwhile. That said, what have you done with your life recently?

via DailyMail




Dear Michael Jordan

So, with the unbelievable suck-off session that the sports world was giving you today, I was a bit contentious going into watching the speech. Between ESPN, the blogosphere, Twitter and the news, Michael Jordan was up there with health care debate news. Being the cynical person I am, it turned me off. But alas, here I am writing about it. Mike, it goes without saying that you are the greatest player of all time. Any person can agree on that, and if they can't then they at least acknowledge your greatness. What I didn't expect was how well rounded you are. I didn't expect you to sound like Sophocles, but at the same time the perspective you gave was ridiculous. For over 21 years I've heard everyone else's idea of you and why you're the man. To hear it straight from the horse's mouth was an experience as a basketball fanatic and sneaker connoisseur. I don't wanna sit here and hold your pocket all day, because its simply not in my nature and because it makes for a boring letter, but the moments you provided were awe-inspiring to me as a child. Byron Russell might be salty every time he thinks about this speech, but he can't ever be mad that you crossed him up and got the shot off. I don't think anyone in that arena, or watching game or ever to watch the game had any doubt whether it was going in. Kudos, Mike...

PS: Why weren't more people hyped about John Stockton? Dude did it for even longer than Jordan, and in tighter shorts, but gets NO love...

Can anyone ever debate how ridiculous of a player this man is? I certainly doubt it...

NBA 2K10

Dear sweet Jesus... For the past four months, summer leagues and free agency have been the minuscule headlines for the NBA. But on October 6th, that all changes, when NBA 2K10 drops. The only game that I play religiously returns for its 10th year on the shelves and looks set to shake the basketball world again. Honestly all I can say is this: If you play 2K10, get at me. And if you play NBA Live, please off yourself. That is all...

Freestyle Friday (9/11)

Hey, what's up people. It's Friday and that means one thing and one thing only: Freestyles. Last week I left y'all with nothing to rock out to (I was moving into a new apartment), so this week I'm gonna hit you with the freestyle overload. The first one is from the ATL representer, Donnis. He spits over Mobb Deep's 'Burn' and 'Hottest in the Hood' by Red Cafe. To be completely honest, I'm still not sold on him. I think some of the stuff he says is elementary and that his flow needs work (just an opinion). The second one is from Wale, who's been going in a much different direction lyrically as of late. Dude's been focusing a lot more on storytelling and wordplay rather than just spitting, and it's scary good. With that said, he reverts back to his everyday flow, which gets annoying in this cipher. The third one is by a newcomer, named JD Era. This is my first intro to dude, and by the flag in the background, I'm assuming he's from Canada. He has a very aggressive flow, which I like, given how many 'softer' lyricists have been coming out lately. Whatever the case, check the ciphers and keep it locked to Dear Whoever, people...

Dear Representative Wilson


via The New York Times:
In an angry and very audible outburst, Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, interrupted President Obama’s speech Wednesday night with a shout of “You lie!”

Though he later apologized, his eruption — in response to Mr. Obama’s statement that Democratic health proposals would not cover illegal immigrants — stunned members of both parties in the House chamber.

Democrats said it showed lack of respect for the office of the presidency and was reminiscent of Republican disruptions at recent public forums on health care.

The picture says it all. South Carolina is really tripping over their own feet this summer. Not only do you have adulterers finding their soulmates in South America, now you have Tourette's sufferers in your state government. But seriously, is that not the shout heard round the world in terms of the health care debate? You, Mr. Wilson, a conservative representative from South Carolina, make a random outburst, most likely out of frustration at President Obama's smooth and veritable speech. That outburst might have just saved the health care reform, with the conservatives resorting to whining and spreading misinformation at town halls, and now disrespecting the President in front of Congress and the Nation.

What's even funnier than the faces on two representatives next to you, is the fact that Obama wouldn't even hear your apology after the speech was over. He just gave you 'the look' and kept it moving like a real G (the first and only time you'll hear me refer to someone as a G). You're like the kid on the playground that got joked on every day, and then yelled the WORST yo mama joke EVER; now you just look dumb. And not to mention, the uproar of boos afterward was priceless. I wish they had a picture of you, most likely cowering in your seat, when you realized that your shout wouldn't cause a slow clap. Last but not least, Rep. Wilson, this incident probably is going to cost your reelection. In the eight hours after your own personal PR disaster, campaign donations to your probable opponent, Rob Miller topped $100,000. But I suppose you'll get over the screw-up. You and your Republican homies have endured worse. Osama bin Laden is still on a milk carton, and the only weapon of mass destruction we've found is your mouth...


Air Jordan XII - White / Varsity Red


The Air Jordan XII is the last of the classic Jordan releases in my opinion. This is the last Jordan sneaker to have a simple, clean design without the ridiculous accoutrement (look that shit up) of later releases like the XVII (17) or 2009. Jordan Brand has had a good deal of misses in the past 3 years but they've definitely been making up for it with a host of high-profile releases like this one. While the shape deviates from the OG version a bit, there's no doubt that this release should be in high demand when it drops this holiday...

via Flight Club Tistory





The Mailing List: September 2009 (#4)

I will say it right now. Curb Your Enthusiasm is my favorite show. The dry, sardonic humor encapsulates my cynical nature. Enough about me though. This show is completely situation-based. Any awkward encounter or ideology that you've come across in your life cannot compare to the hilarity that ensues when Larry David does his trademark stare. Hell, even the score to this show is hilarious. Do your soul a favor and check the behind the scenes of Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and catch the season premiere on September 20th...

G-Shock Fall ‘09


So basically, everyone and their mom has a G-Shock. They've become as ubiquitous in streetwear as Levis and Nike SB. This fall is falling right in line with Casio's usual aesthetic, and looks to add a few more colors to the steady design of the G-Shock. Check some more pictures of the Fall 2009 G-Shock collection...




The Kid Daytona & Bun B - Air Born

From his debut album 'Come Fly With Me' (see it here), The Kid Daytona finally dropped the video for his track with Bun B, Air Born. If you can't a fan of Daytona, then I don't know why you consider yourself a hip-hop fan. The man is simply a lyrical wizard. His flow works over so many different beats and his wordplay is smooth and quick-witted. Of course Bun, the Underground King, had to lace the track with some vintage flows. I can't say enough about the Notherground camp and the direction they're going, especially with 6th Sense producing tracks like this. Check the video for Air Born, and keep it posted for more drops people. AYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!

Dear Allen Iverson


Okay, since it's Twitter-official, I figured it's high time I wrote this letter, Allen. No player, besides Michael Jordan, has had your effect on the game in terms of style, attitude and overall flair. From the braids (RIP), to the tattoos, to the headband, to the arm sleeve, to the sneakers, you put so many trends on the map and are the author of so many INSANE chapters in the NBA. You're one of my favorite players to watch, but always have been a frustrating prospect because of the negatives you bring. That killer crossover beget almost 4 turnovers a game for your career. That fearless attitude on the court brought you scoring titles and an MVP, but title. In some ways, going to the Memphis Grizzlies will be a second chance to show that you can play nice with the kiddies. On the other hand this might be your last bow out. Giving you a one year deal is essentially the Grizzlies begging for veteran leadership.

Now, are you gonna be Jewelz, the team-destroyer and shot-hogger, or are you gonna step to the plate and be the spark that OJ, Rudy and the rest of the young Grizzlies need to realize their potential? On paper, you going to the Grizzlies is a Godsend, but we all know what happened in Detroit, Mr. "I'd Rather Retire Than Come Off the Bench". At this point in your career, when your body isn't covered in Teflon anymore, your KNOWLEDGE of the game is gonna supersede your physical additions to the team. Do yourself and the Grizzlies a favor, and TRY to co-exist. If not to get the Grizzlies out of the bottom of the Southwest Division, do it so that I don't lose all faith in the awe-inspiring player you used to be. Seriously, AI, toss some alley's to Rudy and Sam Young, and try to let OJ get a couple of shots in. It won't be a lost season and it'll make my choice to bang with the Grizzlies (along with the Warriors, Clippers and Mavericks) in NBA 2K10 not as outlandish...

Despite his troubles, who can debate the greatness that is the Answer??

Even Jordan caught it...

Two of my favorite basketball commercials EVER...

Dear Skip Bayless

Having watched ESPN religiously for at least the past 10 years of my life, the network's ills and faults are obvious. However, one clear abomination which should be eradicated still exists. That would be you, Skip. Never has one man shelled out so much hate, not taking into account how little he himself has to offer to the sports world. Skip, you're always making snide remarks about athletes. When's the last time you've taken the field of play on a professional football player? Better yet, to put you in Chad's shoes, when's the last time you've caught an NFL touchdown reception? Ummm, never?? You're saying that Chad is all about self-promotion. If that's what he's about, then what are you about? Unsubstantiated criticism? Check. Underhanded racism? Check. A really bad hair-do? Check. I've never seen a more disagreeable commentator. I guess it's no wonder you don't actually host or comment on any games. No other ESPN personality must be able to deal with that high-ass voice mixed in with the douchebaggery and fuckery that comes out of your mouth. Do yourself a favor and Skip yourself far away from a microphone before you get shown up on your own show.. AGAIN

Obama's Speech to School Children

Seriously, President Obama is an unbelievably good orator. The man just has a penchant for connecting with his audience and showing his empathy through his speech. While I'm not sure that the kids in the U.S. will pick up Obama's call, I am sure that he turned some heads yesterday. It's also obvious that conservative America has met it's match. The speech that was supposed to 'indoctrinate Socialist ideas' in America's youth, was nothing more than a display of good faith and a call for American students to be responsible for their own educational futures. No propaganda or mud-slinging here. I really hope to hear more from this man. Hopefully he can change minds on our health care, just like he did in Arlington yesterday...

Reebok Pump Court Victory 2 “Miami Vice”


I'm predicting it right now. The Reebok Pump will become what the Nike Dunk SB was 3 years ago: a ubiquitous staple in wardrobes all over. It starts with loud colors like this and innovative packs like the Seven Deadly Sins pack (see here), then just blows up into a full-blown trend. Fads aside, this design is sooooooo DOPE. If it's not the bright colors (this might be something to put on ice until next summer), it's the classic design, or just the great theme to it. Whatever the case, check the pictures after the jump, and remember to roll those sport jacket sleeves up while you're dancing to Prince at some mid-1980's discotheque...




The Informant

Matt Damon is really underrated as an actor, which is a lot more than I can say about his Good Will Hunting buddy Ben Afleck. Failed careers aside, this movie looks like it's gonna be pretty funny for the plot and the premise, if not just for Matt Damon in a ridiculous mustache. Check the trailer people...

Dear White House

via The New York Times:
Last week, conservative talk show hosts accused the president of sinister motives, and some parents vowed to keep their children out of school on Tuesday.

Some conservatives focused on the letter-writing activity as an effort by the administration to use classrooms to build political support for the president. Department officials on Wednesday replaced that initial suggested activity with one in which students would “write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term educational goals.”

This is the problem with America: People are too lazy to want to be truly socially engaged. People would rather complain about the status quo and not do anything than find out what the problem is and make moves to improve it. When President Obama's plan to ask the students of America to write letters archiving their ideas for improving the nation hit the press and other political 'pundits', it was mostly panned. For what reason? What exactly is wrong with the President being engaging to the youth of America? Since when is the leader of the nation addressing the youth of the nation about self-determination and working hard a problem? I thought that this was the land where hard work and self-determination were the ultimate tools for social ascension. I thought that No Child Left Behind meant that the nation would be held accountable for every child. Why then is Obama's initiative looked at as a political move? Why can't he just want to motivate our youth?

To tell you the truth, I've grown so so so disillusioned with the political machine of America. This is the only country in the world that professes such an ideal of civic engagement, yet 90% of its citizens have no earthly clue how politics affect them. Looking at the town hall meetings its evident that the adults of America are ignorant of the ills that they've been fed for the past 8 years under George Bush. It's only right that they try to hold back the progression of their youth, seeing that the new President has more concern for their ideological understanding than they do. America can only go as far as the youth that it breeds. And if our derision of President Obama's ambitions is any indicator of the future, I'm moving to England, pronto. Somebody send THIS letter to the President...

Dear Benzino

Benzino - Good Fellaz

No, no, no... Zino, have you lost your cotton picking mind? I thought writing this letter and that getting in that ass (pause) would be a feat of ultimate ease, but it still needed to be written. So you pronounce your disdain for blogs and the internet as a means for promoting music, and then send your music to blogs? That's like claiming to be a fair and balanced hip-hop magazine and having biased reviews for artists that you don't like!! Wait a minute, you already did that. Honestly, Zino, if your rap career wasn't over after your magazine got exposed and Eminem shat on you lyrically, it sure as hell isn't coming back any time soon. You're on the wrong side of 30 with NO buzz and never really had a rap career to speak of in the first place. Not to say that the track was whack (it was), but if you were going to come at someone you already lost to, you had to come harder than that. And what's good with dissing Slaughterhouse? If you were going for the numbers game, then you completely fucked up on this one. I can't even describe the internal laughter coming from my computer. I'll just end it the way you started it. See below...

Another nail in the coffin of an already dead career...